Every woman that you meet, every relationship that you go through, and every lesson you LEARN from each experience will only make you a BETTER man.
A more ALERT man.
A better ARMED man.
And a more RESILIENT man.
As long as you focus on the positive things within you, AND the USEFUL things that you can take from this last relationship you've experienced----your future is brighter than ever.
Do you remember how you always hear people say "Man, if I knew THEN what I know NOW....etc. etc. etc."
Well use this opportunity as a chance to continue to separate yourself from much lesser men. Use this experience to actually take the Intel you've gathered by surviving this emotionally-taxing, relationship battle to forge yourself into a man made of even BETTER stock than you were BEFORE.
Use this event as a stepping stone to get a better, even more attractive, even more compatible, and even more devoted woman than you had last time.
Vow to yourself to become even more skillful at doing the things that made you successful in this last relationship, and also vow to yourself to NEVER AGAIN make the same mistakes that may have worked against you in this last relationship.
Soldiers who continue to make the same mistakes over and over again are "brothers" to the "saboteur". So don't sabotage your future success by mentally and emotionally rehearsing the negative impressions of this last relationship.
Get back to rediscovering and fully participating in the things that brought you peace, contentment, and joy APART from being in a relationship with ANYONE. And as you "reconnect" with yourself in this totally positive and selfish way, you will find your confidence grow, your rusty-ness loosen up, and your deeply buried, natural "mackishness" RETURN----and in full force.
And out of this confidence, you will regain the desire to get back out here on the battlefield to look for these new targets. In fact, BECAUSE your confidence will have returned to it's previously high level----you will become inspired ONCE AGAIN to attract and approach targets (women) without hesitation.
That's when you'll rediscover how true it is that even though you are always outnumbered----you're NEVER OUTGUNNED.
And when the opportunity presents itself, and when your state of mind is once again "open" to the possibility, you will have an even better understanding that "soul mates" are far from mythical-------if you view them through
this more empowering and more realistic prism.
Much RESPECT and PEACE to you, soldier.