Romney is about as "unemployed" as any freelancer - he still generates upwards of $10 million"
Not a good comparison. Romney IS "unemployed" in the sense that he doesn't have an employer. He works for himself.
Today we find ourselves in an even bigger financial crisis and the rich are crying about how even raising their 35% a tiny bit will ruin them financially
Who cares what the rich are crying about? The problem with raising taxes on the rich is it destroys investment and job growth.
Historically we know this is bull**** - the millionaires of the late 40's did not go bankrupt. In fact they ended up making MORE money in the long run for investing in America's job market and middle class.
That was a different time and the world was different. That's pretty much irrelevant to our current world economy.
It is NOT class warfare to raise taxes on the rich.
Yes it is. Raising taxes on the rich is the government playing Robin Hood stealing from the rich to give to the poor. Problem is the rich are the one's who do the employing. Attack the rich and there are far fewer jobs in the economy.
It IS class warfare to let the rich do shady **** that destroys 300 million jobs overnight, and not only fail to punish them, but BAIL THEM OUT. Romney is in bed with these *******s. His top financiers are Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, etc (same as Obama)
I completely agree with you on bailouts. I'm a libertarian and Ron Paul supporter myself. My problem with this statement (and some of your earlier statements) is you lump all rich people together as being shady. Most of the people you lumping into the category of "rich" are small business owners such as mom and pop operations that are unlucky enough to fall into the higher income tax brackets. These people aren't millionaires and Wall Street moguls, yet you seem to want them to pay higher taxes which will destroy jobs.
In fact the only discernable difference between Romney and Obama is that one wants welfare for the rich and the other wants welfare for the poor. Neither will honor the will of the American people, nor will they remedy the financial problems we are facing, because they subscribe to the same Keynesian, fiat money, scam economy that got us in this mess.
Romney is a far cry from Obama. Granted, Romney has ties to Wall Street. However, he, unlike Obama, knows how the economy works. The economic policies that got us into this mess is big government spending. And the housing bubble caused by the Nancy Pelosi led congress prior to the 2010 election in which the Republican's took back the House. Sure, Romney is a moderate. But together, with the Republican House (many of whom are Tea Partiers) and the Senate (hopefully with a Republican majority after the coming elections), Romney will be far more inclined to pass economically sound legislation and cut spending more-so than Obama.
Ron Paul is the only sane choice if we really want to change things up. The rest are all corrupt and firmly lodged up the rectums of lobbyists and bankers. That said it will take a miracle to get Paul elected. We've already seen voter fraud in two states and the media is doing everything possible to marginalize his popularity
I agree about Ron Paul. As I said, I'm a supporter. However, I wonder if you really even understand Ron Paul's message? Ron Paul is 100% against income tax, even on the rich.