So many damaged women out there


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2005
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Miami, FL
Controversial opinion from me here on sexual dynamics that I'm sure lots of lads will disagree with, but it's my opinion of this based on what I've seen.

I think a huge part of how damaged many girls are now is part of the new "liberated" sexual culture that we've brought about that's arguably more demeaning overall than it used to be, regardless of gender.

Decades ago men used to treat women like s*** often because there was casual social sexism on a big level (let's face it, women couldn't even vote - BS). But women were also perhaps more sensible about who they slept with due to intense social stigmas around promiscuity. So while a lot of d*ckhead guys treated women as something to be lied to, banged and discarded callously after getting them pregnant or whatever, most women were also arguably "harder to get" and so the effect of this douchery was limited.

This ****ish male element persists to this day with the guys who don't understand or care about fundamental consent - true sexual harassers and sexual predators.

To be clear I'm not talking about normal dating kino here or having casual sex with full consent. I'm not talking about men who treat women with respect while also staying "alpha". That's cool and healthy sexual dynamics.

I'm talking about the worryingly large numbers of sketchy, creepy f***ers who are always edging on r*pe if not outright committing it. Lots I've seen in the student population and lots of older creeps in positions of power too.

Anyway so then we had the "sexual equality" movement. It was a failure, it just hasn't been recognised yet. Instead of revolutionizing sex so we all respect each other and don't treat each other like s***, instead nothing really changed that much except women were encouraged to act the same. So we have a situation where the creepy sleazy male element are still treating women like s***, harassing them etc etc...except now it's "cool" and "edgy" for women to sleep around and treat men the same.

Buzzfeed literally puts out articles telling girls how to get guys into bed by lying and sweet talking, and then how to kick dudes out of their bed after f***ing them. And glorifying it, as if it's really neat and cool.

The irony is, I've met a ton of women who think they're "liberated" and "sexually liberal" and "empowering themselves" with this nu-wave "let's all treat each other like s***" mentality. They're almost universally very messed up mentally.

These girls don't seem to realise they are just sucking every c*ck around and getting used even worse than they were 50 years ago.

And despite going out and doing it every Friday because Buzzfeed or whatever tells them they're empowered, they're deeply, deeply mentally scarred because of it. Having sex with literally everything and everyone has now become the new cool, and it's not exactly doing people psychological favours.

We've gained the ability to get laid quicker than ever in the modern age...we've also lost a chunk of our dignity for it, and it's a real ripe ground for some seriously sketchy stuff that leaves a lot of women f***ed up.
There's definitely truth to this, but women have largely over stepped their bounds because of education. Most women now adays spend a part of their youth going to school to obtain a masters in some bull**** (let's say by the time she finishes - she's about 26-30 years old). Now as I said it could be in some bull**** like liberal arts, but even if it is not, their heads swell and they think they are entitled to ivy league graduate mba holding ceo who is running a fortune 500 company. Any of these guys if they have a brain know just because said woman has a degree it doesn't mean she makes a good partner. Often times when women talk about how they are confident, what they really mean is they are contentious, over bearing and annoying.

I am coming to the same conclusion. Messed up in the head plus using 10+ year old pics. What I do now is get their number, Google it, find their full name, search on Facebook and check to see if the lady is who she says she is. Interesting thing with the pics. On Facebook, the pics are date stamped on when they were up loaded. Most all have been using pics from 5 - 10 years old. Compare those pics to current pics, looks nothing like them. Oh, I use a dummy Facebook account, not my real one. Tired of all the lies and deceptions. It's really tiresome and pathetic.
I've seen that also with the pictures lol. If you think about how sad that's all the reason why men should be holding their heads a lot higher.

In Bridgeport, they all drink.
yeah, pretty much every woman drinks. If you eliminate non drinkers that is like 98% of women lol. Might have to be a bit more flexible but I would definitely think less of women who drink all the time and are alwaays in bars and **** like that. Age also comes into play.
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Apr 21, 2018
Reaction score
Bridgeport, CT
Many chicks are nuts because they have been sold a lie by a feminist narrative that goes against biology. They have been told they can have it all, that they are just as smart, and strong, and capable as men which is compete bvllsh!t on all counts. Most of these women were not raised in traditional families and many did not grow up with a positive influence with a strong man. They never fvcking learn the difference between a GOOD strong man, which is what they want, and a BAD strong man.

So they spend their youth, when they have the highest SMV) trying to compete with men and they get beat out, because men are more driven. You show me a successful CEO of a company and I will show you a person that works 80 hour weeks. Sure there are women that will do this, I know a couple that are great CEOs, but I know 100 men like this. A vast majority of chicks just can not compete, this has a serious determental effect on them. And since chicks have lost the ability to effectively filter out men that are bad for them, they find themselves in relationships that screw up their heads.

I am raising my girls to understand reality, I am teaching them drinking a doing drugs does nothing but screw up their lives, and to stay away from people like this. I am also teaching them to focus on careers that make them happy and try not to force them into anything, BUT I make sure they understand the ramifications of their choices. I also teach them that they should be looking for a good strong man and teach them what one looks like. Absent college, I have told them I do not expect them to live on their own until they are married. Women NEED a man in their lives, either a father or husband, and when they do not have this, their emotions pull them in self-destructive directions.
Sounds good. However, good luck trying to control them when they're away or adults. A colleague of my tried that. A strict military career dad who recently retired. Didn't work. They got a taste of the college life and freedom from parents, moved out and where on their own. He has two adult age children. One dude one lady. The dude is a dud still at home who's older than his sister. She on her own renting with some friends in a bad area of Hartford. God only knows how much c0ck she's taking in.


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
Reaction score
I went on a date with an HB 9 last night. Her life is so fvcked up. She kept talking about her abusive ex bf. And she has no future cause she made a lot of bad decisions earlier in life.

Makes me glad I’m single. I may not have looks or status. But my life isn’t fvcked up at all. I have 0 emotional baggage from gf drama and I have an excellent career that I love. I haven’t had reached my peak yet.

It made me realize that my date was bottom of the barrel even though she was mega hot.
She has a future if she stops making excuses and makes food decisions.

Plenty of us have done stupid things early in life.


Don Juan
Mar 30, 2015
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The third world
Why does it seem to be so many damaged women or women with so many issues out there? Any of the good women are taken what's left is the bottom of the barrel. Makes a guy want to stay single I really don't need to be with a woman with issues been there done that, was enough to make me not do it again.

I dunno man. In my experience there are a lot of good women out there. It depends on where you live too I guess and also where you’re looking. I don’t think a lot of ‘good’ women are out at bars or in clubs. They’re busy with work and you find them in service clubs, at church, etc basically places where one goes to better oneself, express creativity/ talents etc.


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2017
Reaction score
Why does it seem to be so many damaged women or women with so many issues out there?
Much of the feminine imperative is pathological.

Not getting the ring and cratering SMV is combated with false accusations (EG jion ghmeshi court Case). No fall out for false testimony, blatantly lying under oath, and more from women promos of victimhood as if she's accepting an award. In essence, its the award of victim and girl power.

This herein lies the feminine imperative pathology.

Furthermore, women do not call out sociopathy women. They either don't Care about men or only care when they're directly impacted.

Its possible that its because women are high(er) in agreeableness. This of course changes during divorce and custody.

Any of the good women are taken what's left is the bottom of the barrel. Makes a guy want to stay single.
More women for me.

I really don't need to be with a woman with issues been there done that, was enough to make me not do it again.
Check red man group #22 with Elliot Hulse.

Men need to go their own way. Not necessarily mgtow but away from women and world in utter solitude. Man needs a rite of passage.

Women adapt. They adapt better evolutionarily better then men. War brides are a great example. The paradigm of male utility, beta providers, and marrying Chad's booty call IS OVER.

What if you never got married? If you never had kids? What would you do with your life? This sort of question doesn't even get asked. Its screams of misogyny and rape culture and patriarchy. Not an argument.

Without provider/protector, man wouldn't know his place in the world.

This ends now.

Step your game up.
Adapt. Improvise. Overcome.

I am out on the hero's journey. Its my purpose. My dream.

Yes, I will go get baeeee but, that is of secondary importance.

Man gets the girl and becomes a cuck. Its dad bod. Its sloth. Its playing House with Chad's booty call. Its single moms.

Evolution is key. Rite of passage is key. Connecting to what is masculine, what beacons to you, and all that resonates; call all in!

I am incapable of monogamy as well as bringing the state into my LTR.

This DJing, game, pickup, TRP, MGTOW etc all point to truths. See the world as it is not how you wish it to be.

Obviously, you act accordingly but. Its covert.

Its like fight club. You don't talk about it.
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Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2017
Reaction score
Sounds good. However, good luck trying to control them when they're away or adults. A colleague of my tried that. A strict military career dad who recently retired. Didn't work. They got a taste of the college life and freedom from parents, moved out and where on their own. He has two adult age children. One dude one lady. The dude is a dud still at home who's older than his sister. She on her own renting with some friends in a bad area of Hartford. God only knows how much c0ck she's taking in.
True but cratered SMV is a hard lesson to learn.

Teens and early twenties to not grow back.

If a woman is keen on being a thot, do be it.

I troll on sight when talking cereal box LTR, marriage, kids. Not happening.


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2017
Reaction score
Many chicks are nuts because they have been sold a lie by a feminist narrative that goes against biology. They have been told they can have it all, that they are just as smart, and strong, and capable as men which is compete bvllsh!t on all counts. Most of these women were not raised in traditional families and many did not grow up with a positive influence with a strong man. They never fvcking learn the difference between a GOOD strong man, which is what they want, and a BAD strong man.
While I agree, it just States that women aren't capable of free thinking. Its scapegoat feminism, TV. Social media, Hollywood etc. High kill count is empowerment until Tyrone stops bringing thunder cawk.

So they spend their youth, when they have the highest SMV) trying to compete with men and they get beat out, because men are more driven. You show me a successful CEO of a company and I will show you a person that works 80 hour weeks. Sure there are women that will do this, I know a couple that are great CEOs, but I know 100 men like this. A vast majority of chicks just can not compete, this has a serious determental effect on them. And since chicks have lost the ability to effectively filter out men that are bad for them, they find themselves in relationships that screw up their heads.
I asked a girl if she knew who Elon Musk is. Obv, she had no clue. It was in response to her wage myth nonsense. I debunked female logic with said dude teraforming Mars, PayPal, Tesla, Space X, etc. Dude has high end triple digit IQ, free thinking male, and does 80-100hr work weeks despite being high functioning autistic.

Female victimhood has no bounds.

I am raising my girls to understand reality, I am teaching them drinking a doing drugs does nothing but screw up their lives, and to stay away from people like this. I am also teaching them to focus on careers that make them happy and try not to force them into anything, BUT I make sure they understand the ramifications of their choices. I also teach them that they should be looking for a good strong man and teach them what one looks like. Absent college, I have told them I do not expect them to live on their own until they are married. Women NEED a man in their lives, either a father or husband, and when they do not have this, their emotions pull them in self-destructive directions.
David Deangelo - two steps forward. One step back.

I have no kids especially daughters. I don't envy you. I respect your attempt but, like the old saying, you can lead a horse to water but, you can't make it drink.

Lead by example. Be a strong man. Lift heavy. Be a father. Teach but, refrain from Bible thumping. Its this group of women in girl power promos cheering women off the cliff. Let her choose. Just show a better way of being. What will be will be.

20s won't grow back.


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2017
Reaction score
Its not just booze its the ones that smoke pot on a daily basis plus the fact they are cigarette smokers. A girl I was talking to checking her out she's cute, higher education girl, she pulls out her cigarettes, uh there goes any attraction I had for her. I later found out she's pretty much raised by her mom, didn't sound like she's had the easiest up bringing.
No offense brah but, it sounded like a excuse for AA.

Your **** won't suck itself.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2014
Reaction score
USA, Louisiana
Lead by example. Be a strong man. Lift heavy. Be a father. Teach but, refrain from Bible thumping. Its this group of women in girl power promos cheering women off the cliff. Let her choose. Just show a better way of being. What will be will be.
True... all you can do is bring up kids the best you can and hope for the best. I completely agree you with you that bible thumping social conservatism doesn't work because soon your children will be released from that warm, happy bubble, where all the world's problems are explained and justified by the bearded sky dude, and in the world where you are not surrounded by like-minded people. You send your kid out into the world unprepared for reality and it's like sending a lamb to slaughter. Church society is nothing like the society around it. Social conservatives believe that society can be shaped to their liking.... it can't because in a free society, society will drift towards natural human tendencies. The only way to to create a social conservative society is to limit freedom... the problem with this is when you limit freedom society will be shaped by those in power, and their is no guarantee that when that happens those in power will govern the way you want. Society emerging around human nature: human nature can not be changed by society... All society can do is put human nature in a box in such a way as your exercise of 'freedom' does not interfere with other's freedom.

Prayer in schools will not fix schools. I swear people who promote this idiocy have no idea what kids today are really like. They will turn this into one great big joke and start "Flying Spaghetti Monster" clubs, call it religion. Then you will have the Satan worshiping students... To 'fix' this you can limit what is 'acceptable' but then that gives those running schools more power... then the next thing you will see is history classes with Jesus riding on dinosaurs, or subjective math.... The Nazis in Germany refused to accept nuclear science as a legitimate science because there were too many Jews in that discipline. This very likely caused them to lose the war. Absence of freedom means any idea can be questioned and discounted.