So lets find out how to identify girls who are DTF at the club

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
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Well done Evans, thats exactly the contribution I was looking for however I dont believe leaving a potential girl and moving its the best move to be done.

Its not the first time I drop a girl either by playing that stupid game of increasing my value by flirting around or to meet friends only to have her hooking up with some other guy which wasnt even that hot.

Some kind of balance between the two options to be found?


Senior Don Juan
May 10, 2011
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Mike32ct said:
IME, women looking for an ONS are often deadpan serious, almost looking pissed off. It's like a bit of anger due to sexual frustration lol.

She might warm up eventually by the time you pull her, but she's initially like serious businesslike.

This is not to be confused with a beech shield. It's not the same thing.
I ran in to a girl like this at a house party the other day. What turned me off was that she never appeared to be in to me because she was so quiet.

I would ask her a question, she would answer it and then shut up. It was like talking to a dead fish.


Master Don Juan
Sep 15, 2009
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U.S. East
A girl that willingly comes up to you and initiates talk. That's a huge one.

The club floor is just a place where the SMP can be shown overtly - if they like you, you will know within a minute or two of talking to her.


Master Don Juan
Sep 15, 2009
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U.S. East
CostaDeSol said:
I ran in to a girl like this at a house party the other day. What turned me off was that she never appeared to be in to me because she was so quiet.

I would ask her a question, she would answer it and then shut up. It was like talking to a dead fish.
Remember how you acted like an AFC around girls you liked, and you didn't know what to say? (I do, it was a long time ago but I still remember)

That's exactly how she's acting towards you


Senior Don Juan
May 10, 2011
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ArcBound said:
Remember how you acted like an AFC around girls you liked, and you didn't know what to say? (I do, it was a long time ago but I still remember)

That's exactly how she's acting towards you

i can see that. I read her quietness as a sign of disinterest.

Unfortunately I had been drinking way too much later in the night to re-engage her effectively.


Master Don Juan
Oct 21, 2010
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The Wild Wigga From the West
badboyjmm said:
Well from where I'm from, the girls are going in the club like its a political rally. Super pack or gang (mostly 4-5 or even more chicks ). I've had a few girls look at me because of my dancing and quite frankly, I'm not interested with trying to talk to one girl when she with her gang haha.

Furthermore, girls do pretend a lot that they have boyfriends because the guys dont know how to approach right... They patrol the club like goddamn vultures waiting for a prey... They don't talk and after a while ( or after liquid courage has destroy any effect of approach anxiety, they try to grind on a girl... Which 95% of the time, results in a rejection.

When it comes to DTF girls, in my opinion, there are the most quiet girls, they don't dress up too provocative but they are still look sexy. They will hangout at a bar alone or away from their friends, while looking at the dance floor and around.

Now I'm not saying that girls in groups are not DTF, but usually, they just wild out, drink and share "war stories" about how guys were trying to talk to them. At lease one girl in the group generally wants to talk to a guy or dance with a guy, but doesn't understand that she's €ockblocking herself by staying by her friends and moving with them at all times.

Whenever you approach them, they are willing to do whatever, drink some more and dance. They dance very sensual and after a few minutes of trance, they turn around and makeout with you. Bonus if you guys were dancing in the corner. She will then throw a token resistance so she doesn't feel like a slut: "I usually don't do this" I can't leave my friends" " I think you are really hot and that's why I'm doing this "

Once you kill that token defense, good stuff happen hahahaha

good advice here... been threading this thread and i feel as if i am not going to get laid tonight... sigh.. i am so horny i am going out of my mind!


Senior Don Juan
Jan 25, 2010
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Packers2010 said:
good advice here... been threading this thread and i feel as if i am not going to get laid tonight... sigh.. i am so horny i am going out of my mind!

Yep, frustrating feeling, maybe I should really work on my physique,posture and especially at my motivation... I'm terrible at motivating myself... Maybe subconsciously, it keeps me from having consistent success. But I was out Thursday night , I have a lot of fun with my friends, but how did I manage to get some girls in this crazy environment is sometimes beyond me (too bad it's only been ONS when I wanted more...)

(/start of rant)The girls were in packed of 5 or 6, just taking up space on the dancefloor, while they couldn't dance better than two feet.... When a group of girls would go to the dancefloor, guys were going to the dance floor and STARE.... WTF !
Another girl was trolling people by dancing behind them while they are not looking haha. A few couples were there as well taking up space... A girl fell while walking fast with heels on.... Clubbing sucks in my area I need to move (/end of rant)

I didn't see any signs that a girl was DTF and that's the theme name (DTF thursday) I do admit that it's easy to talk because guys are super scared to approach.... Is it just me or a group of 2 girls is very uncommon these days ? I don't feel like playing the :cheer: buffoon:cheer: for a group of chicks just because I'm trying to get laid...


Senior Don Juan
Jan 25, 2010
Reaction score
ArcBound said:
A girl that willingly comes up to you and initiates talk. That's a huge one.
I respectfully disagree, I had girls come up to me to dance, talk and what not.. Nothing ever happen, beyond a phone number...

On time a girl was saying how she loves how I dance and my smile, it felt genuine, she even offer her number then proceed to tell me we were friends... WTF... I guess girls have a tactic of friend-zoning guys on the spot, or I just met the most random-@ss girls on the planet...

Another girl came to me, we started dancing and she offered her facebook. I told her I would pick her phone number instead. She would flake by giving bs excuses. I tried calling her, she didn't pick up, didn't bother returning my phone call but proceed to reply to my text about 6 days after...

I understand the logic that if a girl comes up to you and initiate conversation, it usually means she's interested, but I haven't seen that happen.

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
Reaction score
Going to club tonight, Ill be aiming at the ONS with no interest for other options, will report tomorrow.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 13, 2010
Reaction score
Who Dares Win said:
Going to club tonight, Ill be aiming at the ONS with no interest for other options, will report tomorrow.
Interesting thread, OP. Good luck this evening; let us know how you get on.

Generally, I find that the less I think about "what makes a girl DTF" and the more I escalate physically, the more the DTF girls come to me. Overthinking was a huge problem for me in the past - and I know that others on SS have the same issue.

That said, there are a few types of girls who are more inclined to go for the ONS than others in my experience:

-Girls who come to the club alone
-Girls who ditch their friends permanently - at any point in the evening
-Girls who come to the club with one male orbiter and no-one else
-Girls with vague (or, in one memorable case, no) plans about where they will spend the night
-Girls who spend more than 30 minutes alone with you
-Girls who are travelling and are visiting the town/city as tourists
-Girls who come from another country and are studying in your town. If you're European, look for Erasmus programme girls.
-Girls who are obviously older/ younger than the average age range of the partygoers. I once pulled a very slutty 29yo from a party where most people were 18-21.

As I said, don't overthink these things too much. Hope this list is helpful to you nevertheless.

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
Reaction score
OnTheWayUp said:
Interesting thread, OP. Good luck this evening; let us know how you get on.

Generally, I find that the less I think about "what makes a girl DTF" and the more I escalate physically, the more the DTF girls come to me. Overthinking was a huge problem for me in the past - and I know that others on SS have the same issue.

That said, there are a few types of girls who are more inclined to go for the ONS than others in my experience:

-Girls who come to the club alone
-Girls who ditch their friends permanently - at any point in the evening
-Girls who come to the club with one male orbiter and no-one else
-Girls with vague (or, in one memorable case, no) plans about where they will spend the night
-Girls who spend more than 30 minutes alone with you
-Girls who are travelling and are visiting the town/city as tourists
-Girls who come from another country and are studying in your town. If you're European, look for Erasmus programme girls.
-Girls who are obviously older/ younger than the average age range of the partygoers. I once pulled a very slutty 29yo from a party where most people were 18-21.

As I said, don't overthink these things too much. Hope this list is helpful to you nevertheless.
Nice list OnTheWayUp but I disagree about girls who come with a male orbiter, its not as easy as supposed considering that a girl which goes out with an orbiter is more likely to be a girl who likes validation more than c0ck.

I disagree as well about erasmus girls, they most likely live in dormitories packed of sexually aggressive guys who hit on them constantly thus pumping their ego beyond the sky, those looking for a c0ck will simply find it in their own place.

Regarding my report, I guess Ill be doing a technical retreat now and hopefully report back tomorrow morning, with some luck and work tonight will be better than yesterday sigh.
Nov 12, 2012
Reaction score
There's a decent amount of girls in the clubs that just go there for attention by dressing slutty which will naturally get a males attention anyway and we all know how attention for girls is like sex for us so they don't necessary need to **** that night. Don't get **** teasing confused with DTF and as someone stated above if your the RIGHT guy you will **** her plain and simple.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 13, 2010
Reaction score
Who Dares Win said:
Nice list OnTheWayUp but I disagree about girls who come with a male orbiter, its not as easy as supposed considering that a girl which goes out with an orbiter is more likely to be a girl who likes validation more than c0ck.

I disagree as well about erasmus girls, they most likely live in dormitories packed of sexually aggressive guys who hit on them constantly thus pumping their ego beyond the sky, those looking for a c0ck will simply find it in their own place.
Interesting how things are different for different people.

Myself, I find there are no girls who are easier than Erasmus girls, period. When I did Erasmus in Europe, they were all over me, but I'm sure being able to speak German and French well helps. I've hooked up with two more that I can think of since my Erasmus period ended, and my success rate is close to 100% after one dance.

I also find I do well with single girls who come to clubs with a lame orbiter guy. My last two lays were from girls like this. If you can separate them from their orbiter, you're gold. Befriending the guy in a c+f way and ignoring the girl works wonders for me.

I guess every guy has to experiment until he finds his niche type(s) of girl. Let the fun times commence! :)


Master Don Juan
Feb 22, 2010
Reaction score
To be completely honest, I can't remember a single occasion when I have met a girl, got her number and texted her later in the night. It is either a case of she is into me and will go away (either to another part of the club where I can escalate or straight back to my place) or if not, move onto the next one.

But to each their own.

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
Reaction score
PairPlusRoyalFlush said:
Im not an expert at actual ONS but I have enough slvtty friends that I know how they operate. Sets of two, usually, less eyes less drama. Unfortunately sets of two are also the hardest to close as there is the built in ****block there so make sure you go with 1 other wingman and he cant be way better or worse than you or the ****block situation will not give way. Of course a real slvt will take one for the team and go home alone so her friend can score.
Man you overvalue the virtues of the average female way too much, someone takes one for the team only when realize that the universe doesnt turn around him/her and that its already hard enough for friends without putting own ego on the middle.
Women dont have difficulty nor necessity let alone empathy.

99% of female lack the empathic approach to remove their own ego and accept discomfort for someone else good.

Anyway totally agree on the couple going out as the best bet, a good wingman can really make the difference.


Don Juan
Jan 3, 2013
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evansblue said:
It is near impossible to bang a girl who rode with her girlfriends to the bar/club, Which wipes out about 80% of girls. There's no way they're going to tell their friends "Yeah, you guys go on without me, I'm gonna screw this guy tonight." Not only that, but if by some miracle she was considering doing that, you think she's going to trust some stranger to drive her home the next morning? Forget it. Her logistics are completely dependent on you, and that's a very compromising security risk to her.

Logistics are also something you cannot control, for the most part. If a girl is relying on her friend to drive her home, she obviously isn't looking for a ONS. No amount of game, looks, clothing style, etc. can change this. It's very, very rare for a scenario like that to pan out.
You point out it's rare, so not disagreeing per se, but I have had girls that rode together, split-up just so one can go home with me on several occaisions. I've seen it where they have made this decision prior to meeting anyone, or when they will leave and "discuss it", and your ONS will come back, or she won't.