Silly Questions


Don Juan
Aug 25, 2002
Reaction score
orlando, FL
Hey dudes..I just registered here a few days ago...I've been getting the donjuan tip of the day and letters every now and then and I've applied some of the methods into my game, and it has been very successful. Now I probably sound like an idiot here and I'd just like to know...what is KINO...where can i read about it...what the hell is an AFC, and LTR..or whatever...??
I do realize I look like a retard..but you never know unless you ask.



Senior Don Juan
Jan 10, 2002
Reaction score
I think that, upon first arriving at this board, we all had these same questions...


Short for kinesthetics. Non-sexual, non-threatening touch that promotes feelings of imtimacy and attraction.


Short for long term relationship


Absolute freaking chump. The guy who takes crap from women and begs for more. The guy who can't stand up for himself. etc.

Also, another insider tip that you probably won't learn until you've been around for a while, is the usefulness of the "search" feature included at the top of this forum.

It is best to try to answer your questions using this rather than asking the board first. People will be much more willing to answer questions if you state that you tried a search and it didn't answer your question.

More often than not though, you will be able to answer your question using the search feature because the same questions get asked over, and over, and over... as new people come in.


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2002
Reaction score
San Diego, CA

Kiss close or **** close... depends on the context of what the person us talking about. Usually means kiss close. (also see: close, @close, # close) ?
e-mail close (also see: close, *close, # close) Little Grasshopper

3s / 3s rule
3 second rule. The rule that you should immediately try to meet a women within 3 seconds of seeing her (or her seeing you). 3 seconds isn't exactly literal, but the translation is "DO NOT HESITATE". Any hesitation will give you more time to falter and come up with fear-based excuses in your mind. It also give your target time to think negatively about you. Mystery

Average Frustrated Chump. A "nice guy". A guy who has no pick up skills and rarely manages to close a target pick up. Also a guy who tends to supplicate in his behavior to HBs. Meaning, buying flowers for a chick when going out for coffee, putting her on a pedestal, and generally letting women walk all over him in the vein hope of somehow being seen as attractive in their eyes. A common term used for AFCs that have seen the error of their ways but not yet gained PUA skills is RACF (Recovering AFC). Ross Jeffries

Approach Invitation. Unconscious actions by an HB to get your specific attention (rather than peacocking to get ALL men's attention) in order for you to have an opening opportunity with her. EC, hanging around you for an extended time for no reason, dropping something in front of you, asking you a question, fumbling with something in front of you, making nervous gestures, etc. By looking for AIs rather than wasting time on cold approaches, your PU game will become 3x more efficient while minimizing C&B results. If made use of in target-rich environments, quality approach oppportunities can increase 10x. Observation of AIs is best done after warm-up (a few throwaway approaches). Formhandle
The use of phrases or words which sound alike but differ in meaning, such as blow and below. ?

Alpha Male Other Guy - In reference to a situation where you are trying to close on a chick and there's direct (in-your-face) competition from another PUA. This is different than a ****block because the normal disarming strategies don't work. "old__dog"

Anti Approach Invitation. Unconscious actions by an HB to do everything to avoid your specific attention. Walking away from you, avoiding EC, creating a ****block scenario, etc. Dpn't waste your time on chicks giving anti-AI to you unless you really like a challenge or spending all your time in TA mode. Formhandle

Anti-Slut Defense. The chick logic a woman (especially younger ones) will go through to relieve the guilt having sex too quickly with a man, assuming she has enough time to "think" about the consequences - a reaction which causes them to come up with objections or reasons that they shouldn't **** you in order to relieve their guilt of taking *responsibility* for doing something that society would often call "slutty". Post-sex ASD is usually boiled down to comments from her to her friends like "it just happened". It might be possible to consider waiting for a guy to make all the moves as an ASD. This forces HIM (in her mind) to take responsibility for the fact that she slept with you. "It just happened", "he wouldn't give up", etc. In reality, both people are responsible for their own actions. yaritai


Babe (* see Mystery's rating system below) ?

Below Average Frustrated Chump Formhandle

Boyfriend ?

***** shield
Not a derogatory term - used to describe a behavior women use when attempting to fend of would-be suitors. Usually in use in clubs, bars, and other pick up places. Sometimes just referred to as a "shield".

Dance clubs and crowded bars, "meat markets". The most likely places on the planet for AFCs to get rejected and, therefore, the best place for AFCs to build up a thick skin. THE best places to crash & burn. Formhandle

chick. duh John C. Ryan, AKA
Jack "Jetman"

close / # close
To complete a pick up by getting a girl to commit to a "date", giving you her phone number, or bedding her literally on the spot. Most PUAs like to differentiate between different kinds of closes (kiss close, number close, **** close, etc.) Comes from sales terminology. i.e. "Close a deal". (also see: *close, @close) Mystery

****block / CB
When obstacles take your target away or get your target disinterested in you. ?
crash & burn / C&B
To attempt an approach/PU and fail miserably. A learning process. Warm-up. Don't confuse with "CB" which is short for ****block.

Do A ****ing Search. Kinda like RTFM (Read The ****ing Manual). Usually thrown at newbies who post about a vague memory of a post post without bothering to search for an archive of that post.

Dead Approach Invitation. Opening on an AI that turns sour and creates an Anti-AI response from the HB. Different than a crash & burn on a cold approach because it involves taking advantage of positive signals you detected from a chick. DAIs are rare if you know how to detect AIs properly. Dante

"Doggy Dinner Bowl" [Look] - The look on a chick's face when she's tranced out or lapping up your words with a phased out look in their eyes. In that state, they are metaphorically ready to eat out of the palm of your hand. Ross Jeffries

E&E / EwE
Eject & Explain / Eject-with-Explanation. Ejecting from a situation with a chick without completely burning bridges but doing it in a way that allows her the opportunity to understand and "fix" the reason(s) that caused you to eject. You eject her from your sphere/world, not the other way around. John C. Ryan, AKA
Jack "Jetman"

Eye Contact

Elicit(ing) Values.

f close
**** close.

**** Buddy.

Find Meet Attract Close. The basis of Mystery's method (and pretty much all PU styles). Mystery

****ing New Guy. A new guy to ASF, the misc sites, and the "right" way to do seduction (in contrast to the "wrong" way presented by a large number of feminazi resources which flood modern society). John C. Ryan, AKA
Jack "Jetman"

Find Ten Other Women

****ing Ugly Girl. A REALLY ugly chick. On the 1-10 scale, a 0.

g close
Girl Close. A g close is what happens when you contact close (# or @ or both) a chick and it leads to a f close rather than a flake or LJBF. G closing also happens when you same-day f close a chick whether you got her contact info or not. If you get a chick's contact info in order to follow up later (no same-day f close) and can walk away with the full confidence that you WILL lay her soon, that's a g close. Anything else is mental masterbation and you will likely have a flake on your hands. G closing is always better than contact closing. Formhandle


GM / GM Style
Grand Master. One of the prominent PUAs on ASF, Nathan, has a friend he calls "GM" who's primary pick up style is to be extremely sexual and blatant. Almost blunt. For example, making **** jokes. This approach only works if it's pulled off just right and you stay congruent with it. Nathan

Hot Babe (* see Mystery's rating system below)

High Class / Low Class. Sometimes in a different context, HC will stand for "Hardcore".

"How To Get The Women You Desire Into Bed" - a book by Ross Jeffries.

Indicator of Interest - signs/signals from you or from the chick which indicates (real) sexual interest.

Japanese Girl

KC / FC / NC
Kiss close, **** close, number close.

Kinesthetic approach (physical touching). Usually of a sexual nature, to get a woman in a state of approval and arousal. Touching and stroking the side of her arm, her elbows, stroking her hair, cheeks, stroking her hand or wrist, etc. Ross Jeffries

Low sex drive / high sex drive. Referring to the level of sexual drive a chick has, specifically in reference to LTRs. Alan Palmer

"Let's Just Be Friends" - a slammer statement uttered by women which essentially closes the door on any chance of you ever sleeping with her.

Low Self Esteem MrSex4uNYC

Long Term Relationship

Moderated ASF Formhandle

mental masterbation
The concept that what you THINK is happening is really just a fantasy about what you want rather than the reality of what has occured, is occuring, or will occur. For example, going to a strip club, attempting to PU a stripper, getting normal "customer" attention from her, then going home empty-handed with the distorted idea that you may have a chance with her. Mystery

Multiple Long Term Relationships. An acronym and a methodology. Multiple polyamorous sexual relationships. NOT a string of ONSs or an accumulation of FBs, but rather maintaining multiple sexually-centered LTRs at the same time. It is best to inform all the women in your MLTRs that you are polyamorous. Svengali

Mystery Method Mystery

Male Pattern Blindness / Pattern Male Blindness - A condition that afflicts men in which they are in a situation where a woman is giving every signal he needs to make a successful close but he does not notice. Later on, he may finally realize his blunder but the realization comes too late. Vincent

Mr. Smooth [Style]
An approach used primarily with a wingman. A wingman of one of the prominent Japan-based PUAs on ASF, Maniac, uses this so-called style to enhance his friend's approach while also presupposing something positive about his friend. Done with a very friendly attitude, very disarming. Example: "We can both agree that my friend here is a sexy guy, but what do you think about his tie?" That sets up the target to agree without any resistance that the friend is sexy and then opens up a conversation about the tie which can lead to more conversation and additional rapport. Maniac

A term for going out to approach chicks for the purpose of pick ups (originates from Japan, where they make videos of how to do this...) Maniac

neg / neg hit
A negative remark towards a girl designed to break her indifference to you by showing her that you are indifferent to her beauty (or other striking features). Not an insult, that would be bad. More like "Those are interesting nails - are they real?" or "It's really cute how your nose wiggles when you talk - look, there it goes again! <chuckle>". No more than 2 negs on an average HB (7-9/7-9), a maximum of 3 on a super HB (10/10). Negs are pretty much a necessity for 10s or strippers (whether they're 10s or not - simply because they are in an environment which is conducive to them thinking they are 10s). Mystery

newbie mission
Svengali's call to action for all AFCs who want to change their ways. Svengali

The act of looking for additional pick up opportunities without lingering on a particular situation.


Neuro Linguistic Programming. A termed coined in the 1970s, from the book Trance-Formations : Neuro-Linguistic Programming and the Structure of Hypnosis by Richard Bandler and John Grinder. A way to subconsciously place people in a trance for the purpose of encouraging them to do things you want. Bandler/Grinder

"Not Ready For a Relationship" - a statement uttered by women (similar to LJBF) which essentially indicates that although she's not in a current relationship, she wouldn't want one with you let alone go out with you. Although it's similar to LJBF, it's possible to TA the situation quickly. It's important to note that women don't need a "relationship" with you to want to sleep with you.

Any person (or thing) which could potentially block your chances with the target girl. Mystery

A disorder commonly found in AFCs, that forces them to think that one chick is so special that they'll do ANYTHING to get into her panties. The most common cure for this disease is to go out and **** a Baker's Dozen of other chicks to see that one piece isn't that special. Also see the first question in the ASF FAQ. John C. Ryan, AKA
Jack "Jetman"

One night stand

OverQualify. The point where the chick rules herself out for not feeling competent enough for any kind of relationship with you. A situation where you come across so smooth and alpha that you simply overqualify yourself to your target. Mystery

An arrangement of neuro linguistic programming (NLP) phrases and speeches used to direct the target girl and get her into a state which allows her to be lead. Ross Jeffries

Enhanced social proof. A PAWN can be any woman in any situation, doesn't have to be a friend or acquaintance of yours, and can be created on-the-fly. On-the-fly PAWNs are best for building up social proof literally out of thin air, snowballing into more PAWN opportunities and further enhancing your status in the eyes of any potential targets (even ones you have not seen yet). PAWNS can be unwitting participants or completely willing to help your game. Mystery

A woman (LJBF material or one of your MLTRs) who you can use as social proof when out on PU session. Used to enhance your status in the eyes of any potential targets (even ones you have not seen yet). Similar to a PAWN but prepared in advance. The earliest known use of the term "pivot" to describe this concept was used in 1996 within the alt.polyamory FAQ, re-posted by in a 1996/09/12 article on ASF titled "Re: boyfriend destroyer". alt.polyamory FAQ
circa 1996

A pick up artist (PUA)

Pattern On-The-Fly. Rather than just memorizing specific patterns (which is very inflexible), it's better to get to the point where you can take any situation and create a pattern for it on-the-fly. It's probably still good to know a few key patterns (modified a bit to match your own speaking style) such as: Natural Woman, Incredible Connection, Sex Is Natural, Falling In Love, Blammo, Boyfriend Destroyer, and a few you've created custom for yourself and your own situations/desires. Brother Ketel

Pattern Of The Week

Point To Self / Self Point. Pointing briefly to yourself by touching your chest or your stomach or motioning to yourself. An aspect of delivering a pattern which anchors a certain feeling, phrase, or idea to you.

Pick Up. The act/art of meeting and attracting women.

Pick Up Artist

Pick Up Guru Formhandle

Pick Up Master Formhandle

Recovering Average Frustrates Chump. A guy who realizes consciously that he is an AFC and is taking the steps to correct the situation.

When a PU venue turns stale (you've approached all the HB's you can possibly approach in there or the opportunities have staled out) and you need to move onto a new venue. Little Grasshopper
sarge / sargy
The act of going out and picking up women using Speed Seduction techniques. Ross Jeffries

Super Hot Babe (* see Mystery's rating system below)

Situation John C. Ryan, AKA
Jack "Jetman"

Significant Other

Social Proof
The concept that when you are seen with other women (or keeping a crowd entertained) your social status is raised in the eyes of HBs in the near vicinity. Other forms of display can be seen as social proof (chummy with everyone at a certain place, at ease in your environment, etc.) Robert B. Cialdini,
initiated as a
seduction concept
by Nathan

Statement of Intent / Show of Interest. In initiating conversation, or perhaps during fluff-talk stage, making your intent (sexual interest) clear so as to nip LJBF in the bud early on. By declaring your intent (directly or subtly) clear early on, you avoid later resistance to taking the conversation in that direction and clear the way for an easier close. Show of Interest: A (sincere) compliment - Followed by a QUESTION intended to elicit some values (which can be fed back to her later). Statement Of Intent: To suggest doing some romantic activity together. Followed by a CHALLENGE - that is either to do a takeaway, or take the comment back with a "Just Kidding!" or whatever. Rio

Speed Seduction

Short Term Relationship

Tits and Ass

Turn Around. To change an LJBF situation with a woman into something sexual.

The girl you are trying to seduce/close. Mystery

Universal Female Excuse Archive ("I'm washing my hair that night.", "My grandmother's cat died.", "I'm having family problems for the next 3 months.", etc.) Ross Jeffries

Ugly Girl (* see Mystery's rating system below) Mystery
UG ****block John C. Ryan, AKA
Jack "Jetman"

Unique Selling Proposition (a sales tactic) Ross Jeffries

Victim Chick. A chick which comes with a lot of emotional baggage (possibly of past abuse) who gives guys the opportunity to be a rescuer, feel like a hero, feel loved and vitally important in an intense way. Quite often, you'll hear this type of girl say "I've never told anyone this..." when talking about her messed up past. Alan Palmer /

An UG (Ugly Girl) of rating 4 and under. (* see Mystery's rating system below) Mystery

Way Below Average Frustrated Chump Formhandle

wing / wingman
A fellow pick up friend (possibly pick up artist) who goes along with you when you sarge or hit the clubs. ?

Yet Another Outing Report ?

Zero Night Stand MrSex4uNYC

Peace and Quiet

If you currently have too many women chasing you, calling you, harassing you, knocking on your door at 2 o'clock in the morning... then I have the simple solution for you.

Just read my free ebook 22 Rules for Massive Success With Women and do the opposite of what I recommend.

This will quickly drive all women away from you.

And you will be able to relax and to live your life in peace and quiet.


Don Juan
Aug 18, 2001
Reaction score
Hats off to you don juan. you went above and beyond for a newbie. rather than telling them to read the bible.


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
Reaction score
Land of the Ruins
Much success to you, Dave spaceghost!


Your post should be right at the top of the Bible, Don_juan!

Another term I like to use that hasn't largely caught on yet:

Exceptional Frustrated Chump. A guy who has a lot of exceptional personal qualities (intelligence, wit, athleticism, talent, etc.), but whose game sucks. Often afflicted by MPB, blows golden opportunities, but sometimes picks up gals in spite of himself. Has a lot of female friends who try to set him up with other needy gals. Usually the "AFCs with girlfriends" are actually EFCs.


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2002
Reaction score
San Diego, CA
Originally posted by Bonhomme:
Much success to you, Dave spaceghost!


Your post should be right at the top of the Bible, Don_juan!

Another term I like to use that hasn't largely caught on yet:

Exceptional Frustrated Chump. A guy who has a lot of exceptional personal qualities (intelligence, wit, athleticism, talent, etc.), but whose game sucks. Often afflicted by MPB, blows golden opportunities, but sometimes picks up gals in spite of himself. Has a lot of female friends who try to set him up with other needy gals. Usually the "AFCs with girlfriends" are actually EFCs.
You're absolutely right about the EFC. There are plenty of them out there and I don't really think they are the same as an AFC per se. They can pull chicks because of their looks, wit, whatever... but could be so much more if they only knew to get out of the AFC behaviour.

Nicholas Hill

Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2001
Reaction score
Swansea, Wales, UK
Originally posted by Bonhomme:
EFC = Exceptional Frustrated Chump...
I'd like to propose one:

Exceptionally Frustrated Chump


New Member
May 29, 2003
Reaction score
Please cite sources


Copying & pasting huge chucks from someone else's site without permission is not cool... a link would have been fine.

The forum rules state:

"You may not post copyrighted material here without first obtaining the permission of the author. You may include excerpts from an article as long as credit is given to the author of the article(s). You may provide a link to any relevant article."

The link of the stuff you posted is taken directly from:

That whole huge page was copied here, and not even a link was provided.

jay []
CLass is now in session...