So my fraternity is paired with the hottest sorority for homecoming


Senior Don Juan
Apr 6, 2009
Reaction score
Pittsburgh, PA and State College, PA
And I'm still a virgin. Should I keep it classy and not flirt with them hardcore? I figure I should probably just play it cool and act like this kind of thing happens all the time, keep the flirting a bit more subtle to begin with and just have fun. It's a shame that balls-out super horny super physical game doesn't work universally.

In case you don't know what homecoming is in greek life, it's basically drinking while building a float. We're a mid-ranked fraternity (last year I was in the bottom-ranked fraternity until we merged with a mid-ranked one) and we're doing homecoming with the top-ranked sorority, and last year we didn't even have a homecoming partner, so I'm pretty excited.

I'm not looking for specific advice or analysis, just what your mindset would be going into this.


Don Juan
Jun 28, 2009
Reaction score
Dude if ur mixing and there's alcohol there should be music and a dj. If there isn't, then I feel sorry for you


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2007
Reaction score
Remember what you're there to do. Build a float. So keep business, business. But also be having fun, be talkative, and be friendly. Think of this as a gateway. If you play it cool during this, it will allow you to approach them more easily later on, or in other outside social situations. Now every time you run into them, you can say Hi to them and it's no awkward. You have established a common ground. You don't have to necessarily jump the gun and hook up with one right away. Just do your thing, be confident, be funny, crack some sexual related jokes, be playful and tease them a bit, don't be afraid to bust their balls. Just be cool, get your sh!t done, and enjoy yourself. If you have the right mindset and attitude, it won't be long before one of them starts to gravitate towards you. So instead of picking a target and possibly getting rejected, you find the one that you KNOW is interested in you and make the magic happen.

Good luck.



Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2009
Reaction score
I thought US Frat dudes wouldn't need any sort of DJ help or even NEED to be on here. Usually, from what I see and hear, they're just getting drunk and being laid is by default. Chicks on a silver platter and very little game needed. But thats from a UK perspective. We don't have Frats or Sororities here. Just Societies. Do you play sports OP?

War Against Betaism

Master Don Juan
Aug 19, 2007
Reaction score
HeyPachuco! said:
I thought US Frat dudes wouldn't need any sort of DJ help or even NEED to be on here. Usually, from what I see and hear, they're just getting drunk and being laid is by default. Chicks on a silver platter and very little game needed.
It's true, but it's not like you have more room for error to make, you still have to be careful with your game. It's just a lot easier being in a fraternity. Cause I love sharing stories, I remember going to a sorority party 2 hours away from where I lived and absolutely knew no one there besides the person who invited us (who passed out literally 10 minutes after bringing us in). I felt kind of uneasy at first because it was a wild party and everyone knew each other since they all went to that school.

As soon as I went in I went to the alcohol section and then one of the sorority girls asked me if I needed help, I just asked her if they had a certain kind of drink (I usually only drink darks), and then I started asking her questions about her sorority, we found out we started pledging for our orgs the same year and we usually refer other people who pledged for their fraternities/sororities as our pledge brothers/sisters, and she got REALLY excited, walked away, and then LITERALLY brought 10 of her sisters with her to introduce to me. She's like "Sisters this is WAB he's our pbro!!!"

That entire night all I was doing was drinking and meeting girls and because of this we made a connection to a sorority 2 hours away from us. I went from knowing NO ONE to knowing EVERYONE at that party. At the same time though this wouldn't have been possible if I didn't know "the game". If I wasn't asking the sorority girl questions at the beginning of the party, none of this would have happened for me. Any other guy would have said something like "Oh no it's okay I don't really need help but thanks."

If everyone here that has a decent understanding of game were in a fraternity, everyone would be having a field day.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2009
Reaction score
War Against Betaism said:
It's true, but it's not like you have more room for error to make, you still have to be careful with your game. It's just a lot easier being in a fraternity

Is it me or does anyone, regardless if they're in a Fraternity, who do sports (football, lacrosse, whatever) have social status on default. What is the difference with being in shared-accomodation in uni/college from being in a frat. What does the Greek Way of Life have to do with drinking, getting laid and knowing 90% of everyone there is to know? Did you go through any ''Hazing'' to join?, I can't understand why some dudes go through hell to get a room.

Seems like any dude who is good on the field (sportsfield) in US College life is guranteed to be having sex with lots of girls, or at the very least, talked about amongst lots of girls with high social status. In this case, why does the whole 'Frat' thing matter? Concept of being ''apart of'', I'm guessing.

War Against Betaism

Master Don Juan
Aug 19, 2007
Reaction score
HeyPachuco! said:

Is it me or does anyone, regardless if they're in a Fraternity, who do sports (football, lacrosse, whatever) have social status on default. What is the difference with being in shared-accomodation in uni/college from being in a frat. What does the Greek Way of Life have to do with drinking, getting laid and knowing 90% of everyone there is to know? Did you go through any ''Hazing'' to join?, I can't understand why some dudes go through hell to get a room.

Seems like any dude who is good on the field (sportsfield) in US College life is guranteed to be having sex with lots of girls, or at the very least, talked about amongst lots of girls with high social status. In this case, why does the whole 'Frat' thing matter? Concept of being ''apart of'', I'm guessing.
Well there's a limit to how many people can be on a sports team in college so that definitely plays a factor, and what if you're not very good at it and don't make the team? But I do agree with your last line, people always want to be a part of something bigger than them, or are just looking to get some girls. Personally I only joined mine because I thought the people were really chill and I really liked them, but I'm not gonna lie, being able to meet sorority girls played a good factor too.