Here is my take on it, you should contact Miguel, tell him what you did and that you are sorry, tell him exactly where you are staying and give him a number to contact you at and your address where you sleep, allow him access to your bank accounts and any woman you choose to stay with in the future... Give Miguel the ability to take back what you have taken from him, an eye for an eye is only fair. Seeing as only scumbag cowards fvck married women, I'm guessing you'll be too chicken sh1t to do this. As a married man, if I were in the same situation I would probably stop speaking to my wife, leave her, women are replaceable...but the man who disrespected me in this way, I would hunt that fvcker down and dig his eyes from his sockets with a rusty spoon... and I'm a nice guy. Our wives and partners are really just extensions of ourselves. My wife who is reading this over my shoulder is the most down to earth person around, and very sweet but says if she found me with another woman, she'd likely chop us up into bits and slow roast them over a firepit. I can respect that, loyalty demands sacrifice. As you can see, crazy is alive and well in the minds of many.
In my mind, you have stolen his investments, caused him emotional and possibly financial turmoil, wrecked his property and spit in his face. First of all, to all the posters on this thread, if you are so low that you need to pick up OLD MARRIED BROADS, you are not an Alpha or even a BETA, you are NOT a PUA, you are a Peesuvsh1t. An omega brony that feasts on sloppy seconds, a bottom feeder and an enabler... On the totem pole you are worse off than the guy who dates that fat b1tch from my Fat life or whatever its called. Its not about Miguel seeing the 'light' or Miguel's lack of control of his woman, its the fact that this OMEGA used his power to STEAL candy from a BETA.
Miguel had it coming? Possibly. Would it have been someone else if it wasn't you? Maybe. The point is, it was YOU and you KNEW the consequences. You are not an ALPHA, you do not belong to a class of men who mostly spend their lives in jail cells or buried in coffins... you knew the fruit was forbidden and you still ate it.. and now you want forgiveness. In order for society to exist without chaos, the ALPHA/OMEGA males must be purged, all BETAs know this, those without a conscious are a danger to society.
YOU ARE ALL BETAS... don't forget that, none of us started as ALPHA MALES, we are all REFORMED betas with scientifically distilled ALPHA super powers... now you've gone and used your power to fvck over another BETA brother. You have both revealed the true nature of your character, you are a traitor and a feminist sympathizer. I hope for Miguel's sake, retribution is coming. In the days when men had balls, you would have been strung up by yours. Go lick the boots of your feminists overlords as they have permitted your despicable actions..
At least under Sharia Law, men would have respect for another's property. As a warning for the rest, never under-estimate Crazy. I'd like to know what you would be doing right now if we find out Miguel is a muslim extremist... Sarah is a middle eastern name.
You want to be forgiven under the eyes of god? Cleanse the world of scumbags like yourself. Evil begets evil and you have succeeded in turning Miguel to the dark-side, allowing him to participate in the same foul behavior you said yourself that you detest so much. The bible got it wrong, hell is a personal place on Earth and its created by human action. Your guilt and worry will continue to infest your mind until it manifests everywhere in your life. I have seen it turn men inside out, its a cross cultural law as fundamentally important to the human experience as gravity. How do I know? I live with my own demons and they wake me up everyday to remind me what I've done. I fully expect my life to end with a knife in my back, I deserve no less.
You can only spit in the devil's face so long before he starts spitting back...