smile+stare at chick, but just blank stare reaction from her??


Don Juan
May 18, 2006
Reaction score
So I was in the gym today on the stationary bike, and there's hot looking chick 2 bikes away from me. the bikes are all in the same row.

Then her head turned 90 degrees (well almost!) to my right and I thought she was staring in my direction, so I stared back and gave her a smile but she all she did was maintain her stare, and had a blank look in her face. didn't know what to make of it.

should i make a move somehow or am i just wasting my time?

sidenote: i'm also quite muscular , don't know if this makes some chicks intimidated ?!

ps. same chick was smiling at me few months ago (she smiled first) & I smiled back. Haven't seen her since.... until today.

thanks for the input guys !


Master Don Juan
Apr 3, 2006
Reaction score
lol, that is so cute. Trollishly cute.

I say she was staring at another person... You can tell when a girl is looking right at you.

You should definitely not be too eager to get eye contact from anybody though. Always remember slow movements, you should look directly at them as well, but don't jump at the chance to look a girl in the eyes... or anything else for that matter, you've got to build suspense.

Have you actually approached any of these women? They're not going to kill you or try to get anybody else to kill you if you approach them.


Don Juan
May 18, 2006
Reaction score

yeah somehow i wish she was staring at the other person, that would clear this up once and for all, won't it :) But the thing is, there was another girl between us and no one else in my direction .

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
I don't know but whenever a guys talks about "staring" at a woman I picture a guy who has got caught drooling over a woman. What's to be expected from a woman who catches a guy staring at her in such a way?

If it wasn't in a gym I'd say approach her. The thing is that when people are working out, they're working out! It's a pain to be bothered when you're working out. Now after she's finished and is heading for the locker room or catching her leaving the club is another thing altogether.


Don Juan
May 18, 2006
Reaction score
sorry, I would actually rephrase 'staring' to 'eye contact'. It was more of eye contact when this happened and i wasn't staring at her, i just happened to catch her looking in my direction...or so i think


Master Don Juan
Apr 3, 2006
Reaction score
Next time, approach...

your in a gym, there is always space right next to her. She was on a bike, get off of yours, stretch a little bit, than get onto the bike beside hers. If your across the room and she's surrounded, you can always stop and think that there is going to be an opportunity in the next five minutes, "no big rush."

No need to think on it now though;) There are more women, some at the gym, even more outside of it.


Don Juan
May 18, 2006
Reaction score
one more thing i forgot to add, as i finished off my cardio on the bike and got ready to leave she left as well too (she had already left the bike few minutes before me and was stretching at the stretching area at this point which overlooks the stationary bikes).

maybe i so badly want to believe that she fancies me and it was a pure coincidence lol :)


Master Don Juan
Apr 3, 2006
Reaction score
rob686 said:
maybe i so badly want to believe that she fancies me and it was a pure coincidence lol :)
lol don't ever stop doing that. My favourite opener are fate openers. If you EVER notice a coincidence bring it up... No matter what!!?!?! Well unless you don't want there to be a coincidence.

If they come at you happy that you noticed go forward as stated on this site. If not, and they come off like an *******, use C+F... "Really, because I could have sworn..."

It's not really great to look back on it NOW, since you can go outside and find a woman in less than five minutes that you can get more fun and friendship from.


Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2003
Reaction score
At home
C'mon. You all know I'm the SoSuave's official gym man. Yeah baby!

Some chicks stare at us handsome guys because they don't know a great body except for magazines and tv.

You should have approached her and accused her of being shy and not smiling back, and tell her not to be intimidated by your muscles. And then go on with the story about women only looking at you as a piece of meat rather than a person with feelings etc,, c&funnily ofcourse.. You have checked out my threads on Gyms right? Look for my name and gym.


May 16, 2006
Reaction score
rob686 said:
So I was in the gym today on the stationary bike, and there's hot looking chick 2 bikes away from me. the bikes are all in the same row.

Then her head turned 90 degrees (well almost!) to my right and I thought she was staring in my direction, so I stared back and gave her a smile but she all she did was maintain her stare, and had a blank look in her face. didn't know what to make of it.

should i make a move somehow or am i just wasting my time?

sidenote: i'm also quite muscular , don't know if this makes some chicks intimidated ?!

ps. same chick was smiling at me few months ago (she smiled first) & I smiled back. Haven't seen her since.... until today.

thanks for the input guys !
I smell sissy,lol it's funny and kinda of makes me mad:mad: Because ur either a troll or some complete dumba$$.If a girl looks at u smiling,well then she is giving you a sign ur an idiot.I got a suggestion don't post any threads or post anything until u get smart and not post dumb sh*tty posts ok :)


Don Juan
May 18, 2006
Reaction score
code2009 said:
I smell sissy,lol it's funny and kinda of makes me mad:mad: Because ur either a troll or some complete dumba$$.If a girl looks at u smiling,well then she is giving you a sign ur an idiot.I got a suggestion don't post any threads or post anything until u get smart and not post dumb sh*tty posts ok :)

CODE2009 :

LOOOOL. :yes: This is coming from the insecure but "sexy good looking latino guy" (his own words) who has hangups & insecurities about his race/ethnicity and has doubts if it effects his chances of gettting poon (see this clown's other post- "Does race have an issue with getting women?" ). Oh come on now , my little whiner who only has 34 posts incidentally, WHO is the real sissy ?!

At first glance, I may be a "idiot/dumbass/afc" with 1 post, but I can tell you one thing- i have been completely out of the game for 2 yrs, after coming out of a serious LTR- so don't be quick to judge me, u don't know me!!

Do u have a mirror buddy, look at yourself - who is the sissy ? contemplating about your skin colour, latino heritage etc & your confidence in approaching women because of it. you're in no position to give me advice, and on top on that critisize me.

I say stop giving advice, be more mature & don't critisize others until you solve major issues within yourself such as the feeling that your ethnicity may somewhat be holding you back in getting women & the constant worry about how women may perceive your race & ethnicity in the dating game.

By the way, run a search function....the topic of race & relationships has been beaten many times to death in this forum.
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