A lot of you guys are flooding the forum with all these "shyte tests" that you think women are throwing your way. While its true that women use shyte tests on men, it is much more likely for a woman with LOW interest to do so. Any woman that has high interest/sexual interest in a man will be far less likely to throw such tests at a man. Low interest women shyte test because they want you to
prove yourself to them, automatically putting the man in a position of less power than she is. I think we can all agree that when a woman controls the power dynamic in any relationship, its all but over. Why? Because there is also a lack of respect.
Therefore there is a lack of respect when a woman throws shyte tests at a man. Some of these shyte tests are boarderline, if not downright disrespectful. Yet some of you dudes are on here asking how to respond to such disrespectful behavior? I dont get it.
In short, this is how I deal with shyte tests, low interests woman and any woman that isnt showing me signs of HIGH interest:
1.) I dont respond.
2.) I dont respond.
3.) I dont respond.
Read that again. And again.
If a woman is not making it easy for me getting her out for drinks, then getting her to my place on date 2, 3 or rarely date 4......there is no need for me to further respond.
One thing that every man MUST understand is this-
Just because a woman texts you, you do not have to respond. Just because she calls you, you do not have to answer the call.
It would blow most people's mind how often I DO NOT respond to something some chick sends me. To me its either not important enough to respond to or its insignificant....or the chick is showing signs of lower interest.
Yet many of you try to find some magic response because
you already know she is low interest and you are trying to raise her interest. Its a waste either way.
The last shyte test I got from a chick was quite some time back. I didnt respond. She later asked me while on a date why I never responded and I told her that I didnt feel it was worth a response. Simple as that.
Most shyte tests are a double edge sword. If you answer and it doesnt suit her, she will write you off. If you answer and it suits her, she will probably write you off because you just showed that you are compliant to her requests, even when they are stupid.
The only play that you have is to not respond.
As an added pro tip that I will give everyone, its this: If you want to know where a woman's interest level is......easy to do:
Just dont respond to her for a few days. If she reaches out, you know she is interested. Ask her out and if she agrees and shows up, she has at least a medium interest level. So on and so on.
But many guys are too scared to lose contact with the chick. Scarcity mindset is a killer. I on the other hand dont respond to half the stuff women text me (unless they are asking about making plans to see me or have a direct and legitimate question/topic). I go days without texting specific women. How do they react to that? They chase.
Happy hunting