Very nice and thorough article.
Id lika to point out my view of so called neg-hits. Using NH you are actually making fun of her. If she doesnt realize it - got offended or doesnt respond....she is the one with no sense of humour and really stuck up one. So I use neg hits to TEST them. Yeah thats right. The best girls I know will respond and start to make fun of you or simply smile.
Two HB8 in black dresses..."Hey how was the funeral? Dont be sad, you can buy a new hamster."
HB9.9....."Hi.....nothing....Hey If someone say hi to you it doesnt necessary mean he wants to sleep with you"
I use NH when they respond badly to normal introduction.Or if they start making fun of me first or I can see their b1tch shield mile away.
Sincerely....I dont go for HB with real b1tch shields.....effort doesnt match the prize....they are not the ones Id like to spend my time with or even sleep with (selfish insecure bratty creatures).