Don Juan
for months i have been coming to the dj forum and the posts that have acutally worked were the ones about being a jerk.i met this girl 6 months ago and i first started off by being a complete jack-a$$ i wanted nothing to do with her and anyways she keept calling and persisted so i finally gave her a chance.she was going to be my little side project, if being a jerk was more better or being a nice guy was the way to i started with the jerk gig first.if she pissed me off she got sh!t on.i was like wow how can a girl put up with this crap...i wouldnt!and i always got laid when i shot her down.then came the day she told me she loved me.i lied and told her i loved her too when i didnt.
2 months into this relationship i had learned that -
1.the first arguement is key-it establishes whose in control.i focused on her insecurities and brought them down on her..she became very submissive after that.i learned that trick from years of practicing on my sisters when they always tried to start an arguement with me.i always focused on there insecurities and then they never messed with me again.
2.breaking up with them over something small is a great way to earn control.they beg u back and they dont mess with ya because they think they are gonna lose something special.
3.i keept the arguing to a level of three arguements a week.the sex was a nice pay-off whenever things felt dry and the action felt low.always keep the action up!or your sex life will suffer!drama is what they want then dramas what u give them.
i'm really rockin
3 to 4 months into the relationship.....uh-oh!!!!i started falling in love with this girl.and she could sense it!the tables began to turn.what i learned.
1.i was more forgiving and i let her get away with control started to was becoming more rare,because i started doing nice things for her.she must have begun to get bored.less action means less sex.
2.i had to do something the control was becoming i tried the dumping thing again when she pissed me worked!she begged me back and i explained to her what she had to do to please me again...but i made an error.i told her if i ever dumped her i would always get back with her.stupid!stupid!
3.she was becoming immune to my mean comments in arguements.i must have said the same mean things to her...must think of new material.
4.possiveness is cool the first 2 months but after that it shows fear of losing them and it makes the girl stronger.
5.dam i gained alot of i'm starting to think that if i lose her then nobody will want me.weight gain shows insecurity.she now has weapon for arguements and it shows up now.fatso,fat f@ck.
months 5 to 6...i'm really head over heels for this girl.what the hell happend!the tables have really turned im a nice guy now!love changes ya!anyways i ask her why she doesnt do the things she used to do for me like before...and her comment.....her:i dont have to do that anymore that was just to sweeting the deal.
her:i know i got u now!
me:yes u do honey.
she now is in control!!!!so she pisses me off with something and i get mad and i say thats it!!!i dont want to go out with you anymore.and she said whatever.
BANG!my heart hit the floor.huh???
i used one to many i want to break ups with her and i took her back everytime so now it seemed like a joke to her.and like the error i mentioned to her when i said i'll never dump u really...i just wanted to scare ya.ruined me.she had no fear because my willingness to walk away seemed i packed my things and it didnt faze then i said just joking to her...and she said no leave.and anyways i begged her back.she said yes.....oh my god had the tables turned!but i only put up with that crap for like a week.she became me!!!like i was to her at one day i woke up packed my things and admitted defeat and left for a new land.
1 week broken up and i felt good again.then came the call.she said she missed me and cried saying i'll give it 110% in the relationship this time whatever u want bla-bla-bla.and i was on a cool mind trip that i told her off.
2 weeks passed and i started missing her so i called her up and said hey maybe we should get back together she agreed but it was me that called and it gave her the power because she made me this time follow her rules.she said i had to change this and that about myself and i agreed like a fool.
I should have never agreed to change for who she fell in love with in the first place.i became no more of a challenge.i seemed more needy this time because i was used to waking up beside her everyday and i wanted to be with her everyday.i became sh!t.
she was going out every night with her friends and i could not say nothing because i had agreed not to be so possive if we got back together.she ruled!
then one day i woke up and looked in the mirror and i didnt like what i saw.why did i change when i liked who i was.who my best friends liked.who my girl pals liked.
why did my girlfriend want me to change when she was the one who told me she was the one who loved me first.
so i broke the mirror and said i'm no longer that guy anymore and i phoned up my girlfriend and told her to go f@ck herself and i dumped her and never looked back.
she still calls and wants me back but the moral of the story is when you fall in love never let your girlfriend change who and what u are.they fell in love with what u were not who your gonna be.they like jerks!so if u ever feel like your going down my route always stay tougher then the one ya love because if you let your girlfriend walk all over you.then u can go hang with the other broken hearted smucks.because she'll dump ya.nice guys lose!its a proven friends storys all sound just like this never change your ways.change og scenery is good.change of a job.good.changing yourself for a girlfriend,the worst change u can ever make!
2 months into this relationship i had learned that -
1.the first arguement is key-it establishes whose in control.i focused on her insecurities and brought them down on her..she became very submissive after that.i learned that trick from years of practicing on my sisters when they always tried to start an arguement with me.i always focused on there insecurities and then they never messed with me again.
2.breaking up with them over something small is a great way to earn control.they beg u back and they dont mess with ya because they think they are gonna lose something special.
3.i keept the arguing to a level of three arguements a week.the sex was a nice pay-off whenever things felt dry and the action felt low.always keep the action up!or your sex life will suffer!drama is what they want then dramas what u give them.
i'm really rockin
3 to 4 months into the relationship.....uh-oh!!!!i started falling in love with this girl.and she could sense it!the tables began to turn.what i learned.
1.i was more forgiving and i let her get away with control started to was becoming more rare,because i started doing nice things for her.she must have begun to get bored.less action means less sex.
2.i had to do something the control was becoming i tried the dumping thing again when she pissed me worked!she begged me back and i explained to her what she had to do to please me again...but i made an error.i told her if i ever dumped her i would always get back with her.stupid!stupid!
3.she was becoming immune to my mean comments in arguements.i must have said the same mean things to her...must think of new material.
4.possiveness is cool the first 2 months but after that it shows fear of losing them and it makes the girl stronger.
5.dam i gained alot of i'm starting to think that if i lose her then nobody will want me.weight gain shows insecurity.she now has weapon for arguements and it shows up now.fatso,fat f@ck.
months 5 to 6...i'm really head over heels for this girl.what the hell happend!the tables have really turned im a nice guy now!love changes ya!anyways i ask her why she doesnt do the things she used to do for me like before...and her comment.....her:i dont have to do that anymore that was just to sweeting the deal.
her:i know i got u now!
me:yes u do honey.
she now is in control!!!!so she pisses me off with something and i get mad and i say thats it!!!i dont want to go out with you anymore.and she said whatever.
BANG!my heart hit the floor.huh???
i used one to many i want to break ups with her and i took her back everytime so now it seemed like a joke to her.and like the error i mentioned to her when i said i'll never dump u really...i just wanted to scare ya.ruined me.she had no fear because my willingness to walk away seemed i packed my things and it didnt faze then i said just joking to her...and she said no leave.and anyways i begged her back.she said yes.....oh my god had the tables turned!but i only put up with that crap for like a week.she became me!!!like i was to her at one day i woke up packed my things and admitted defeat and left for a new land.
1 week broken up and i felt good again.then came the call.she said she missed me and cried saying i'll give it 110% in the relationship this time whatever u want bla-bla-bla.and i was on a cool mind trip that i told her off.
2 weeks passed and i started missing her so i called her up and said hey maybe we should get back together she agreed but it was me that called and it gave her the power because she made me this time follow her rules.she said i had to change this and that about myself and i agreed like a fool.
I should have never agreed to change for who she fell in love with in the first place.i became no more of a challenge.i seemed more needy this time because i was used to waking up beside her everyday and i wanted to be with her everyday.i became sh!t.
she was going out every night with her friends and i could not say nothing because i had agreed not to be so possive if we got back together.she ruled!
then one day i woke up and looked in the mirror and i didnt like what i saw.why did i change when i liked who i was.who my best friends liked.who my girl pals liked.
why did my girlfriend want me to change when she was the one who told me she was the one who loved me first.
so i broke the mirror and said i'm no longer that guy anymore and i phoned up my girlfriend and told her to go f@ck herself and i dumped her and never looked back.
she still calls and wants me back but the moral of the story is when you fall in love never let your girlfriend change who and what u are.they fell in love with what u were not who your gonna be.they like jerks!so if u ever feel like your going down my route always stay tougher then the one ya love because if you let your girlfriend walk all over you.then u can go hang with the other broken hearted smucks.because she'll dump ya.nice guys lose!its a proven friends storys all sound just like this never change your ways.change og scenery is good.change of a job.good.changing yourself for a girlfriend,the worst change u can ever make!