So I did Xtacy for a girl...


Don Juan
Jul 20, 2007
Reaction score
Yeah I know stupid but I tell you what I learned alot of things from that and it wasn't pretty.

If you're bored and have a few minutes to read here's the story..

Me and this girl have been friends for about a year and we always hang out with the same party group. Unfortunately this party group parties with E all the times.
I have been strong enough throught all those times to say no to E ( I used to party 5 years ago and have stopped). So this last Sunday, this chick and I hung out and went to a friend's for an after hours party. Throughout the whole night she was flirting with me and teasing the hell out of me.

I admit I have been infatuated with her for a while, she's tall, skinny and I'd say an 8. She and a few other friend kinda pressured me to drop E that night. I guess I thought that it would be my chance to get to be closer to her ( yeah I know dumb) and make something happen.

So I took a pill and some G liquid stuff. :(

I wasn't ready for the strong hit but I was flying for the next 4 hours!!

While we were all hanging out in the garage all of us being high, one of the guy pulled out a lighter and playefully showed us that he was high and could stand the pain of the fire under his finger.

We all told him to stop, which he did. Then the girl said " hey let's see how high is Joe (me) and put the lighter under his hands" We were all kinda shocked and say NO!

I couldn't believe my ears, I guess when you're high on E the truth comes out. So that was strike one on her part.

Then later another girl showed up and she showed interest in me. As soon as the first girl saw that, she commenced a campaign to attempt to control me and get my attention. Telling me to come with her, follow her ect.

Which I didn't appreciate because I knew that the only reason why she now finally gives me attention is because she had competition.

So after the 2nd girl left, she just kinda forgot about me, and continued to party on. Another thing that really disgusted me was that she always talks about staying away from drugs but she's the one who actually brings it out. She brought out shroom and was pushing everyone to do it including me.

She was trying her hardest to get me to do shrooms. Which even though I was f.. up was smart enough to say NO!

Then to put icing on the cake, as I was coming down, I started to be in major pain. With no sleep since Saturday it was now Sunday 2pm and I was hurting.

All the other girls that were there helped me out and while that damn b**ch was more concerned about trying to convince this guy to go back home with her and get more shroom. Which she did accomplish.

Anyways, I'm still recovering from that night from doing the E and I swear I'll never do it again. One moment of weakness and I got owned.

Something good did come out of that, on the way out of that hell hole, I ran into one of the girls that did not do E and we had a talk and she was kind enough to help me recover. SHe's not hot like that other girl but I'd choose to respect her and kindly treat this one over that evil witch.

Sorry for the rant but I need to let this out. :(


Senior Don Juan
Apr 11, 2007
Reaction score
nice story ;)

Sounds like you were still shy when you were high. ****ty for you.


Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
Reaction score
One moment of weakness and I got owned.
I think you had a cool experience. And free shrooms.

Word of advice: yes, you can sometimes 'hook up' because of X, but that hook up disappears in about 4 hours anyhow. You didn't miss any opportunity here.

Then later another girl showed up and she showed interest in me. As soon as the first girl saw that, she commenced a campaign to attempt to control me and get my attention.
"Don't worry sweetheart, there's enough of me to go around. I'll get back to you." You should look at every party like this as an opportunity to just interact - it's going to the gym, but for people skills instead of muscles.

I think you learned to not be focused on any one girl mentally at these soire's.