Hello all,
I apologize in advance for boring you with my story. (but if you do read it, pls advise and or give comments)
OK, So i had a class with this really cute chick about a year ago (I wouldn't call her hot, but she is extremely cute). Anyway, I had a big crush on her from the first time I saw her. I was a total AFC but managed to talk to her after class a few times and got some major IOIs (biggest one was one time in class she walked by me grabbed my arm and looked back over her shoulder and gave me this please come fvck me look). Anyway, like i said, I was a total AFC and never asked her for her number. Like 6 months later (after not seeing her much for that 6 months), I talked to her some on facebook and ask her out to play golf (i know, it was lame to use facebook)... and she never responded (big surprise...). So we end up out playing pool with mutual friends like a week later and i ask her when we are going to play golf and she gives me the biggest blow off ever. It wasn't mean but just an obvious blow off. I took this great and I still laugh about it with my friends. So I totally forget about this girl and move on. (I did find out later that some dude she kind of had a thing with was in the pool hall but not with us) Its been about six months again. I just started graduate school and she ends up in my lab group. I didn't ask her, she just joined it and she could have very easily joined a different group. This is going to akward for me b/c I had such a big crush on her and she knew it and knew I was a total AFC. WTF should I do? I mean I want to ask her out again, but i don't want to fvck up my school work. But at the same time i guess she could have joined my group b/c she wants me to ask her out or something. I don't know. Or she could have joined my group because she thinks i'm smart and want to mooch off of me.
I apologize in advance for boring you with my story. (but if you do read it, pls advise and or give comments)
OK, So i had a class with this really cute chick about a year ago (I wouldn't call her hot, but she is extremely cute). Anyway, I had a big crush on her from the first time I saw her. I was a total AFC but managed to talk to her after class a few times and got some major IOIs (biggest one was one time in class she walked by me grabbed my arm and looked back over her shoulder and gave me this please come fvck me look). Anyway, like i said, I was a total AFC and never asked her for her number. Like 6 months later (after not seeing her much for that 6 months), I talked to her some on facebook and ask her out to play golf (i know, it was lame to use facebook)... and she never responded (big surprise...). So we end up out playing pool with mutual friends like a week later and i ask her when we are going to play golf and she gives me the biggest blow off ever. It wasn't mean but just an obvious blow off. I took this great and I still laugh about it with my friends. So I totally forget about this girl and move on. (I did find out later that some dude she kind of had a thing with was in the pool hall but not with us) Its been about six months again. I just started graduate school and she ends up in my lab group. I didn't ask her, she just joined it and she could have very easily joined a different group. This is going to akward for me b/c I had such a big crush on her and she knew it and knew I was a total AFC. WTF should I do? I mean I want to ask her out again, but i don't want to fvck up my school work. But at the same time i guess she could have joined my group b/c she wants me to ask her out or something. I don't know. Or she could have joined my group because she thinks i'm smart and want to mooch off of me.