So... I gotta respond if I want respect?

Bigg Boss

Don Juan
Mar 19, 2006
Reaction score
I feel the only reason people really get on me, and don't give me much respect at all at school is because whenever they joke on me, I either laugh and be like "lol shut up" or ignore them (which doesn't work, they keep on doing it. I still ignore them but on the inside I'm annoyed). I do have things to say to the people that joke on me (i mean, I could REALLY get on someone, bad). But I feel that I might really hurt they feelings. I dunno, I just feel they dont deserve what I could really give to em. So I just don't get back at em.

But I can't BE ME when I'm getting no respect. I am a funny guy, I'm always actin wild and what not. But people use that against me and the fact they know I won't say anything back.

For example, there's these 2 chickz in my 2nd and 3rd period classes. I swear, they was in love with me (I am a real DJ out of school, but for some reason, I can't do it at school at all). But I was steady sending them on and off signals. I really didnt want to walk with them publicly for the most part. They didn't look all that great. So I guess eventually, they developed some sort of hate on me (well, one of the girls... the one that liked me the most, still does.. the other one, I'm cool wit but her best friend keeps convincing her she shouldn't laugh at my jokes, and shouldn't ever take me seriously). So now, whenever I say anything good (whether it be something intelligent, or just something nice that I have), she always tries to put me down. And what's really funny is, she thinks she looks so damn good, but she is the ugliest thing I've seen. I mean I can crack on the mole (or scab or whatever that ugly thing is) she got at the bottom of her back. I could really get on this girl but I'm afraid to really hurt her feelings. So now, she is steady clowning me all the time, getting everyone around to laugh at me and all. And I'm just taking it. I try my hardest to make it seem like I don't care.

There's also this one faggot in my last period class. He's such a fckin nobody, I could get on him BAD. He's always talkin about how wack I AM though. I write rhymes in class alot, and he's always trying to make them seem wack, when he is wack himself. I mean, he wearin braces, and he shoes THE WORST AFC TRAITS. OMG, HES SO AFC TO WOMEN.

Blah, that's enough examples, yall get the point. So should I start clownin people hard? Is that how you get your respect up?


Don Juan
Jan 29, 2006
Reaction score
I get respect by not letting anyone dis respect especialy around girls, even my friends if they say anything they will get a nasty @$$ reaction from me that usualy ends good for me. No one really makes fun of me anymore even like joking around or else they knowe something will be comming lol, so girls don't think I am some guy who get's pushed around by his friends.


Don Juan
Oct 24, 2006
Reaction score
I wouldn't lay it on them so bad that it would hurt their feelings and **** or disgrace them. You need to start saying things back in forms of jokes that make fun of them when they make fun of you. That, or, just stop hanging near them. From what I've seen that doesn't work effectively as joking.


Master Don Juan
Oct 27, 2005
Reaction score
New York City
BE A JERK OUTSIDE, and nice on the inside.. That whats it all about, dont let no one pick on you! thats just sad. Never laugh when someone says some dum joke on YOU.. Its like telling them to continue doing it. Unless your 5 years old, you should pull yourself together, and care NO MORE. Hurt their feelings u said?...Dude comon.. Just be a jerk, slap urself a few times and say good bye to dorky guy that you are now. Chiks dont like guys that are being picked on in ANY way, so do whatever it takes to get respect u deserve.