simple tips to get and keep a girlfriend



Hey guys,
Here are some things you should do to win over a girl's heart.

1. be nice to everyone (including animals), not just your crush. Girls notice these things.

2. Make excuses to talk to her. She'll appreciate that you’re going out of your way to talk to her. (I.e. ask her 'what time is it?’ to borrow a pencil or pen etc.)

3. When asking her out, don't be afraid of her saying no, if she does, chances are she won't be mean about it. But even if she doesn't like you right now, she IS flattered that you’re paying attention to her. We all love to be noticed. She may say yes at a later time. Ask AGAIN

4. If you have a girlfriend, include her in your life, don't exclude her. If you play sports, ask her to come to one of your games and meet the team. Introduce her to your family. Do things that YOU like to do, except, with her. She wants to be a part of your life, not watching in from the outside.

5. Flattery is acceptable, and appreciated. BUT ONLY IF YOU MEAN IT. Notice little things about her, don't just say 'you're beautiful' all the time. If she wears her hair differently, tell her you like it. If she gets a new pair of shoes, notice them. Also, flatter her personality.

6. We all love surprises, they make us feel special and loved. I didn't say PARTIES though. If your planning a surprise party, ask friends and family if she likes that kind of stuff first.

7. Innocently touch her whenever you can. If your nervous, try starting out by touching her arms or shoulder when you talk or when you're walking. See how she reacts and go further if you get the 'all clear'.

8. Last of all. Just love her and let her love you. That's all she really wants. To love and be loved


New Member
Jan 26, 2010
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Haha, this goes against most evrything posted on this site.

While these suggestions might work sometimes, they will most likely lead you into friendzone. :/


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
I actually don't disagree with any of the tips. I do all of those things, and I am pretty good at keeping girlfriends. The key, though, is that you only make her happy when she deserves it. When she doesn't, you ruthlessly withdraw your affection and cold-heartedly cut her out of your life.


Master Don Juan
Jul 12, 2008
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8. Last of all. Just love her and let her love you. That's all she really wants. To love and be loved
If ONLY it were that simple!!!!!!!!!

No offense, but you girls dont know what the hell you want, hence this site. We've all tried listening to females advice, and it has landed us many female 'friends.' We all understand here, that we need to do what you females RESPOND to, not what you want, cuz they are two WAY different things. You want flowers, and compliments, and sensitivity, and all that crap, yet you date insensitive, callous as$holes who put themselves above you, do whatever the hell they want. And guess what? You women stick around for that, and cry about it to some nice guy who compliments you, and acts like everything a girl wants, but is only seen as a FRIEND.

Sorry, lady, but that kind of advice is unwelcome here. Not that i disagree, cuz i dont, but all that stuff should be secondary to true game.

You want to give us some advice? Tell us how the last jerk nailed you in the bathroom even though you've never done that before. Tell us what the last guy did to make you cry. Tell us specific examples of what has made your panties wet. Dont tell us what you think you want, cuz we know better.


Jan 22, 2010
Reaction score
horaholic said:
If ONLY it were that simple!!!!!!!!!

No offense, but you girls dont know what the hell you want, hence this site. We've all tried listening to females advice, and it has landed us many female 'friends.' We all understand here, that we need to do what you females RESPOND to, not what you want, cuz they are two WAY different things. You want flowers, and compliments, and sensitivity, and all that crap, yet you date insensitive, callous as$holes who put themselves above you, do whatever the hell they want. And guess what? You women stick around for that, and cry about it to some nice guy who compliments you, and acts like everything a girl wants, but is only seen as a FRIEND.

Sorry, lady, but that kind of advice is unwelcome here. Not that i disagree, cuz i dont, but all that stuff should be secondary to true game.

You want to give us some advice? Tell us how the last jerk nailed you in the bathroom even though you've never done that before. Tell us what the last guy did to make you cry. Tell us specific examples of what has made your panties wet. Dont tell us what you think you want, cuz we know better.


Jan 31, 2005
Reaction score
From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
horaholic said:
If ONLY it were that simple!!!!!!!!!

No offense, but you girls dont know what the hell you want, hence this site. We've all tried listening to females advice, and it has landed us many female 'friends.' We all understand here, that we need to do what you females RESPOND to, not what you want, cuz they are two WAY different things. You want flowers, and compliments, and sensitivity, and all that crap, yet you date insensitive, callous as$holes who put themselves above you, do whatever the hell they want. And guess what? You women stick around for that, and cry about it to some nice guy who compliments you, and acts like everything a girl wants, but is only seen as a FRIEND.

Sorry, lady, but that kind of advice is unwelcome here. Not that i disagree, cuz i dont, but all that stuff should be secondary to true game.

You want to give us some advice? Tell us how the last jerk nailed you in the bathroom even though you've never done that before. Tell us what the last guy did to make you cry. Tell us specific examples of what has made your panties wet. Dont tell us what you think you want, cuz we know better.
This is 4x platinum! Keep up these good posts horaholic!


Senior Don Juan
Oct 26, 2009
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anjellara said:
1. be nice to everyone (including animals), not just your crush. Girls notice these things.
Being nice to other people and animals would not affect your girlfriends attraction toward you. Being nice to your girlfriend would possibly decrease her attraction toward you.

anjellara said:
2. Make excuses to talk to her. She'll appreciate that you’re going out of your way to talk to her. (I.e. ask her 'what time is it?’ to borrow a pencil or pen etc.)
Uhh do the opposite actually. Making your girl wonder where you are, who you are with, why you aren't talking to her etc is a good thing.

anjellara said:
3. When asking her out, don't be afraid of her saying no, if she does, chances are she won't be mean about it. But even if she doesn't like you right now, she IS flattered that you’re paying attention to her. We all love to be noticed. She may say yes at a later time. Ask AGAIN
Yeah I guess 'taking the lead' is a good thing but being too persistent and pushy if she declines is quite chumpish. A DJ has other priorities - if a girl declines an offer of mine I expect a counter-offer of some sort or I will assume she is uninterested.

anjellara said:
4. If you have a girlfriend, include her in your life, don't exclude her. If you play sports, ask her to come to one of your games and meet the team. Introduce her to your family. Do things that YOU like to do, except, with her. She wants to be a part of your life, not watching in from the outside.
Not bad advice but of course be certain not to make her your life focus. And also give her time to miss you.

anjellara said:
5. Flattery is acceptable, and appreciated. BUT ONLY IF YOU MEAN IT. Notice little things about her, don't just say 'you're beautiful' all the time. If she wears her hair differently, tell her you like it. If she gets a new pair of shoes, notice them. Also, flatter her personality.
Good if not overdone.

anjellara said:
6. We all love surprises, they make us feel special and loved. I didn't say PARTIES though. If your planning a surprise party, ask friends and family if she likes that kind of stuff first.
Surprise sex!

anjellara said:
7. Innocently touch her whenever you can. If your nervous, try starting out by touching her arms or shoulder when you talk or when you're walking. See how she reacts and go further if you get the 'all clear'.
Kino, from DJ techniques 101.

anjellara said:
8. Last of all. Just love her and let her love you. That's all she really wants. To love and be loved
And then the challenge is gone... :eek:


Don Juan
Jan 6, 2010
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horaholic said:
If ONLY it were that simple!!!!!!!!!

No offense, but you girls dont know what the hell you want, hence this site. We've all tried listening to females advice, and it has landed us many female 'friends.' We all understand here, that we need to do what you females RESPOND to, not what you want, cuz they are two WAY different things. You want flowers, and compliments, and sensitivity, and all that crap, yet you date insensitive, callous as$holes who put themselves above you, do whatever the hell they want. And guess what? You women stick around for that, and cry about it to some nice guy who compliments you, and acts like everything a girl wants, but is only seen as a FRIEND.

Sorry, lady, but that kind of advice is unwelcome here. Not that i disagree, cuz i dont, but all that stuff should be secondary to true game.

You want to give us some advice? Tell us how the last jerk nailed you in the bathroom even though you've never done that before. Tell us what the last guy did to make you cry. Tell us specific examples of what has made your panties wet. Dont tell us what you think you want, cuz we know better.

epic response man :up:


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2006
Reaction score
I'm gonna go with bible belt on this one.

True, this stuff can and does work....but its situational. The initial chase this sh!t won't work a lot of the time...when you two are officially exclusive or whatever you may call this stuff is great for LTR. But DO withdraw when behavior is not of your liking or approval, showering her with good while shes being bad solidifies the fact that she can get away with what she wants without repercussion....also it shows you have no backbone if she KNOWS it bugs you.

Also, it's been taught quite extensively on here that you do not initiate the "asking out" portion of the relationship, you leave it up to her to do that.

But yea overall, its good advice for an ltr....somebody you gotta get along with pretty much day in day out.


New Member
Jan 29, 2010
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Have you been looking to get a girlfriend fast? Do things never seem to work out for you? There are certain behaviors and traits that women look for in a man. These are very important to follow to attract a girlfriend. Remember...the more women you...