Signs your gf isn't into you


Master Don Juan
May 17, 2007
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I wrote a post a while back about a friend who was wanting to serious ly date a girl with a promiscuous background... well now she stays at his place every night but refuses to be labeled his gf and gives him a lot of resistance when he initiates sex and she never once initiate s physical contact with he is in my ear constantly asking for my opinions and I told him he needs to just stop seeing her...he even gives her the keys to his place so she can get thete earlier....

I feel bad for him because he seems depressed and no happy in general now and can't sleep good because of it....he said he confronted her on why she always puts up a fight about sex and she said she used to bang her ex about 8 times every day abd they wouldn't even kiss that much just have "crazy rough" sex...and he ended up cheating on her and dumping her three she wants to go slow and even told him she feels like she is acting *****y towards him because she makes sex difficult abd doesn't like kissing that much...and maybe he should go find someone else who can make him feel better....of course my friend was really really upset about this and has been in my ear about it all morning... they do have sex about once or twice a day he says but it's always a chore to get her to...

I told him to break it off with her before he gets dumped, but he gave her the keys to his place again..... he says he will just give her time to feel more secure and can't help it because of how hot she is.....I am trying to help him before he gets really ****ed over by this damaged woman....does everyone else agree with me? This guy reads sosuave regular ly....


Senior Don Juan
Jul 5, 2014
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zinc4 said:
he says he will just give her time to feel more secure and can't help it because of how hot she is
There's yer problem.

Fvck that, no exceptions for hot girls! The laws that govern the psyche are the same for everyone. If you go soft on a woman, you will drive her away, give her space and she will come knocking on your doors. He should go NC and pursue other girls. If she comes back HE WILL CONSIDER HER. Not take her back drooling.

This reminds me of a situation when someone pets a cat more then the cat likes and the cat gets annoyed. So you pick it up and gently stroke it and you get clawed, the cat runs away. Now, do you pursue it and try it again and again until it will give in? No, you let it go, and the cat will come back to you when it has calmed down meditating in the garden or something, but it comes back of it's own will and is ready to be pet.


Sep 4, 2014
Reaction score
zinc4 said:
I wrote a post a while back about a friend who was wanting to serious ly date a girl with a promiscuous background... well now she stays at his place every night but refuses to be labeled his gf and gives him a lot of resistance when he initiates sex and she never once initiate s physical contact with he is in my ear constantly asking for my opinions and I told him he needs to just stop seeing her...he even gives her the keys to his place so she can get thete earlier....

I feel bad for him because he seems depressed and no happy in general now and can't sleep good because of it....he said he confronted her on why she always puts up a fight about sex and she said she used to bang her ex about 8 times every day abd they wouldn't even kiss that much just have "crazy rough" sex...and he ended up cheating on her and dumping her three she wants to go slow and even told him she feels like she is acting *****y towards him because she makes sex difficult abd doesn't like kissing that much...and maybe he should go find someone else who can make him feel better....of course my friend was really really upset about this and has been in my ear about it all morning... they do have sex about once or twice a day he says but it's always a chore to get her to...

I told him to break it off with her before he gets dumped, but he gave her the keys to his place again..... he says he will just give her time to feel more secure and can't help it because of how hot she is.....I am trying to help him before he gets really ****ed over by this damaged woman....does everyone else agree with me? This guy reads sosuave regular ly....
It's not up to you to get sucked into your friends decisions.

Is he usually depressed? Does he have low self esteem? Does he usually chase or date promiscuous girls and decide because they're hot they make gf material? If never before has something traumatic happened in his life recently that makes him "need" this self abuse of dating a girl who's not for him? Does he consider her some challenge to be won over? And at what cost? Is he lonely without a girl and obviously willing to accept anyone? Does he simply like "liking" her?

That's for him to answer and to decide what's truly best for him and not a band aid for unresolved personal issues. Not random strangers on the net.


Master Don Juan
May 17, 2007
Reaction score
He is seeking my advice...

He says she once told him she's scared because she likes him more than he likes her, but he always says he sees no physical evidence of this....they have been staying together nightly for the past two weeks and he is getting really messed up already about this...says he feels challenge d because she doesn't ever initiate stuff with him but here's about how crazy her sex life with her ex was....this part really bugs him ...I have listened to it over and over and tell him it's only because her ex was probably more elusive acting than him and put off more of a don't give a **** attitude... he agrees on this, but still continue s to act like a little puppy dog over this girl...and he said another big problem is he can't stop kissing her but she barely ever kisses him and says it's because her ex told her she isn't a good kisser and she has no confidence about it....

I'm putting this all out there for him to read how messy others think this situation's only going to end in heartbreak for him in my opinion.... he can at least act now and save his pride..

I told him he should just go home tonight and not initiate anything himself when she is there...she will be there because she has his keys and finishe s work before him....then he should just go to sleep next to her like nothing is wrong and then let her go the next day and go no contact before thus really messes him up....or at least do that and let her start chasing him more....


Senior Don Juan
Aug 2, 2014
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Puppet on a string.

Just because he reads Sosuave doesn't mean jack sh!t.

Anyone can read sosuave and post anything but in real life it's a completely different story. People's weaknesses come out. This site can show you the way but putting things into practice is a lot tougher than it sounds. There are people that have over a 1000 posts that are asking for advice including you which means that you have a lot of learning to do as well.

You don't help people that won't listen to you. If he has asked you for advice already and with your limited experience you managed to drop some nuggets of wisdom (which I highly doubt) and still doesn't follow your lead you stop giving him advice PERIOD!. Starting right now don't help your friend with his problem. If he's reading this it might sink into his head that he is getting played badly by this female and she has basically made him his b!tch.

The best thing to do is to drop this female and move on and go no contact but since he is emotionally invested in her and has developed some sort of a sick attachment it won't be easy and he will continually justify her behavior. At the end of the day it still won't matter because he isn't going to follow any of the advice and be continually manipulated like a puppet on a string.:kick:


Master Don Juan
May 17, 2007
Reaction score
Not trying to brag, but my experience is far from limited... I'm glad you agree he is getting played, though....he seems to think I am too harsh on women... but a woman who gives resistance to putting out should be pumped abd dumped at best...nexted immediately ideally...


Senior Don Juan
Aug 16, 2013
Reaction score
'Thinking too harsh on woman?' That is laughable. A woman the moment she decides she does not want a man will kick him to the curb regardless or think of it another way, she will keep a man around for her attentional needs until another man of better stature appears of too she will then drop the other guy.

Unfortunately in life you as an individual have to learn through experience. Maybe it's time you gave him your last spiel and go NC until he comes back to find you (ironically) when he gets dropped and you can give him the 'I told you sos' and guide him on the right path again.

We've all been there and unfortunately the us whom are AFCs need this rejection to kick us off our feet otherwise we'll spend forever eternity living a life we should not.