Silent Game


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2013
Reaction score
triplekaioken said:
i don't get it?

well actually i do, im pretty sure i have done this?

'i'll chill in the club, all cool, talking to my friends, not paying attention to the girls, thinking 'meh yeah what the hell, they are nothing special'

nothing happens... in that quote you put how the handsome guys rush to the girls and they reject them...but the chill out, patient guy magically has the 2 girls on his arms? am i missing something here?
That was a quote from Pook. And yes, it's somewhat of a brain teaser. He doesn't go into to too much detail about why or how it works. I guess that's up for our interpretation. As I mentioned, I've seen it work, been on both sides of it. I've witnessed the good looking guy throw out game only for the girl to go for the not as good looking, cool and composed guy. Maybe the first guy's game wasn't up to snuff or maybe the reserved guy just had a vibe she liked, an aura about him. I don't know why it seems to work sometimes, but not others. I have seen it in action though, so, I can't go against it, but that doesn't mean it's easy to explain.