sleepover but no sex ?!?!


New Member
Jan 20, 2003
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i need some opinions please heres my story

i was at the bar a few nites ago with my buds playin pool and hb9 approaches me saying im hot, etc... and wants to exchange numbers. so we do that and now she wants a ride home, i agree , on the way home i drop off my buds first and now she says she doesnt wana go home she wants to go to my house, again i agree :D . On the way to my house shes kissing my ear while im driveing etc..., we get to my house and go to my room and then talk for a bit, and we get on the bed and she wants to watch a movie, so i put one in and now she wants a massage, so she takes off her bra and shirt and i start rubbin her back, soon i got tired of that and wanted some action so i stopped with the massage and we start talkin about sex and she says " you know your not gettin laid tonite, i dont sleep with people i dont know" . I was thinkin wat the fuk is up with this and rather upset but i didnt show it. So we basically watch a bit more of the movie and go to sleep and she pulls my arm around her to hold her!! get up in the morning and talk for a bit more, and she asks for another massage so she gets one in her thong and no top. i finish massaging her and lay next to her again and she starts kissing my ear and rubbin my balls :) but then i remeber wat she said about how she doesnt have sex with guys she doesnt know so i jsut lay there and dont do anything cuz i was still a little upset from the nite before then she stops rubbin and we talk a bit more and i drive her home, she gives me a hug wen she leaves the car and says she will call me later. I see her at the bar agan 2 nites later and she says hi and talks for about a minute and says she will come find me later, i walk around the bar and see her talking to differnt guys everytime i see her. She calls me the next day and we dont say much and then she calls me again the day after, i make plans for today but then she cancels cuz of she has to babysit and now we make plans for weds.

Wat is up with this chick is she just a **** tease?

Did i do the wrong thing by not responding to her kissing in the morning?


Master Don Juan
Nov 16, 2003
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You got played alot there didnt you....

You gave her a free ride
You gave her TWO MASSAGES
etc etc

She controlled EVERYTHING. You took no action, you took no control, you were her bytch......

First of all you should have never given that first massage without her working for it somehow.... Or you should have turned that massage into something SEXUAL.... A light, sensual massage will turn any female wet and relaxed.

Second, you TAKE CONTROL. You kiss her when you WANT to and you dont let her play you like that and if she doesnt respond as you want you either
a) Go cold on her ass so she gets the picture that she cant play these idiotic games
b) Overwhelm her with hornyness (Her own hornyness) that she cant resist.

Third, at the club the second time you should have done something like either game her solidly or just get some other chick, preferably the latter (In my opinion). See how shed react to that.

Microphone Fiend

Master Don Juan
May 30, 2003
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Where I be at
sigh... you failed one of the biggest sh!t tests there is:
Girl:You're not getting any sex tonight.
Correct Answer #1: I know (continue to kiss her like she never said anything)
Correct Answer #2: Sex, you're the one that brought it up, I was gonna read the bible all night!

Something to that extent...

When she upsets you, you do a "take-away" This consists of something like turning your back to her and gonig silent because of what she's done, and wait for her to reinitiate contact.

Get her feeling good with the massage and then start kissing her... that simple...


Senior Don Juan
Jul 31, 2003
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Originally posted by #1Wildcat
she says " you know your not gettin laid tonite, i dont sleep with people i dont know".
"Then wtf are you doing on my bed ?" ... That would be the response of any clueless person.

That chick is playing you like a piano.


New Member
Jan 20, 2003
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thanks for the advice guys, cant believe i was gettin played like that :mad:

b's nuts

Master Don Juan
Jul 31, 2003
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If I was up your ass you'd know
the first night i slept with the girl i have now been dating for about 8 months, she specifically said, you know we aren't having sex tonight, but somehow we did twice, on someone elses bed before i left in the 3 hours we were hanging out. The way you work this, is you go a little bit further, and back off - a little bit further and then back off.

Girl: 'your not getting any sex tonight"
you: 'there are blankets in the closet, you can sleep on the couch"

believe me she will want to stay in that bed.

Matt ala Casanova

Master Don Juan
Feb 18, 2002
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If there was sex involved then you would not of felt used or played. However you think have been played because you didn't get any?? You are not making sense. So she didn't give it up? SO?

She got what she wanted that night, someone to rub her down, someone to hold her. Fvck her, the buttom line is she got what she wanted. Guys do it all the time, get what they want and move on. Chalk it up as your first experience with a type A personality chica!

The silly thing is you would think you had scored if you got fvcked!



Mar 4, 2004
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You got played like a fiddle. Either try and get some anyway or ignore her ass. Do not meet her half way.