Telling them that they're wrong and treating you like a child is probably one of the most difficult things you'll ever do, but it needs to be done if you want them to treat you better.
A good starting point for sure, but I don't see that getting anywhere with brosnake from what he's told us. I know it sure didn't work for me. When I told them that they
will treat me like an adult, it had no effect. I don't think it even registered in their brains. Something needs to "click" in their minds before they can see you as an adult.
Now I have a great relationship with both of my parents. When I go down to O.C. on business, my dad says "hey why don't you stay at our place. we have 40 lbs of steaks in the freezer, and you can even smoke pot in the house - oh and bring your dog if you like."
Why is he so flexible? Because if he wasn't, he'd be lucky to get a few hours of my time during a busy trip.
And it looks like everyone here understands the secret - AVAILABILITY. It's the currency we use to reward people that respect us and treat us well, whether it be our parents, or the chicas in our life.
Dude, if I were you, I'd outline my c0ck on a piece of paper and mail it to them. That's the only apology they'd get from me.
I would never disrespect my parents that way, but that doesn't mean I'll make myself available to listen to their bullsh!t either.