Silent Treatment


Don Juan
May 1, 2006
Reaction score
me and this girl were flirting in class last friday and it was going great. she was giggling, smiling and acting like a little girl. seriously like a little girl, she was touching me alot, putting paint on my arm, throwing sh*t at me. it almost actually got to the point where it was annoying. it couldnt have been going better. but then i couldnt have f**ked things up more. i dont even wanna say what i did, but ill tell you that i crossed the line and was one of the stupidest things ive ever done. (non-sexual)

so yesterday im like "hey havent seen you all day", she says "good keep it that way, and im gonna get you back for what you did" along with a little smirk. so later i bumped into her, she says dont touch me! .. today i didnt even try to talk to her cuz she looked kinda pissed. so i guess shes giving me the silent treatment. i know the obvious answer "move on and forget her". but i see her every day, and ide like to stay social with her even if we're just friends. basically what im asking is should i try and apologize or should i deal with the silent treatment until she talks to me?


Don Juan
May 16, 2006
Reaction score
****y n funny

This happens sometimes. It happen to me alot before. I've tried different things like apologize, forgeting her or just that specific incident.
The best thing from my experience is to handle it with ****y and funny.
When a girl gets mad. I use a simple DYD style comment.

Me: Awwww, did I hurt the little girl's feelings. Awww, come here....

(if her friend is close by and usually if she has any friends I've game them to a point where they like me)
Me: (to HB friend)give your friend a hug

or if her friend isn't there

Me: (Smile like I do to my little cousin) Take a joke, honey.

Truly (unless you embrassed her hardcore in front of all her friends or something) if she doesn't stop being mad, she is worth your time 'cause she is truly just a little girl.


Don Juan
May 1, 2006
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The Comeback Kid said:
yeah ive seen it before. im keen on how to GIVE the silent treatment but dont know how to deal with it if it's given. thanks marvel, im considering doing some sort of variation to that. ide imagine she was pretty embrassed though :rolleyes:

anyway im sure SOME of you have been in some sort of similar situation, if you can share a successful story/advice that would be great. thanks

King Tuz

Mar 29, 2006
Reaction score
TheMan425 said:
i dont even wanna say what i did, but ill tell you that i crossed the line and was one of the stupidest things ive ever done. (non-sexual)

How do you expect to get advice when you don't even tell us what you did?

Check that link again. Step 4 or something like that mentions that it is a waiting game.

She is playing games. Act like her giving you the silent treatment doesn't even bother you...


Don Juan
May 1, 2006
Reaction score
^true, i think im gonna just stick with that. i gave her a wet willy with purple paint. :crackup:. i know what your thinking..and trust me im thinking the same thing right now. dont ask me why, because even i dont know:confused: . ive considered getting a large man to b*tch slap me, but i dont think that'll get me anywhere. so yeh, i think im just gonna let her chill out and do what she has to do. thanks