Fri Jan 06 2006
Dammit I had a long post typed and I lost it thanks to the max_connections mysql error.

Anyway I head to a club called Scribbles in Diamond Bar with my 2 main wings, Alan and Dan.
Things start off slow as we got there too early but eventually some females show up. I see a fine big booty black female give me some eye contact as she walked by. Dan spots a 2 set sitting a few feet away and he opens the set and I join in. It was 2 hispanic girls, his target was to me unattractive but he was digging her. Her friend was cute. I join in, engage in small talk but it went nowhere and they ejected.
After those girls ejected I see 4 females sitting to my left. My friend and I were joking about how the club felt like a junior high school dance, everyone was in their own little groups and no one was really talking to each other. I decide to use that as an opener on the 4 girls sitting to my left. I opened, they didn't get the joke but I kept pushing through. She made some comment about her and her friends being in their own little world so I busted them on it. Eventually they left.
We cruise outside and we end up opening a mixed set, 3 guys and 2 girls. We introduce ourselves and join in the convesation. Eventually everyone heads out to the dance floor and opt to sit down on the side instead of joining them.
Eventually they finish up and my wings and I are all joined together posted up along the side. All of the sudden, this fine black female with a big booty grabs my hand and pulls me onto the dance floor. She is the same one that was giving me EC earlier in the evening. She is all up on me, bumping and grinding and ****. After a few minutes Alan comes up and says, mind if I cut in and I'm like wtf... I go ahead and let him and they dance for a couple of minutes, then she leaves. Later I asked him why he did that and he says that I should have just told him to f*ck off. I told him that he put me in a difficult spot. Anyway I was already over it.
Some time goes by and I'm posted up by the bar and I see a filipina chick walk by. She looked familiar, like someone I went to school with somewhere, so I opened her up with "did you go to Cal Poly". She smiled and said no so we fluffed for a minute but it was so loud that we couldn't hear each other. She joins her friends and I go to the side of the dance floor.
I see that my wing Dan engaged the filipina girl and he was talking me up. Then she starts walking towards me and as soon as she's about to get to me, the same fine big booty black female from earlier jumps right in front of her and starts grinding me to the shock and amazement of both myself and the filipina girl. She literally came out of nowhere. I've never seen a female block another female to get to me.
Anyway we dance for awhile and eventually we make our way out to the patio. She is all up on me, touching me everywhere, body pressed up on me. Despite the obvous contact, something seemed wrong, like this was all an act. On top of that, she didn't give me any information on herself, not even a name. Something was up. Anyway I decided to test my intuitiona nd figured f*ck it, might was well go for it so I leaned in for a kiss and she turned her head away. Denied! That's the first time that's happened, first time for everything I guess. Anyway I eject and meet up with my wings.
Me and Dan head out to the patio for a breather and as we walk back inside, a black female with curly hair braided walked outside. Dan motioned her over and introduced her to me. Dan says "get her number" so I hand over my cell phone. She punches her number and name in and she reaches her hand to shake my hand. I say no, give me a hug and she gives me a long hug, damn near cracking my spine in the process. The whole process between intro and # close took a total of 10 seconds, literally. She walks off and I see Alan on the dance floor dancing with this gorgeous hispanic female with glasses. Her friend was there so I engage her friend, hoping Alan would close the deal on the other chick but he hesitated. He was pretty drunk by that time and it was hurting his game big time. The girls leave and a few minutes later it was last call and time to bounce.
One thing I've noticed is that when my friends open a set and I join them, I kinda feel lost and that I can't hold a conversation. On the other hand, when I open a set, I'm on point and I'm able to converse and joke normally and be myself more. I don't know why that is. Also, I didn't realize how easy it is supposed to be to get a number. That blew me away and destroyed a few misconceptions that I had. Getting out in the field is just huge.