Slapped in the face by best friends gf


Jan 13, 2013
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stay sober, and learn to block. Open swing stuff like that is easily deflected or stopped by your arms, if you are paying attention. Often, if you use the "knife hand" block to their forearm (especially a woman) it hurts/numbs her arm so much that she wants nothing further to do with that bs.


Mar 10, 2010
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The Wacky Races
I've been friends with the dude for 13 years. His girl and him have been together for 10. They get drunk frequently and have hit each other before.
I've been quasi-friends with the slapper for as long as she's been with my buddy. This is the first time she's done something like that to me. Normally she is respectful.

I got in touch with my friend and got more details about that night.
-After I got slapped my buddy slapped his gf in the face even harder. (Good friend).
-I did get an apology (though I don't remember it).
-The slapper is worried that I'll never hang out with them again.
-The real reason I was hit is because I had slept with her friend a couple weeks prior and never contacted her again. We were in that same girls apartment at the time. On a side note, she waited for her friend to go outside and smoke a cigarette before she slapped me. So it was just my friend, the slapper, and myself when it all happened.
Here is what is wrong with you AND most young men like you. You are looking for her approval, justifying her bad behavior and accepting it as OK, even telling yourself you might be at fault... it was never warranted and should not be tolerated EVER. You should NOT hang around these people ever again, friends are a dime a dozen, even best friends. You clearly didn't get an apology and the slapper has a very good reason to be worried because if you were smart you would walk away and NEXT these people like yesterday's garbage... your buddy probably didn't slap her at all, that sounds like bs. What would you do if a girl had done that to you on a date? I would have never spoken to that b1tch again.

If thats the real reason, then she REALLY has no place in hitting you, what kind of bullsh1t is this? Friend ownership..fvck off.. You sound like a jersey shore goof ball. Men and women CAN'T be friends, that's all american media bullsh1t.

3countriesplan: I don't know the rules in Beijing but I have seen women get the sh1t kicked out of them in the streets in 3rd tier cities for much less. Not slaps mind you but full on fists in the face. If my girl ever stepped up and slapped me in the face, she knows she'd find herself face down in the mud. At the very least I would send her ass home to mama with all her bags packed... in this country, that is enough to scare the crap out of a woman... shame, something american women seem to lack. One of the worst things about China is also the most useful for these types of situations, law men don't get involved in domestic situations and there isn't anyone gonna come and rescue them even if they do call.


Master Don Juan
Aug 26, 2012
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First, keep your alcohol in control. Never be "that" drunk to get smashed in the face without seeing it coming (if you can). Second, your friend is a ball-less chump for letting her get away with that. She can smack him all day long, but now he's ok with her doing it to other people, namely, you.

I wouldn't hang out with him anymore, and when he asks why, I'd tell him because he's with a girl that owns his balls and you don't like being assaulted by her. I'd try to make some serious ripples in his relationship.

Hell, give him even more pressure, tell him: "get rid of the twӓt and we'll be friends again. Until then, fück both of you!"

You can't possibly hang out with these 2 fücks again and act like everything is peachy. Screw beta, that would make you omega beyond all men that are omega!


Mar 10, 2010
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The Wacky Races <=== American woman slaps police officer on BJ subway. <-- Woman would not stop picking flowers outside a government building. <-- REAL Slut shaming. <-- Don't mess. A lesson in disrespect.

American women simply have no fear of retribution. I can't even imagine what would happen in China if a Chinese woman had done that to a Chinese man. Women would not be stupid enough to try something like that, face means a lot here. America land of the free home of the abused.
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Master Don Juan
Feb 20, 2012
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Good thread.


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
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Just say:

"The first one is free, but the next time you slap me it will cost you."

Hopefully she would get the message if you have a serious face and are intimidating.


Don Juan
Oct 25, 2012
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Haven't had a girl do some BS like that with me in years...but both times I slapped them back. When I was 13 I went to fight a guy, a girl 15 had me cornered, and kicked me in the balls twice...I then broke her fking arm lol.

Would either slap them back or GRAB HER BY HER SHIRT AND SHAKE THE SH*T OUT OF HER. It's a little late to truly put her in her place, but you should definitely check and confront her on that.

Reminds me of something Chris Rock said:


Don Juan
Mar 7, 2013
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Central Valley of California

The situation sucks, definitely. I have quick reflexes and if there is one thing that enrages me, it's getting hit in the face. There is a 90% chance I would have hit her with a closed fist in a right cross before I even fully considered what was occurring.

The proper legal thing to do would have been to step outside and call the cops. Assault is a serious crime, and she would have been arrested on the spot and booked into county/city jail. I personally know a guy who was hit by a girl; he called the police, she went to jail. The cops had no tolerance for her bull**** and she sat in jail until released on her recognizance a couple days later. To my knowledge, she has never hit anyone again. I suppose she learned a valuable lesson, haha.

Anyways, your friend should have body slammed her, thrown her into the car, taken her home and put her in time-out; treating her like the child she is. That's exactly what I would do if my ball-n-chain hit a good friend of mine. I have zero tolerance for that kind of behavior.

I believe you did say he slapped her back, hard, but the disrespect remains. I don't think I would be able to have her around anymore. It would never be far from my mind. Unless she showed up at my door with a black eye, freshly baked brownies and profusely apologizing, I suppose.

It's hard for me to even imagine my girl striking a good friend. I would be enraged and ashamed. That is one disrespectful, disgusting broad.


Don Juan
Mar 31, 2011
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Anybody who says "ignore" that sh*tty behavior is an idiot. Ignoring it will do nothing. Go listen to some more Bruno Mars you spineless *****es.

Make sure (via your words) that whoever does that to you regrets it.


Don Juan
Nov 15, 2012
Reaction score
This is a rough situation. I would have flipped the **** out on the BF, and told him to train his piece of dog **** ***** better. Without even looking at the girl. And then probably went off on a tirade completely belittling everything about her in every verbal way possible. Then I would never talk to the guy again unless he apologized to me and never brought that slut near me again.

Alternatively, and this only works it you do it RIGHT AWAY, is to slap her right back as soon as she slaps you, and them not back down after.
Look her straight in the eye and say DONT you dare ever slap me again. If you get arrested,
Nothing would happen because you were all drunk and you have witnesses that would testify that she slapped you first.

Never let a girl disrespect you, man.


Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2011
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I would never hang out with her again, easy as that. Your buddy calls you to hang, hey is soandso coming? Yes. I'm gonna pass buddy, i'm trying to avoid the assault charges... peace. Lesson learned


Don Juan
Mar 5, 2013
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the city that bleeds
A good bro of mine had a girl he was banging embarrass me in public. Nothing physical just disrespectful. I tore her ass down then turned to him and told him until she's dunzo in his life don't bother contacting me. And what's with the don't get drunk and stay sober crap. I'm a grown man and I should be able to drink and not worry about a split tale swinging on me. Blaming booze justifies her and blames the kid who got slapped.


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2012
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topshelf19 said:
A good bro of mine had a girl he was banging embarrass me in public. Nothing physical just disrespectful. I tore her ass down then turned to him and told him until she's dunzo in his life don't bother contacting me. And what's with the don't get drunk and stay sober crap. I'm a grown man and I should be able to drink and not worry about a split tale swinging on me. Blaming booze justifies her and blames the kid who got slapped.

I think he is saying don't drink till you lose awareness, too drunk to even know where you are or when you wake up you ask yourself how the hell I get home?

funny is one time someone tryed to slap me, I pulled my face out of way and she hit the air, I started to make fun for trying and letting her be eve more pissed with me


Senior Don Juan
Mar 26, 2013
Reaction score

That guy sued the show producers and got a nice settlement as well as an apology. The show is 60% scripted but strictly prohibits abuse or violence.