Originally posted by Delta
again, i'm not contesting the value of self improvement or trying your best but in the context of getting women, it seems like the bar is raised so high that if you're content, that still may not be good enough.
shouldn't be equated with "getting rich". Unfortunately, especially in the US, it usually
is equated with "getting rich".
In fact, ideas of ultimate personal satisfaction, contentment, success, etc all seem to be equated with "getting rich", and its cousin "social status".
Personally, I don't attribute anything inherently sinister to either of those activities. In fact, I think they spawn many (unintended) benefits for the rest of us. I don't hold anything against someone that makes attainment of material wealth and/or social status the focus of his efforts.
However, I do think it's quite unfortunate that this mindset has pervaded the souls of
so many people. "Getting rich" isn't necessarily the "right" thing for everybody. Each person needs to decide for himself what it is he wants out of his life. (Personally, I have no intention of making "getting rich" my sole or even dominant aspiration in life -- and I don't give a damn what anyone thinks; not friends, not family, not females, no one.)
Okay, now that I've settled that (you all agree, right? RIGHT?
), let's look at delta's concept of "good enough".
Blue collar and middle-class guys absolutely can get stunningly beautiful women. I really don't know how there can be any doubt about that at all. I've heard this guy's something of a computer geek, so, dude, get up off the PC and have a look around the world some time!
But, it's also probably true that the absolute cream of the crop, the 10s -- which you most likely will actually see in real life maybe twice in your lifetime -- go for the wealth and status. Yes, I'm sure there are exceptions to this, but in general terms, it would not surprise me in the slightest if it was one day proven true that the most beautiful women, the best of the best, want it "all". (Whether they actually get it is another story completely -- I, for one, believe they do not.)
But is that any reason for despair? I cannot for the life of me see why. Most of us will never, ever be the richest, the wisest, the best looking, the toughest, the strongest, the fastest or the best at any single endeavour. I'm sure it doesn't bother delta that he'll never be the world's best computer programmer, or even in the top 1000. Why on earth would it kill you to realize you're probably never going to fvck Miss Universe, either? (Not that you shouldn't be trying!)
PS -- You're using "AFC" way wrong if you think the above being true makes blue collar guys AFCs.