Anyways, this girl that i had been talking about in my previous thread, i stopped talking to her. We've been friends for years and i just stopped talking with her, its as we are strangers with each other now. Cuz i dont care anymore, i give her up. im just a lil curious about this matter..
After i stopped talking to her, she keeps mentioning how she's sad and depressed and how she hates everything that is going on in life, and how she wishes that everything will just go away. Then on her online quiz thing she answered she answered "kinda" for do you like anyone. Knownig her for years and reading all those stupid online quizzees, she always answers no.
Not being too into this and all, it's just that curiosity kills the cat =]
After i stopped talking to her, she keeps mentioning how she's sad and depressed and how she hates everything that is going on in life, and how she wishes that everything will just go away. Then on her online quiz thing she answered she answered "kinda" for do you like anyone. Knownig her for years and reading all those stupid online quizzees, she always answers no.
Not being too into this and all, it's just that curiosity kills the cat =]