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So many man-bashing commercials


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
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Originally posted by noway
i'm not associated with or an apologist for the advertising industry in any shape or form , but the one thing that they do really well is keep their finger on the pulse of human behaviour...this is their main job!
That's what I've been trying to explain to these guys for awhile now. The media IS NOT proactive, they are REACTIVE.

You can say what you will about the way they perpetuate the man-hating attitude or whatever, but at the end of the day all they are doing is tapping into what people already WANT to see. They will push the envelope of whatever society tells them is appropriate. Then the next day they will be off in a different direction. That's just the way it is.

they know very well that it is not acceptable for a person or group of people to whine about,point fingers at or make fun of people below them on the "foodchain"...the reverse is also true...the lower you are on the socio-economic ladder the more acceptable is it to whine about, point fingers at and make fun of the people above you ...this situation plays itself out everywhere i.e boss/employee,teacher/pupil,white/black,men/women

how the advertising industry portray a person is a pretty good indicator of how high or low that person is on the ladder

the day that men are portrayed in ads as a effective,together and on top of the situation the way women are now,is the day we men must know we have really lost the gender war!
Very, very interesting point. I hadn't thought of it that way, but it makes perfect sense. It might not be technically politically correct to take a jab at any group in particular, but to people will always look the other way when it involves poking fun at whoever is on top at the time.

Good post.


Master Don Juan
Aug 3, 2003
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Wine Country, Ca
I also think shows like MTV's "Jackas$" is detrimental to the male image. Granted, women do stupid crap as well, but most of the people doing horrifyingly idiotic stunts are MEN!

What the hell are they thinking? And the fact that they keep getting NEW footage all the time is just crazy. It gives the impression that every young male is certifiably insane.

Even though they post a disclaimer and a "PLESE DON'T TRY THIS AT HOME" message, younger kids do it anyway, and get badly hurt. This is not a good way to prove the fact that most men are intelligent and responsible.


Master Don Juan
Aug 15, 2004
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This man-bashing is actually a brilliant advertising move.

Consider how female products sell way more than male. Also consider how females make more purchases per year than men.

So, if they target formerly gender-neutral or even male products at women, the women will be more likely to buy them more often.

Men make the money. Women spend it.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
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For someone who doesn't have cable TV like me, it's really interesting to read your posts about how television has mutated. Kinda like hearing about an old ex-gf who turned into a druggy, got pregnant, and is now a SM.

Television evolves with society. Society reacts to things like television. It's a slow process, but it is noticeable. The Simpsons are a fantastic example. Watch the first season. Then watch the fifth one. If you contrast the two, Homer himself has become pussified over time.

Now, considering that most North Americans watch The Simpsons, it is going to have an impact on society, and it has. Of course The Simpsons is supposed to be just a funny cartoon, but because of it's popularity, there are Simpsons rip-offs all over the place. I think these commercials are somewhat trying to incorporate Simpsons humor in them, but they're coming off more as "the women wear the pants" situations. They could of course be nTH generation rip-offs of the Simpsons.

Speaking of the Simpsons, I quit watching them around the seventh season. The shows were getting lame, ideas were running thin, and then the fvcking "clip" shows and musicals started hitting. That's when I shut the fvcking thing off and never returned.


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
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The Castle Fox
The point, in case we a losing track, is that media and marketing shouldn't be outright bashing men - to make humor or to make a sale. In fact, there's really no need to be bashing anyone.

Since American society's sense of humor has become so twisted, we laugh at this sort of cr4p. So, in the name of humor, media/marketing needs to find someone to bash to sell their products... 'cuz it's sooooo funny? That's irresponsible marketing. Virtually every possible demographic or heritage is out-of-bounds except one: the white male. Would the travel commercial be funny if the man was amish? Sh!t yeah! It would be 50 times funnier and the mistake would make more sense. The Amish are "technologically disadvantaged". But the Amish have the elite out-of-bounds status. But then again, it would be an Amish MAN. Why couldn't the commercial's dialogue be written to have the man accusing the woman of fuxing up? Or the kids of fuxing up? Why did someone have to be a fuxup at all? You put anyone at the other end of that dialogue, and they would look like an idiot. That's not funny - that woman is a bytch. It's more the bashing that's got my nose out of joint. It goes without saying, then, that since the only "in-bounds" subject is the male, I'm pissed off that they are bashing men. That being said, I want males put in the "out-of-bounds" category too. There is need for people to be bashed on TV. It's unacceptable socially to be belittling ANYONE!

Progams and TV commercials have a huge impact on dictating a social acceptance, I feel that media in general should have more taste and strive to "raise the bar". Instead of bashing people, they should be portraying more peaceful/beautiful themes.

I know, I sound like a hippie.

Consider the showing of t!tt!es on television. In European countries, it's called a bo0b-tube for good reason-they show t!tt!es all the time. The woman's breast is a beautiful thing. Even women don't mind seeing another woman's breasts. Naked people on TV are nice to look at, in nearly every context. When Janet Jackson whips hers out on American television: SCANDAL. Overseas, viewers would have just laughed at the "oops" and not even batted an eye at the naked t!tty.

So back to the bashing of men on TV: if marketing/media stopped portraying people as acting like a55hole5 and b!tches, then, perhaps, Americans would stop acting that way, too. It seems likely to follow, right? It would be more of a challenge for marketing to find humorous themes, sure. But it sure wouldn't be negatively affecting American culture.

I would be interested in learning if TV commercials in other countries bash people nearly as much. I speculate that Americans are "in-bounds" for bashing since we are such a55hole5.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
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Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2003
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Spokane, WA
What's TV? Is it an acronym for something?

Rollo Tomassi

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2004
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JONJACK, interesting observation. I wont assume to speak for the whole of this thread, but personally I don't believe that free speech should be censored or abridged in any way. That said, think for a moment exactly who is being censored in order for commecials that ridicule and denigrate men to be considered appropriate? A popular concensus today will argue that strip clubs and pornography (hell, even the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit issue) denegrates and demeans women, and therefore need to be censored and/or eliminated, yet it's entirely acceptable to demean and denigrate men for equally commercial interests in many TV shows, movies and commercials. The importance being that it's not so much a question of whether or not people should or shouldn't make commercials demeaning towards men, but why they are seen as acceptable or appropriate.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 15, 2004
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you are correct, there is an effort to make men look bad. especially heterosexual white men. this is no accident. please visit http://www.savethemales.ca

look for articles on Feminism in the left-hand menu


Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2006
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TeleV@gina is nothing but Channel V@gina. That's why I don't watch it.

I mean, seriously, shouldn't Marge & Homer Simpson switch bodies to look more realistic? Sure, average older guys have potbellies, but my azz do average older American women still keep their figures like Marge! Most of them look like Homer! No lie - just watch all the water buffaloes grazing at Walmart some afternoon. A married American woman over 35 with kids who looks like Marge is ~5% of them. Far more common is Roseanne.

The funny thing is that 10 years ago Roseanne was considered extremely obese and obnoxious. Yet now, she is becoming the norm in this country!


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
The Castle Fox
DJDamage said:
And the winner is: Whiskas Cat Food


Did the guy (and I use the term losely) had to cut his nads before agreeing to be in this commercial???

and if you think that was an isolated case they have a whole series of this popular commercial.


Ah, three white males. Lovely series.

Boy, I almost laughed so hard that I almost considered feeding my cat that garbage instead of the IAMS that I feed him. Jeez, I sort of feel guilty. I really want a wife now so she could see those commercials and beg me to buy whiskas to feed my cat.

Next stop.... The Twilight Zone.


Master Don Juan
May 30, 2006
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Um, just so you guys no... TV (along with film) is where the corporations sell their idea for an ideal America.

What I mean is that, whatever you see on TV or in a film, is not REALITY but in fact what is farthest from the truth.

If you see an ad where the man is made fun of and the woman is in a superior position... that ad is actually proof that in reality, man has the power.

It's all sales. The women, who make most of the buying decisions, want to believe they have power, but in reality this is still a very patriarchal society. So the ads are made to appeal to their dreams of somehow being the one in control, as opposed to being the person who makes less money for the same work and being a regular receptacle for domestic violence.

And how can you attack TV for being supposedly "feminist" when there are no ugly women on TV? Where the person in control of every show is undoubtedly a man (with a few exceptions)?

Let's just face it, TV sucks for BOTH sexes! Though I will say that a lot of the recent shows (mostly from cable) are actually quite good. It's a far cry from the eighties, that's for sure.


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
The Castle Fox
realsmoothie said:
And how can you attack TV for being supposedly "feminist" when there are no ugly women on TV? Where the person in control of every show is undoubtedly a man (with a few exceptions)?

Oh, I didn't think Rosanne Barr or Oprah were hot. I'll rush right out and join the Starr Jones fan club - apparently she's a smokin' betty. And, Peg Bundy was pretty man-ish looking... but she wasn't in control, I guess.


Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2006
Reaction score
Artificially-induced discontent

realsmoothie said:
The women, who make most of the buying decisions, want to believe they have power, but in reality this is still a very patriarchal society.
I disagree. Art imitates life & vice-versa. Or are you going to apply that reverse-psychology to everything in the media?

Girls act slvtty all over TV (Britney, Xtina, etc) - and they do in real life too. Or, are you going to tell me they are actually nuns in reality? Gimme a break.

The big difference between US and global media is that women in US media are obsessed with power in relationship dynamics and exhibit a baseline hostility towards men - both negative attitudes programmed into them by the Matriarx. Whereas, women in foreign ads are just generally CHEERY & HAPPY. WOW, imagine that! Cheery, happy people - what a concept! :crazy:


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
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Since men aren't considered weak
The thing is...men are actually considered "weak" in the U.S.

Who they make fun of? Typically FAT, AVERAGE LOOKING, WHITE MALE.

Sorry...those are not the Brad Pitt or Denzel Washington or George Clooney or Benicio del Toro of America. In fact, they are making fun of the AVERAGE American male.


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
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Personally, I wouldn't want this to continue. People are getting weaker. To be strong, you've got to let it all in. Take all these blows, learn from it and be unphased about it. If your fellow bretheren is facing the blows, allow him to face them, then pick him up and help him overcome it.
You are Asian. It is very hard for an Asian man (from Far East) in America to date women OTHER THAN THE ONES in their own race. And worst...it is this conception that Asian men have small penis. Can you imagine CONSTANTLY getting stepped all over and made fun based on that?

Let's use the ones with mental retardation or handicaps. Making fun of their disabilities is NOT going to make them strong.

You see? Race/Color/physical or mental handicaps are things that cannot be change.

Making fun of ignorance is okay. Making fun of stupidity is okay. And all that is okay regardless of sex/race/etc.


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
Reaction score
Making fun of ANYTHING is okay. It's all humour. It is trying to find the lighter side of our differences. The problem is that some people don't make fun. Instead, they belittle, they step-on and have no respect for others. In comedy, we know not to take things seriously. It's all for fun and entertainment.
Well, I wouldn't say making fun of "ANYTHING"...but I see your point. Which bring me to this: "Instead, they belittle, they step-on and have no respect for others. " - EXACTLY. And that's what many commercials are doing...they belittle the American male.


Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2006
Reaction score
JonJack said:
It doesn't even matter that I'm Chinese. It doesn't even matter that I'm Chinese and live in a society where I am considered a minority and an 'outsider'. The thing is this. Everyone, and I mean everyone, has to understand what it means to be stepped-on.
Of course it does. Chinese guys are the most passive on Earth. 90% of them will never stand up for themselves when insulted, but rationalize it away. If you go up to a Chinese guy and call him a "Ch!nk with a small dink"...I can guarantee you 90% of the time he will just stand there with a deer-in-headlights look and do nothing. Go ahead and slap him too, cuz he won't care. That won't affect his "self-respect" any, blah blah...

Anyways, that is NOT the DJ mentality and not one that anyone here should model...unless they want to also become known as the "sick man of Asia."


Master Don Juan
May 8, 2003
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After awhile, a concerted full-out agenda in the media to insult men isn't funny. And after young boys and teens witness this 1,000's of times in the media, it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. The humor wore off on me years ago.

Also, if women were insulted in the same manner 1,000's of times a day, 365 days a year, there would be lawsuits galore.