So I'm currently ignoring this HB's phone calls... Now what?


Jan 13, 2007
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Long story short..

Met this girl some months ago.. Started hot and heavy, became kinda FB's, good sex, nothing serious. Then the sex tapered off and I somehow ended up in the friendzone but with sexual vibes still lingering. She just stopped giving it up but still likes to go out and have drinks and what not.. you know just "hang out" every now and then. She also made it clear she's not looking for a "relationship" Not sure if she's banging somebody but that doesn't concern me, all I care about is I'M not getting any.

So, instead of continuing on with the "friends" with no azz bullsh!t, I threw her a curve ball and just stopped picking up the phone. (made sure our last outing was fun and she had no idea what I was about to do)

Now I need advice as to what my next step is to get her to come and f#ck my brains out like she used to (thats my goal)... not sure how to proceed. What should my next contact be like..?


Senior Don Juan
Jun 3, 2007
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Hole-e-sh!t...your situation sounds just like the one i'm in, only, the girl i'm seeing lives in the same house as me! (I'm in a studio apartment that she and her mom converted out of the rear of their house). Same dynamics...strong in the beginning, just FB's, hanging out, no "relationship", and now it's tapered off. My mistake was making her the only girl in my life. Now that i'm starting to pursue others, i no longer care nearly as much about whether she wants me or not. That's the key. Sounds like the girl you are seeing has gotten tired of you and, more to the point, she thinks she's got you in the bag. You're moving in the right direction by not calling. Make her one of several (or many!) girls in your own little solar system. Since i live with this girl in the same house (but totally sectioned off), i have to maintain a certain genuine friendliness, while taking space when things taper off. Again, dating other women is key. Both FB's, yours and mine, are motivated by attention. Deny them that and they will re-discover their attraction...I know, amazing how they lose interest, especially when the sex is pretty damn nice...

DJ naruto

Don Juan
Oct 20, 2004
Reaction score
stumped said:
Long story short..

Met this girl some months ago.. Started hot and heavy, became kinda FB's, good sex, nothing serious. Then the sex tapered off and I somehow ended up in the friendzone but with sexual vibes still lingering. She just stopped giving it up but still likes to go out and have drinks and what not.. you know just "hang out" every now and then. She also made it clear she's not looking for a "relationship" Not sure if she's banging somebody but that doesn't concern me, all I care about is I'M not getting any.

So, instead of continuing on with the "friends" with no azz bullsh!t, I threw her a curve ball and just stopped picking up the phone. (made sure our last outing was fun and she had no idea what I was about to do)

Now I need advice as to what my next step is to get her to come and f#ck my brains out like she used to (thats my goal)... not sure how to proceed. What should my next contact be like..?

Sir you did good. She's using you for drinks and hanging out, ie things she likes to do. She is not catering to your needs. Unacceptable. :nono:
Don't pick up for a while. Then after a few missed calls pick up and invite her over to do what you want, on your terms. Don't do what she wants.

my 0.1 cents. use at your own peril. kidding kidding.



New Member
Jun 14, 2007
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Sounds about right, and if she looses interest completely by you ignoring her, at least you're not wasting time (and perhaps money) on a ****ty relationship (being friends or FB's is a kind of relationship too). You can focus on getting new FB's (or whatever it is you're after)...