Look a few posts back. There are TONS of ****ing DISEASES that you can catch from something UNSANITARY. Take it from a ****ing man who got 90+ in all his health courses in HS, AND IS ****ING MAN ENOUGH to take two years in nursing....
You could also catch more from walking into a public space, (i.e. a mall, school, or club) than you could from a fork in a bottle but lets digress. You are greedy, lets see how much we can ask for before we realize that we were never harmed as much as others were by less in life.
So you found a fork in a bottle. Go outside and skin yourself with a rusty nail and hope there is tetanus on the thing (maybe you'll get a tetamus shot... in the buttcheeck), lets get some Hep C (maybe you'll get once a month shots... in the buttcheeck), lets get AIDS (same thing... once a month shots... in the buttcheeck... plus daily doses of the football pill x 10)... it only gets worse, and no, the worse it gets... the LESS you will get, not more.
"how can you sue"
You really wanna know...
I have my law, and my 200 hours claims court, and my bar, and 2 years of clinical... I know how you can sue, but at the same time I'd rather see you rot in hell.
"how can you sue"...
without me throwing you to the dogs.