Smooth's FR


Don Juan
Feb 15, 2006
Reaction score
I decided today that I would start listing my approaches. I've been reading my a$$ of and its time to put this to good use. I'm gonna go for 100 approaches and see where it takes me.

#1 Back from Florida
Made a comment about leaving FL to the girl sitting next to me on the plane and kept the convo going for almost two hours... I did a good job talking, but I need to do a better job teasing and kino- I only managed to do a little (i'll do better next time). I did do a great job with eye contact and voice. I was confident but I've got some work to do.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 27, 2005
Reaction score
Yeah man nice job, keep it up and you will get better with time. You are only a year older but I think I am going to start doing a field report similar to this starting this friday when I go downtown. It should be fun, maybe we can learn something from each other or give each other some tips, either way keep it up and keep posting each one on her, it keeps you motivated and its good for other users I know I will be reading it cause its something to learn from.


Don Juan
Feb 15, 2006
Reaction score
I slacked a bit, but jumped back on Friday

#2 & #3 I was hanging out in my buddy's dorm when two girls he knew strolled in. I thought that this would be a perfect time for me to put in work and i opened both of them by introducing myself. The UConn game was on so we talked about that for a bit and i used it as a way to ask questions about them... i worked the c&f real nice but i stuttered a couple of times (which is weird cause i never stutter). they asked me to hangout sat but i couldn't go. ive never read anything about a facebook/ myspace close but hey i'll take it.

Sat- clubbin
i swear dancing can be ridiculous sometimes. i danced with a couple of real hot girls two 8's and a 9 (and im a tough grader) and a couple of decent ones ( 6's and 7's) but i got shut down hard by a bunch of girls i wouldn't even go after if i saw them on the street. damn that sucked. i guess the upside is that i got a little better at taking a rejection- cause it didnt happen once im talkin 6 or 7 times.

#4 i met some girl studying back on campus (on a sat night). she was cute so i asked her what she was looking at...(disease notecards for a test on monday) talked about science stuff for a bit but i ended up not really being interested in her so i said see ya around and went to bed.


Don Juan
Feb 15, 2006
Reaction score
It seems like I put in work on the weekends, but never during the week. I felt a lot more comfortable this week. It's too bad I can't count the girls who approach me, there have been a bunch this week but none that I really like. I got a tattoo on wensday, wow was that ever a rush. I feel a lot more confident- If I can get over the fear of a tattoo I can get past approaching girls. I need to step it up for real next week.

#5 & #6
One of my budddies had a party with a couple of girls who live off campus. The first was a blonde i'd say she was an 8 but my buddies put her higher.

Me- Hey, whats up.
Her- Hi, I'm Blondie
Me- I'm Smooth, you go to school here.
Her- Ya, I'm a sophmore but i live off campus. She continues to talk to me but she acted like a ditz and that turns me off so i turned and started to talk to her friend who was prob a 7.5 .

Me- You live off campus too?
Her- Ya and she starts to talk to me but she seems just as ditzy and i move on.


This cute girl i've noticed sits next to me on my buddies couch. I'll be honest, I was feeling nervous and almost didn't say anything. I definately broke the 3 second rule. But, I forced myself to do it.

Me- Whats your name?
Her- Couch
Me- Is that wine yo're drinking
Her- No its Coke and Rum (I felt like an idiot)
Me- O hows that (I really couldn't think of anything better to say)
Her- Good
At this her friend grabs her and they get up and go (I almost feel bad about including this as an attempt. I didn't do much right here.)

Thursday was not one of my best days of talking to women. I think my brain was legit dead that night.


Don Juan
Feb 15, 2006
Reaction score

I was feeling really good friday. I was in rare form and feelin like million bucks.

Couple of buddies and I go out to a party and I am everywhere. I'm dancing then talking to a few girls i know. I keep going back and forth talking to girls and dancing. If I was like this at all times I would no longer come to this site (thats a long ways away but i feel like its a real possibility after that night).

#8 & #9 & #10

I approach a group of three girls who were talking in a group i'd say two 6's and a 7. I didn't even care I was feelin good and felt like hittin on some girls.

Me- Hey Ladies how you doing tonight (and i throw in a head raise for good measure lol) (i doubt this would've worked in any other circumstance but i'm a good looking guy and they looked bored)
Them- we're doing good but it looks like you're doin better
Me- ya i'm real good. I'm smooth by the way, who are you
Them- Blah blah blah.
Me- Where are you from
Them- Blah blah blah
Me- I'm gonna go back in there (dancing) maybe we can hang out later.

I never saw them again because i was too busy hitting on and dancing with hotter girls. I saw this girl I've been trying to hook up with that I'm pretty sure likes me and I'm havin trouble seeing her anywhere. we've talked before but she was absolutely trashed. I regret not trying to move forward then, but i think it would've been dumb to hook up with her drunk.

Me- Have you had 10 beers in an hour again (yeah i said 10 this was the time i met her)
Her- No I don't think im going to do that again.
Me- Lets dance (i pull her onto the floor and we start grindin real hard, the song ends and she starts to talk with her friend and i dance with another girl)

We ended up dancing again later but I was unable to move past that. I danced with another girl who almost danced me to death. Certainly enjoyable but my brain shut down after that and i couldn't process anything else. I approached other girls but i won't count them because i can't remeber most of what they said. In hindsight i think im going to drink less before i start to go out. I need to find that line where i can be comfortable dancing but still have brains left to have a conversation.


Don Juan
Feb 15, 2006
Reaction score
I went out Saturday but i didn't see any opportunites to talk to girls i didn't already know. I did go out of my way to talk to girls that i already know but nothing to count for my journal.

Does it matter that my conversation are really basic? I notice that the more i get to know someone my conversations get deeper, but even with some of my friends my conversations aren't really about anything. If it really matters and i got better at it... my game would get much better. If anyone has some thoughts i would appreciate it greatly.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 19, 2005
Reaction score
Ketp it coming. I need to appoarch more myself and learn how to dance. ( well I can dance to slow songs ). I think I'm gonna start going to the libaries to look for some chances for appoarching and working on convo skills.

No offense dude but you got to add in some humor and kino. Put your hand on her shoulder and say hey how you doing ??. Even appoarch with a question.

You can look up on the internet for some humor tips and watch chris rock or a funny movie. :cool:


Don Juan
Feb 15, 2006
Reaction score
a good day

Last night I went back over some of docs' gold tip album. I woke up this morning feeling like a million bucks. I don't really know how to explain it, but my confidence has just shot up major. I was a social machine today. I talked to everyone i could and really had some good conversations with some girls I had met earlier this year. I've been talking to an ex gf lately and teasing her a bit. I pushed it up a notch and straight up called her a dork. I was nervous about pissing her off, but remembered that Pook post about how a man doesn't give a sh** if a girl can't take a joke. I did it and she LOVED IT! Normally at dinner I just sit with my buddies and have fun, but tonight I saw that girl I mentioned earlier (the one that I was pumped to dance with). She was sitting with her friend and so I walked up and was like "seat taken?" prob not the best way to open but it was what popped into my head. I've been trying not to think about what I want to do and just do it. So I had a good convo with her, ripped on her a bit for being messy with her sandwich, and met her friend who wasn't too bad herself. I'm going to count this as 2 approaches. The new girl counts as one and I HAVE NEVER HAD THE BA**S TO SIT DOWN AT A TABLE OF ONLY GIRLS. I like that a lot some i'm gonna count it. At this point i'm not too worried about what I say, I'm just winging it and I feel a lot better and more confident.

On my way into the gym I saw a girl who wasn't that good-looking but I decided to work on my skills anyway. I'm not gonna count it for my total. She seemed extremely nervous talking to me (hey what can i say im that dude with looks and confidence)

Me-"Awful nice weather we're having huh?" It was snowing :(
Her- Oh i know
Me- I wish it was like last week when it nice, warm, short weather. (I was smiling the whole time so i didn't look like a goon)
Her- That would be nice... but i guess this is good for all the local produce (???? lol)
Me- Ya that would be good. (I tried to validate what she just said) We'd prob get some real good food in cafe if this holds up. (as i walk into the wieght room) See you later.

It was good for my skills talking to people (I've never been one to talk, being social has started to become a side effect of reading this stuff).


On the way out of the gym I saw another girl who i've seen in the gym before but never talked to. I said to myself "now is as good a time as any."

Me- "Is it still snowing outside"
Her- "No thankfully it finally stopped"
Me- "I wish we could go back to last week and wear shorts still" (hahaha i figured i'd recycle this from earlier)
Her- "Oh I know that would be great." (she dropped a notebook out with what looked like notes)
Me- Studying while your working out?"
Her- "Ya its the only time i have, Its all I can do."
Me- "Hey its as good a time as any." (I start to move toward the door)
Her- "Hey see you around"
Me- "ya talk to you later"

Nothing fancy, just more experience talking... you can never have too much experience. I'm really feeling confident. I just reread some other posts I haven't looked at in a while and I think this increase in confidence will keep up and hopefully i'll keep building up more and more as I get out there and do this. I'm thinking about maybe going for some AIM closes, I'm not big on talking over the phone. Why not.


Don Juan
Feb 15, 2006
Reaction score
Writing this out has started to become too long and time consuming. I'm just gonna keep count and give a quick description so that i can keep track of my progression and motivate myself.

Thursday and Friday where a bit slow... but Saturday was bumpin! I'm in the process of trying to get my game to be automatic. When I feel comfortable (doesn't matter who I'm talking to) I naturally do things right. The reason i'm doing this is to get to a point where I'm comfortable walking up to anyone and start a conversation and set up a date. I approached 4 new girls this weekend while clubbin on sat. I took a new approach to dancing that really paid off. Rather than walk up to girls and say "wanna dance?", i talked to my wing and played it cool. When i saw a hot girl that i was willing to dance with, i made STRONG EYE CONTACT, and if she returned the eye contact i went in for the kill, it never failed. My dancing skills also took a turn for the better. I worked the side to side grind, dipped low with the girls extremely well, and tried going back and forth for the first time (super difficult until i started to think of it like sex). This one girl was an unreal dancer and introduced me to the back and forth move... when i was done dancing with her she was almosted shocked and said... "WOW! you went all the way to the bottom with me on those dips." I made good improvement with kino and my approaches were more complex... i pulled some really good remarks this week.

up to 17 approaches... i need to speed it up a bit

I do have a question though. I had a good convo with this one girl i met on campus, i've never ever talked to her before, assumed that i had a g/f. I never hangout with any girl often, and when i do its rarely in public (other than like 2-3 min convo). Why would she assume that i have a g/f? I read earlier about girls thinking that when guys don't hit on them, they assume the guy is taken... is this that type of situation?


Senior Don Juan
Aug 19, 2005
Reaction score
Thanks to AFC, these guys go up trying to make smooth moves and trying to make the girl laugh at their stupid jokes. You my friend appoarch women clamly and with confidence. ( I'm appoarching myself so don't think I'm another keyboard jockey and will start appoarch journal this summer )
I did this 2 girls and we had a long convo. When 1 girl asked if I had a g/f I said no and they looked at each other shocked. When guys like you appoarch a girl with the right attudie ( remember biggie smalls ( I don't chase them I replace ) and I'm not needy man. You will get girls saying WOW. Remember smooth WOMEN ARE APPOARCHED ALL THE TIME !!!!! THEIR ARE ALOT OF AFC WHO WOMEN TEST AND THEY JUST FAIL. IT AMAZING TO A GIRL TO SEE A GUY WHO ACTUALLY PASTS THEIR TEST. Ketp those field reports coming and look out for my :D .