That's what I've been trying to explain to these guys for awhile now. The media IS NOT proactive, they are REACTIVE.Originally posted by noway
i'm not associated with or an apologist for the advertising industry in any shape or form , but the one thing that they do really well is keep their finger on the pulse of human behaviour...this is their main job!
You can say what you will about the way they perpetuate the man-hating attitude or whatever, but at the end of the day all they are doing is tapping into what people already WANT to see. They will push the envelope of whatever society tells them is appropriate. Then the next day they will be off in a different direction. That's just the way it is.
Very, very interesting point. I hadn't thought of it that way, but it makes perfect sense. It might not be technically politically correct to take a jab at any group in particular, but to people will always look the other way when it involves poking fun at whoever is on top at the time.they know very well that it is not acceptable for a person or group of people to whine about,point fingers at or make fun of people below them on the "foodchain"...the reverse is also true...the lower you are on the socio-economic ladder the more acceptable is it to whine about, point fingers at and make fun of the people above you ...this situation plays itself out everywhere i.e boss/employee,teacher/pupil,white/black,men/women
how the advertising industry portray a person is a pretty good indicator of how high or low that person is on the ladder
the day that men are portrayed in ads as a effective,together and on top of the situation the way women are now,is the day we men must know we have really lost the gender war!
Good post.