I had a third date on Saturday night with a guy I really like. We have a lot in common, get along well, laugh, etc.
After dinner (he drove and paid) I asked him back to my place to watch a movie. He came in, we watched the movie and he went home around 1230. Didn't make any moves on me at all. No hug, no kiss nothing. And didn't on the first two dates either.
I sounds like he's been the passive one in his last several relationships, the women coming after him.
I don't know if he's not attracted to me, or if he's shy and waiting for me to make a move or what.
I'm thinking I'll just wait and see if he calls, but if he's waiting for me to be the agressive one, I think I should ask him over for dinner. Any help???
It's been three weeks now, with all weekend dates. and chatting a few times during the week.

After dinner (he drove and paid) I asked him back to my place to watch a movie. He came in, we watched the movie and he went home around 1230. Didn't make any moves on me at all. No hug, no kiss nothing. And didn't on the first two dates either.
I sounds like he's been the passive one in his last several relationships, the women coming after him.
I don't know if he's not attracted to me, or if he's shy and waiting for me to make a move or what.
I'm thinking I'll just wait and see if he calls, but if he's waiting for me to be the agressive one, I think I should ask him over for dinner. Any help???
It's been three weeks now, with all weekend dates. and chatting a few times during the week.