So is it true that if a girl likes you they don't play games or confuse you


Senior Don Juan
Jun 7, 2011
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I tell my friends this and they act like I'm crazy. I can see that because girls that I used to have crushes on me were all over me.


Master Don Juan
Feb 24, 2010
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Hell yes! If they find what they perceive to be a great catch the last thing they will do is Fvck it up!


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2006
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samspade said:
Yes and no. It's true that a woman with high IL will show it and make an effort to be with you. However she'll still play little games and throw tests your way. Your job is to recognize and "pass" the tests by flipping the script on her, which will drive the IL higher.
this. you'll know when a girl is intersted in you because they wont hide it BUT dont expect to just breeze into a relationship or a bunch of lays.

once they know you DO want them also they'll start the tests. no bid deal though, but a lot of guys mistake them for loss of interest and they go and fvck the whole thing up by getting all panicky or lose thier sauve.


Mar 12, 2011
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There is not one girl in the world who won't play games with you. EVERYONE plays games for their ego. Your girlfriend, your friends, your family, your coworkers, your doorman. The only creature that won't play games is your dog. Games are a part of human nature, people want to see how much they are loved by others and how much power they have over people when money is not involved.

The trick is to spot these games and not get emotionally involved in anything.

I've always said I'd rather someone say they hate you and can't stand you and do what you want, than say they love you and miss you and cause you grief.


Don Juan
Dec 16, 2012
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bradd80 said:
It depends: if a girl is a really good catch and was raised by a good family and has a good head on her shoulders then no, she will not play any games with you.
Bingo. Upbringing and classiness has a great deal to do with it. A smart, elegant and compassionate woman who's interested will toy with you a bit as a matter of due diligence, but no more than necessary.

It's almost always the case that a trashy woman with the same interest level will toy with you much more because she doesn't wholly respect you, which is because she's incapable of wholly respecting anyone; she's trashy.


Master Don Juan
Nov 3, 2010
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One of the overrated and misattributed maxims of the community :

A woman who likes you won't confuse you

is very inaccurate to say the least.

Women don't talk in our language and if you find one that does communicate

in the way we expect them to be, there's probably something altogether

wrong about her.

Women are more withdrawn, they don't confront each other, they are usually

more patient, and they certainly aren't as direct as guys are.

So if you are getting confused, or you feel like "games are being played on

you", it means you don't get it, yet.

It doesn't mean, she's behind a joystick having fun with you.


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2012
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You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Boilermaker again.

Harry Wilmington

Master Don Juan
Aug 19, 2012
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Boilermaker said:
Women don't talk in our language... Women are more withdrawn, they don't confront each other, they are usually more patient, and they certainly aren't as direct as guys are.
This part I agree with. Women actually are direct when it comes to expressing their feelings; however, everything else is generally not asked for, but hinted at. For example: my dad would tell me to "take out the trash" directly, whereas my mom would be like "Man, that trash can is getting full... it's starting to smell in here... wow, someone needs to take that out soon..." (translation: take out the trash).

However, I think it's a fair assessment to say that girls who like you won't play game with you. Just because they speak a different language doesn't mean it's game play - it just means the guy needs to know how to speak the language. Once you understand the idiosyncrasies of how women behave and communicate, it's very, VERY easy to tell the different between a girl who likes you and is just speaking or acting in a passive way, and a girl who just isn't into you.

Perfect example: a girl tells you she likes you, but when you go to hug her she backs away or flinches vs. another girl who tells you she likes you and cuddles up to you when you hug her. A lot of guys on here would be confused with the first girl - "she said she likes me but got all weird when I hugged her! She must be playing games" - while a guy who knew how to read body language and read girl speak (i.e don't listen to their words, follow their actions) wouldn't waste a second more with her because they'd know she didn't really have a high interest in him.

This is why guys think girls are playing games - 9 times out of 10, it's because the girl is saying one thing about wanting to be with them, while performing actions indicating the opposite. But this isn't game-playing; in girl world, it's her trying not to sound rude while hoping you get the hint via her actions that you should back off. Once you're able to accept this, your eyes will be open and you'll see that "game-playing" doesn't really exist.

(NOTE: Except for the few girls out there who just get a kick out of screwing with guys' heads. Those girls DO exist, but they're also pretty easy to spot if you know what to look out for.)


Master Don Juan
Nov 3, 2010
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Harry Wilmington said:
This is why guys think girls are playing games - 9 times out of 10, it's because the girl is saying one thing about wanting to be with them, while performing actions indicating the opposite. But this isn't game-playing; in girl world, it's her trying not to sound rude while hoping you get the hint via her actions that you should back off. Once you're able to accept this, your eyes will be open and you'll see that "game-playing" doesn't really exist.
I completely agree with you, and this is what I was trying to say, I lost where your disagreement was.

As you said, if you "get it", you won't look for a "direct" approach. Assessing visual cues and judging by action will be second nature to you, and girls won't be confusing.

I don't know, to me, saying "girls play games" is like a FORTRAN guy saying he doesn't understand Java. Of course, you don't.

You don't speak the language.

Cheers, brother.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2012
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The Viagra Pill you wish you had...- United Kingdo
The urban legend that if a girl is interested in you then she won't confuse you, really DEPENDS on EACH GIRL and her experiences and behaviors that makes up who she is.

Sorry, there is NO simple answer.

It really depends on how she PERCEIVES you to be as well, which even puts on a even greater unpredictable variable. Does she perceives you to be a PLAYER type? Are you someone who is TOO good looking and she is not used to it? Then most likely she will put up a heavy bi*tch shield to push you away initially because she is afraid to get hurt. However, if you persist and show her you are not a PLAYER, then she will be all wet for you until the end of time because you are pedestaled by her.

Then the above paragraph would not apply to another woman who is USED to good looking guys and then you are not up to her level? Then she would give you low interest - or push you away as well. This in fact would probably appear to be the idential b!tch shield as above.


You can't, so persist a bit and don't give up at the first initial (or a few) b!tch shield attempts for a woman to push you away. It is indeed an unconscious sh!t test - but one that is really to protect herself from being hurt because either 1) she finds you too hot to resist for too long or 2) you are fugly and she can't make up her mind yet.

Good luck.

With respect,
