Single Life in London


New Member
Mar 19, 2006
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I just wanted to get the opinions of guys who live in London.

What's it like there?

Some rumors I've heard. Would be happy to get your thoughts confirming or debunking these.

1. Most English women in London are ugly and/or fat.

2. There's an overwhelmingly greater number of single men than single women in London, making competition fierce for even the average looking girls.

3. London is a great town for a single guy because you have women from all over Europe who go there to learn English and/or work.

4. London has a terrible quality of life because everything is expensive, nightlife is difficult to reach if you don't live in the center, and the public transport is inefficient.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 16, 2005
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Thats pretty much spot on. However, if you know the right places to go to and know how to handle the women here, you'll be fine.

All these women are getting laid by someone.... right?

Look up some of my FRs. You'll see that there ARE women to pick up.


Don Juan
Feb 9, 2006
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London, UK
OK since I work in London and am about to move there, I'll give some input.

1. Wouldn't say that was true. London has one of the lowest obeisety rates in England. There are plenty of fit chicks around. You only have to go to a small city somewhere else in England and you will notice the difference instantly.

2. Not really sure about that one.

3. Yes there are loads of European women in London.

4. Pretty much correct. Living is expensive, public transport is known for being unreliable. Although it depends where you live really, the good thing about London is 24hr buses that will get you to the centre and back all night long. Underground stops around midnight. Other than that, expect taxi fare of at least 20 quid to get you out of the centre.

Having lived in many other cities in England, I'd still say London is by far my favourite place to live.


Don Juan
Aug 22, 2003
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thelastronin said:
I just wanted to get the opinions of guys who live in London.

What's it like there?

Some rumors I've heard. Would be happy to get your thoughts confirming or debunking these.

1. Most English women in London are ugly and/or fat.

2. There's an overwhelmingly greater number of single men than single women in London, making competition fierce for even the average looking girls.

3. London is a great town for a single guy because you have women from all over Europe who go there to learn English and/or work.

4. London has a terrible quality of life because everything is expensive, nightlife is difficult to reach if you don't live in the center, and the public transport is inefficient.
1. Puerile. Such a generalisation for a city of 8 million people is frankly ridiculous.

2. I seriously doubt it.

3. Not really. Most foreigners are, well, foreign. I could find you 100 eastern European illegal immigrants for every one French exchange student.

4. Very true.


New Member
Mar 19, 2006
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How expensive is London for a guy who's not that wealthy?

Problem is, I make web sites and earn dollars, so the most I can afford in rent & utilities is about 450 pounds per month.

In terms of spending money for going out, food, etc. , I'd say I can afford another 800 pounds per month.

Is it feasible to have a nice bachelor lifestyle (living in central London, going out, etc) on this budget?

It seems like London girls can be really hot and cute. But I would consider Scotland too if it's cheaper and the women are cute as well...


Senior Don Juan
Dec 16, 2005
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thelastronin said:
Problem is, I make web sites and earn dollars, so the most I can afford in rent & utilities is about 450 pounds per month.

In terms of spending money for going out, food, etc. , I'd say I can afford another 800 pounds per month.
Sorry to give you the bad news bro...

Go to Scotland. It is definately cheaper than London.

While I'm on the subject, let me just fill you in on what £450 per month will get you...

It will get you a room (rental) in a semi decent location. Definately not your own pad. If you consider the average cost of a home in london is now well above £250,000, the mortgage payments for a place of that price is around £1200 per month. Then you have Counil tax too (£10p.m). So if you want a a "batchelor pad" in a central location, you need ALOT more money.


New Member
Mar 19, 2006
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Thanks Fash. I guess London is out, despite the fact that I've met so many classy smoking hot blonde professional women from there. They did seem a bit harder to pick up though.

I live in continental Europe but am getting tired of the language barrier. I don't think you can truly learn good game until you live in an English-speaking country and deal with native speakers as an English-speaking DJ.

Have you and your single male friends found London to be quite good for single men? Or is a highly competitive environment?

I guess I can check out Scotland. I heard the people are nice up there.

Any places in Europe itself that you've really liked?


Don Juan
Oct 19, 2005
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London (currently in Sydney)
I'm not too sure about the big cities in Scotland and the quality of women, but from my 2 weeks travelling around there plus my time travelling Oz i don't have a very high opinion of Scottish girls in terms of looks, not great imo.

London definately is very expensive and the only way to do things cheaper is stay in one of the rougher areas where rent is cheap but do you really want to live in a dodgy area and take a girl back to a s**thole? And yeh they aren't as friendly / easy to talk to as girls from the North of England - that's from friends who've been uni in the North and from friends up North living in London.

If you ever get the chance come to Oz - can be hard meeting the very best Aussie girls as a backpacker but i've done well out here and the women are pretty hot - especially Sydney. Not cheap as such but cheaper than London


Senior Don Juan
Dec 16, 2005
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thelastronin said:
Have you and your single male friends found London to be quite good for single men? Or is a highly competitive environment?

I guess I can check out Scotland. I heard the people are nice up there.

Any places in Europe itself that you've really liked?
London is very competitive because wherever you go, there always seem to be more men that women. Also, people in Europe have this idea that English girls are always drunk and easy, so you get the idiots coming over from othe European countries, acting like total AFCs expecting to pick up these women, which just f*cks things up for even more for London guys.

The trouble is, that because London is such an expensive city to live in, a lot of the people who live here CAN actually afford it and the hottest women tend to go towards the more... uhum... well off guys.

So, if you are single, relatively well off and you've got good game, you'll do well. Looks are not SOOO important.

With regards to Europe, I haven't really sarged much mostly because of the language barrier. My game is based on talking and routines, and you can't really do that with a chick that speaks broken english.

The hottest women that I have seen in Europe were/are in Milan. OH MY GOD! those women really know how to dress and take care of them selves. Tanned, good diet = good skin, hair, figure, very stylish dress sense, and the list goes on... :rolleyes:

I really want to check out Sweden and Norway though. I've heard good things :up:

p.s. while we are on the subject... check this out! and SettingsdabefaDesktopswe_vs_gb.PPS.html


New Member
Mar 19, 2006
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Thanks Fash. I see what you're saying about London. It really does seem like I'm priced out based on what I'm hearing. I love the English/Scottish girls I've met here on the continent, but I don't want to live like a bum just to be close to them.

I've been to Stockholm by the way. I found it rather depressing because the women are very reserved, and they really do think they're 'all that' because of the hype Swedish women get around the world. But yes, you do see quite a few smoking hot blondes up there. And if you're a English/American/Aussie with looks & game, it's not that hard.

On a side ote, I'm told things a quite a bit easier in Norway and Finland without a huge drop-off in quality. Go figure.

But yes, the language barrier SUCKS! You can't game women when they don't speak nearly flawless English. So on the continent, as an English-speaker, the women choose you, you rarely choose the woman. Frustrating.