So I am going to see the Ex...


Don Juan
Jan 28, 2008
Reaction score
Ok, about 2 years ago I started reading the bible, and my oh my it changed my life.

At the height of it, when i was moving from girl to girl, always having atleast 2 girls being strung along at a time, I met a girl that I realised I could spend literally hours and hours with without getting bored.

Ofcourse, I thought enough was enough (of the incesant moving from girl to girl routine), and decided to ask her to meet again week after.

We were together for 14 months. It was a month ago, and her choice. Something to do with her growing up alot recently, and wanting to be alone. I was destroyed. Still alittle cut up, but I am trying to get myself together. For instance I am already playing with the mind of an old flame that just split up with her boyfrined last weekend (I'm not sayign i definatly had something to do with that... *rolls eyes*)

I have a feeling that it is down to me losing my padowan DJ nature, especially in the closing stages of the relationship. I started to care if some guy was flirting with her, and I started getting insecure, which I think killed it.

Obviously I have already become a little stronger, and more back to my old self, but I still want her back. I have 6 months till I go uni, and I can't be assed starting with soemone new, so she is the only one really worth the time.

So I thought I will make her miss what she has lost, I told her never to talk to me again, on IM. She lives in a different town, so the liklihood of running into her is slight. She wants to be friends etc, so I thought coming up to valentines I will unearth once more and ask to hang out as mates.

Of course, I will call her a hipocrit and that I dont want to spend time with hipocrits if she is gonna be like that - if of course she says no. If she says yes... how the hell am I meant to act????

That is my question. Over these next two weeks I am planning on getting over her as best as possible. But otherwise, how do you convince the girl you are not interested in her in order to spark up in her to be desirable.

And I have already got back to my old position in confidance. I dont do things with a win/lose mind set. I simply attack things in different ways to see how they pan out... an experiment or training. Whichever you prefer.

Please help! Just for kicks


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
You should just let this one go dude.

You're a DJ for christsakes.

Don't fish in a dirty pond.

The world is yours get someone new and a fresh start.

Someone that hasn't let you down when you needed them the most.

Tons of guys on here go through hardships and trials and get close to becoming a DJ but they still haven't reached the place of maturity to where they can kill off their egos inner AFC need to get back with some girl that treated them like sh!t in the past and "really show her" all in an attempt to feel better about themselves and repair that fractured ego.

I don't know man I just think the mark of a real DJ is moving beyond wanting to get something back that let you down before just to repair your ego.

I just think the mark of a true DJ, the mark that a person has reached the finish line in becoming a DJ lies in that person being able to feel good about and repair their ego all by themselves.

It shouldn't be dependant on proving to yourself that you can use your new mad skills and get some chick back who let you down in the past and make her yours.

To me that looks like a regression and trying to resolve some unfinished business instead of moving forward onto new and better horizons.

Think about it brother.

You can do better if you believe in yourself.

Don't short change yourself.

Reach for the fvcking stars.


Don Juan
Jan 28, 2008
Reaction score
fair enough, I see where you are coming from. I will see how it goes. Check out other girls when with her. Check my watch etc, and not contact her till she contacts me afterwards.

It'd be nice to retain a friendship, you date a girl so long, she becomes one of your best mates. I know this isn't DJ talking, and you are probably hurling, but doing my best to keep her intrested will be an accomplishment in its own right.

Afterall, I am just filling in time till I am at uni, and if it makes you feel better, perhaps, I just want her back so I have someone to practice on being a strong boyfriend with. Or just to sleep with her one more time. :)

If your advice it to just move on, I have nothing to lose in trying to win back her desire. Afterall, wouldnt it be more impressive than just winning some other gals affection, cos frankly that stuff is far too easy.

Any advice would be welcomed...