

New Member
Mar 9, 2003
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Thanks for all your responses guys, they have been extremely informative, and Pook thank you especially. I've been "sitting on the fence", so to speak, about actually getting off my duff and getting into the gym, but that inspirational post was just enough to shove me over :)

However, there is one thing I want to clarify: I wasn't arguing that Anthony's program would not work. I'm not saying, following his advice, that those gains are unattainable. Rather, my concern was that the before and after pictures on his website were not legit. All that weight gain and that astounding difference in physique in just 12 weeks seemed, and I guess still seems, a bit fishy to me. Have any of you guys gone through a complete metamorphsis like Anthony did in the same amount of time?

Thanks guys,


Senior Don Juan
Jun 18, 2002
Reaction score
Australia, Melbourne
Pook... are you under 18? Because it says on the site not advisable for persons under 18... and i'm turning 17 soon, so i was wondering would this program still be alright for me?


Master Don Juan
Nov 6, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by Cheatz
Pook... are you under 18? Because it says on the site not advisable for persons under 18... and i'm turning 17 soon, so i was wondering would this program still be alright for me?
Yea it would be alright for you; there is a section on the private forums just for high-schoolers. It's not advisable for people under 18 because it may be hard for you to be able to eat every 3 hours like the program requires when you are in school all day. But if that is not an issue for you, then go for it.


Master Don Juan
Nov 6, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by Mr. Fancy Pants
For those that are using this program, how much $$ do you spend on food, supplements, etc. per month?
Actually I think I spend about the same amount on food that I did before I started the program. Previous to the program I bought a ton of junk food ($$$). Now I eat inexpensive food such as canned tuna, protein shakes, chicken breasts, rice, pasta etc. As for supplements I use creatine for bulking and glutamine when I am cutting, neither is very expensive in the long run because the quantities you buy last a long time. I buy my supplements at and both are very inexpensive.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 16, 2002
Reaction score
I'm going to do it. I've been lifting regularily for the last 2 1/2 months but no significant gains. I've been eating A LOT more latley but that seems to just make me go to the bathroom like 3x a day rather than 1. What's the deal with that? Super-metabolism?


If you guys order (or even just look around more), try using THIS LINK]. It is the same exact price but with this link special benifets will befall the Pook Man.
you got it.



Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
Reaction score
Pook if you don't mind me asking, how much mass did you put on or how big are you now.

Here's my story guys, I started lifting 7 years ago when I was 5/10 and 130 dripping weight.

In the first two years I put on 45 lbs with no supplements, just good lifting and eating alot of food.

But guess what, since then I've been stuck. The biggest I got was 180 after a cycle of creatine a few years back.

I lift heavy and continue to get stronger but the body mass hasn;t gone up. I get ripped at times but that's about it.

Well just wondering if there are any more tricks on skinny guy that can help. For the most part I'm not sure if that guy on there is alot bigger than me, but he is more defined.


Master Don Juan
Jan 21, 2002
Reaction score
To Pook:

I don't know if you recognize me (I tend to stay around the HS forum a lot), but I had a question about your post.

Gaining mass will cause a WORLD of reaction from everyone, including most important, women.
You mention a lot about women in your post, mentioning that you can be that big guy "women are reserved for".

I've taken a lot of time focusing on self-improvement. But I try to recall when I ever thought "this will help me with women", and the only time I remember that is when I first discovered and was in dire need of help.

In fact, if you ever read any of my posts or tips they are usually centered around more general things such as why PEOPLE in general think a certain way, not particularly women. When I find an exception as to how women think versus how men think (which is not uncommon... as we know), I try to illustrate it. Or I try adressing how the reader can change their point of view about a certain situation.

My question is this: Why not put on muscle mass for mainly yourself? Not necessarily women. I seriously doubt you've ever needed to put on some lean muscle to improve your skills with women. So if it was for women, why? If women could be happy enough as you were, why take all the time to workout, spend the money on this program, eat the extra food, etc, when one of your primary reasons were to benefit your skills with women?

It seems that your dealings with women are a large passion of yours, but with all your other skills and knowledge, you couldn't possibly have needed this for that reason, correct?

One thing that is commonly preached around here (or maybe it's only the High School forum) is that you shouldn't be focused on the women themselves, but focusing on yourself, and then the women come as a side effect (and you work on your women-skills then). For example, instead of becoming more socially adept because you wish to attract more women, you do it to improve your life, and then as a side effect you become better with women.

Now, I know that a lot of you older guys here (I'm only 16, and stay mostly around the HS forum) talk more about seduction techniques (speed seduction, but I'm not aware that you are into that) or the specific interaction with a woman, while most of the veterans in the High School forum talk more about self improvement, but still go in-depth when answering questions about women (or in this case, girls :)).

So, as a final question, would you say the whole mission of a Don Juan changes as you get older and leave High School (I know you weren't around here when you were in High School, but a simple observation will do), or maybe that there's just a simple conflict between the Don Juan Discussion forum and High School forum? Or maybe I'm just wrong and things aren't as different as they seem :D.

I tried PMing you, but the message was too long and I think your box was probably full as well.


Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by Pook
Remember when you were an AFC? You didn't even REALIZE you were an AFC. You thought being AFC was normal and that 'don juans' were somehow *different* or *talented*. Now you know that is all BS, that you can AND OUGHT TO BE a don juan.

The same applies with muscle mass. You probably are thin or have a regular build. "What is wrong with that, Pook?" Nothing unless you abhor mediocrity like I do. There is also nothing wrong with being an AFC (unless you abhor mediocrity).

It'll make your Don Juaning that much easier.

You might be a geek now, but you'll enter that world jocks and jerks seem to inhabit and you'll like it.

But keep the focus on yourself. Improve yourself and so your world improves.

Push yourself to new boudaries and see what you're missing in life.
Also, he stated in earlier posts that...
Even when I was scrawny, I still scored chicks...
And about testosteronizing himself (bigger and bigger muscles)...
As I raise my own testosterone levels, I am noticing that the women attracted to Pook keep on getting more and more beautiful. I can't believe it. (Notice that I said attracted. You can get the beautiful babe without it. But as far as attraction goes, the prettier girls place their lust for the more tesosteronized guys.


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2003
Reaction score
pook, couple questions old are u
2. can i come and meet you. i seriously think there should be a big meeting of all the members of this board. i wanna see charm, u , juggler, icepick and tons of other guys.

White Ninja

Don Juan
Feb 15, 2003
Reaction score
Just wanted to say the program is completely legit and definitely worth it. So far I've gained 35 lbs and am still gaining. If not for this program, I would still be a skinny bastard. But I can't say it has helped me with chicks. Maybe it's because I'm a jerk. :confused: :)


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2003
Reaction score
are u guys actually skinny?

i just told my mom i wanted to do this, and she gave me that "its genes, i was skinny, your dad was skinny" bs. i just told her i am doing it for myself. so im wondering.. im 5"11 and 150-155 pounds. im not that snikky, i actually got a very nice body, but my arms (especially wrists) dont look too good. i hoped this could help.

The Great Juan

Don Juan
Sep 24, 2002
Reaction score
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Hey oxide, not sure how old you are but my mum used to say the same thing, my father and grandfather were tall and thin and until last year. Sure, i'll never be huge and you might not be either, but that doesn't mean you won't put on 25 pounds of muscle (or more) and have the body you always dreamed of. Let me ask you this, you probably never worked out hard or concentrated on your diet hard before, do you think nothing will happen if you suddenly start doing these things?

Anthony Ellis' website has totally changed my life, after i stumbed onto his site, i started searching for more stuff about him and came across a forum like this one where someone asked about him. From that forum i found a link to this forum and the rest is history. I have totally changed my body and my attitude and outlook on life. In highschool i was the skinniest guy there, i had no self esteem and was really shy, now my friends cannot believe the change in me, and all this after just 5 months, wait until they see me in another year or so, they will be blown away.

Here's a quick story from uni the other day that made me think. One of the (many) girls i've met at uni doing my course is a really cute asian girl (she was born and grew up in Australia though) a few years ago i wouldn't have had the balls to even talk to her, but now i am totally comfortable around her and don't hesitate to be a smartarse and tease her (she gives as good as she gets too ;) ). Then, the i found out that she's been a very successful model for the last 7 years in Hong Kong (she's 23). I couldn't believe the way i'd been treating this cute model who most guys would fawn over. It really opened my eyes as to exactly how much i'd changed. Of course, now i don't treat her the same way....oh no, i tease her even more! mwahahahaha

So to all you guys out there (especially you younger ones who were like me in highschool) thinking about whether to try this program i have this to say to you. Do it now! Don't put it off, change your life for the better, it's not easy but it's more rewarding then you could ever imagine.



Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2003
Reaction score
thanks for the adive. btw. i do work out hard :p


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
Reaction score
Did you buy the program from him?
Or just the free one?


Senior Don Juan
Sep 16, 2002
Reaction score
Bump for all the skinny guys.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 21, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by Pook
The program calls for ZDA, which puts you in a nice deep sleep. With the combination of higher testosterone (and you thought you had a high sex drive) with ZDA, many on the forum report having insane sex dreams. I don't take ZDA but the increase in sex drive I can definately see.
What is ZDA?


Master Don Juan
Mar 7, 2003
Reaction score
The skinnyguy information is perfectly sound and of course will work if applied consistently. Yes, this is indeed a good approach for gaining mass but it's the same basic stuff you can get for free elsewhere. Nothing here is revolutionary - trust me. Pook did make an important point in his commercial that learning how to perform exercises correctly is a very important aspect - in my view important enough to be demonstrated by an experienced lifter in the gym.

Clearly the author has made good progress but I do wonder whether he was previously bigger than his before photos and was re-gaining some of the mass. Nevertheless, following such information will help you to pack on mass - how could it not? So if you purchase his product and follow it consistently you will make impressive gains but if you would rather save your money and get the same results just trawl the archives of or

Oh and I was also wandering about ZDA?? ZMA possibly? Or maybe this is indeed some revolutionary new info!!;)


Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2002
Reaction score
Alot of it is also the forums. has forums just like this one where you can ask questions and such. The thing about AE's program is that it is Mass Gain AND Fat Loss. He explains much of the science behind the two.

I don't think that he was previously bigger. The thing IS though, that AE said that he worked out for like 7 years beforehand.

That probably has something to do with it, IMO. His body was probably itching for food.

But if you do this program RIGHT and you eat lots of food (cough BEEF cough), you will see gains. (Many of the members on the forums report 1 pound of muscle per week, but if you are meat oriented [most protien from beef] and stay on the lifting right, you can get 2 pounds of muscle a week.)

I know of someone who has gained from 160-200 in 6 or 7 months. ;)

But it IS no magic pill.

If anything, the magic pill is BEEF...MOO, MOO, MOOOOOO

No, ZDA is ZMA...I think it is a typo.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 23, 2002
Reaction score
dam i tried ordering this a couple of weeks ago but there were issues. i oredered by credit card. once i finished the form i clicked the "order" btton. nothing happened... the screen just stayed the same. then i tried it again and it said "transaction declined... druplicate order recieved" or something along those lines. i've been workin with some tech lady to get it fixed but she seems to be taking her time. 2 weeks later i dont even have my order in. i'm pissed... i wanna get this **** started right now


Senior Don Juan
Jun 18, 2002
Reaction score
Australia, Melbourne

Could anyone do me a favour... There are somewhat weird marks on my MuscleNow book on pages 35 and 47 if anyone can so kindly scan those two pages and send them to me in MSN or email at I would greatly appreciate it.

Thank You
