Silly wannabe girl


Master Don Juan
Dec 31, 2011
Reaction score
Met this 31 y.o. HB7.5 some weeks ago, talked for 10 mins and got her number. Then I found out she's on a dating site, funny.

Well, I texted her a couple of times, and she was always replying fast and giving more conversation. Good I thought. THen I added her on FB.

After some days I say lets go grab a drink, she does not reply. Some days later I make a small joke about her not replying to my invitation, then she says she forgot about it.
Some days later we text a bit more back and forth and then I suggest to meet, to what she does not reply.
Then I go: did you die?
she says: noooo, Im fine, it was just a joke.
me: so lets go grab a drink next Monday?
No reply.

I deleted her number, but what THE HECK?
A 31 y.o. woman, who is in an online dating site, talks to you, gives you conversation, gives you her number, accespts your request on FB...then you ask her out and she declines, twice.

what the heck?
Silly ***** really.

I wonder where Brad (user from here) is. I'd like him to refresh me his belief about confident persistence...


New Member
Apr 19, 2013
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unless someone explains to me why she isn't a next,i would've definitely did the same thing by deleting her number.Girls love phones,texting,talking on them is so entertaining.any random guy could be her text/phone buddy, that's what they tested her and she failed your test,so to me you did the right thing buah bye.some chicks in there 30's still act like teenagers.


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
Reaction score
She's doing online dating. That says it all. If you think a girl doing online dating is more receptive, you're dead wrong. Girls doing online dating are less receptive than girls who are not actively on any dating sort of medium period.

The deal is that many girls on generic online dating sites (i.e. pof, okc, etc) have a plethora of issues you can choose from. They either love attention, have ridiculously unrealistic expectations and stay single through their entire 30's, etc.

Don't think too much of it. She's just an online dating barfly. She will window shop indefinitely until nobody wants her and then she will cling for dear life to any man who gives her attention past 40. Nothing more, nothing less.