Trader said:
That is tantamount to saying that a feminist girl is girly just because she wears pink
Real feminists don't wear pink!!
It's just too... girly.
Update: Okay, I didn't cook lunch last night so I had to go out to eat today. Since the other motorcycle rider who shares the primo spot at work didn't come today, going out to eat far from work meant losing it, meaning I had to go walking to the nearest fast food joint.
So I see this HB8 cutie (really young, either a senior in HS or freshman in college) sitting in the table in front of me. Of course, I smile at her and she coyly smiles back when a guy comes and sits with her. I guess he must have noticed that I was "a threat"
because he sat extremely close to her and began to immediately kiss her and hug her.
The guy was wearing several girly bracelets (GIRL'S BRACELETS FOR GOD'S SAKE!). Looking at their backpacks, you would not be able to tell which backpack was his and which was hers. Looked really frail too.
So I go back to my food, I notice that the girl keeps looking my way when the guy's not looking. I guess the guy either realized what was going on or he felt something was amiss because he started feeding her! That's right, he was feeding her food like she was a baby! Not content with that, he started giving her little pecks on the lips after every bite! I made a little motion as if I was going to throw up a little, giving her a wink and the girl just smiles.
LOL. Yep, this guy was pvssified alright.
P.S. To our younger readers: please don't be a pvssy. Be a