Slapping a girls ass playfully?


Don Juan
Sep 4, 2007
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this is y people think that internet people are all geeks that play wow, have no social intelligence and are desperate as shyt...


Senior Don Juan
Jun 14, 2007
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ElStud said:
If you tap a girls ass playfully, it is not harassment.
It depends on the girl... But if she took it the wrong way, you could get arrested..


Master Don Juan
Oct 2, 2006
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Bay Area, California, Currently in SoCal (UCR)
Where I'm from, the % of girls that will allow you to slap their ass is pretty low, and an even lower % for girls that like it.

Of course, it depends who slaps their ass, but then that would depend almost entirely on physical apperance if the girl did not know you in the first place.

you can keep going if you want elstud, but don't come back making a thread blaming your race when some girl decides to slap you or you get arrested. and IT WILL happen if you go up to random girls and slap their ass


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
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Haha, okay, next time a girl slaps my ass I'll call fvcking security. No I'm not going to call fvcking security. You guys take the whole thing TOO seriously. If you slap a girls ass playfully you are not going to get fvcking arrested. You guys must have fvcking grabbed her ass or something if you got arrested and if you're not speaking from experience, I don't want to hear it. Slapping a girls ass is playful kino. And if you call security for a girl touching your ass, you're a fvcking dipsh1t. That's just immature. Girls will grind with random guys, I'm sure they really don't mind a guy touching there ass. And if they do, that says something about them, they're probably no fun anyway. Look up "harassment" in the dictionary. If you slap a girls ass once, it is NOT harassment. Harassment is doing it over and over again when she's told you to stop.


Don Juan
Jul 22, 2007
Reaction score
This thread is funny. Like Elstud said, guys are taking the whole thing TOO seriously. No one is saying "run around slapping random girls arses" - thats asking for trouble. If you gona do it use ya fvckin brains, and calibrate the situation b4 you do it. make sure its with a cheeky smile.

Evertime I have either slaped, spanked, touched, pinched a random girls arse THEY LOVED IT. I'm finished with this thread you guys are shocking.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2007
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sexybeast said:
This thread is funny. Like Elstud said, guys are taking the whole thing TOO seriously. No one is saying "run around slapping random girls arses" - thats asking for trouble. If you gona do it use ya fvckin brains, and calibrate the situation b4 you do it. make sure its with a cheeky smile.

Evertime I have either slaped, spanked, touched, pinched a random girls arse THEY LOVED IT. I'm finished with this thread you guys are shocking.
That's it.

All you have to do is calibrate, can you get away with it? Can't you? What will this do in the social dynamics you're in at the moment?

Just calibrate, there is no definite answer.


Don Juan
Jul 22, 2007
Reaction score
Girls ACT like they don't like being touched by random strangers but TRUUUUUUST me deep down they love it I mean who doesn't...? Plus I usually always end up sexing them too because they see how much of a man I am and that's when I REALLY beat them down, you know while I'm hittin it doggy-style I just punch them in the face a couple of times etc etc etc because by then I've usually slapped them around enough for it to lose it's essence. Well you know how it is...PIMP!!!
LOL Where you from? Cant be NYC, you'd be behind bars.


Master Don Juan
Dec 17, 2006
Reaction score
In the club/bars
I know a kid who is ugly and fat and totally way over his head but is FEARLESS when it comes to women... FEARLESS.... I feel like a little girl compared to his confidence.
In his mind, EVERY girl loves him... its hilarious but so freakin awe inspiring aswell.

Anyhow the other day I ran into him at a bar near ASU and we chatted up a bit. And 3 hot girls were leaving the bar walking past us and one of the girls had to be one of the most hottest females in AZ at the moment. Like my jaw was dropping she was so freaking hot and I made a comment that was a half slur (yeah i know, i'm making myself sound bad). And he just simply glanced at her, "Who her?" and slapped her a$$ as she passed him. and when she turned around with an arched 'wtf' eyebrow, he just beamed like "Arent you so glad i picked you!!! I know you are, you're allowed to show your pleasure now!".. anyhow he said something to the fact of "hey babe whats up.. blah blah blah!" actually chatted it up a bit and just as she started to take down her guard and was actually staying there talking to him and suddenly PUSHED me towards her and said "hey my friend here thinks your hot"... WTF.. what an a$$hole... yeah obviously he ruined both our chances at that point (not that he could care less... every other girl on the planet is his it seems lol). He isnt the smartest kid... but I think these are the guys that define 'ignorance is bliss'.

Anyhow that kids confidence is something I strive for.

but to make a long story short... I wouldn't suggest slapping a perfect strangers a$$... Unless you are so sure of yourself and its the most natural thing you can do.
He didn't think about it... He just simply ACTED.