Hey all, being a former and slowly recovering shy guy with women, I would like to enlighten you on how shyness will seriously hinder your success w/ women. Most of this may seem like common sense, but I feel strongly about my opinions and would like to get this off my chest.
As Louis and Copeland state, as the man you must INITIATE EVERYTHING.
Most of us have been or are in these situations alot:
a.) You see a HB you would like to approach, but you are too damn shy to make a move or WRONGLY hope she will be turned on by your shy demeanor.
b.) There is a girl you like whom you have already chatted up, spoken to many times, or seem to be getting good vibes from her.
If you fail to initiate in any of the two situations;(whether it is initial approach, phone number close, or asking out on a date etc.)
the women is going to most likely think 1 of 3 things: All of them negative or basically not at all to your benefit.
1.) She WILL think you are too shy/lack the self confidence to make the move(phone #, date etc.) Any interest this girl may have had in you physically or emotionally, just plummeted. She will be thinking, "If this guy does have the balls to make the move, how is he going to take care of me?" He must be a passive man." I wouldn't feel comfortable or want to date/sleep with him!"
Readers Note: Confident girls (not many around) or girls who have a hint you like them will probably think like this.
2.) She WILL think you are not interested due to the fact you do not find her attractive enough or you already have a girlfriend. She will think, "Why hasn't he made a move on me yet? Hmmm, I wonder if I am not pretty enough, good enough, or maybe my boobs are too small? Oh well......NEXT."
Readers Note: Since I believe most girls are insecure, they will think this most of the time. How frustrating this would be heh?, you finding her very attractive and her thinking the opposite just because you were too shy!
3.) She thinks you are maybe a homosexual.
As I know from experience, male shyness and modesty does not ATTRACT women! If anything, it is a chick repellent.
Recently, I chatted up a cute 7.5 at the gym. I have not seen her since and sometimes I feel...."Hey, I already broke the ice, I will wait for her to come talk to me." I realize this mentality will not work and it is me who will AGAIN have to initiate another conversation. If I fail to initiate, she will think 1 of the 3 above.
Too many guys think just because they are tall, handsome, rich etc, that women will approch them and make a move. Nothing is further from the truth. I know I often here on this forum from many of you: "I get approached all the time or I have a friend who gets hit on all the time." To tell you the truth, I think you are lieing or YOU broke the ice non-verbally (I.E. gave her a big smile first). I can see it happening occasionally, but not on a regular basis. The only hope WE have in getting approached regularly by women, is if you are semi-famous or your face in on TV.
So remember, SHYNESS is a turnoff to most women and handicaps you in getting dates or laid. It still DOES NOT matter if you have the body of a GREEK GOD, chiseled facial features, MBA from Harvard or a $150,000 yr/job. Having any of these things will just get you more looks, smiles, audtions etc. YOU still have to initiate everything, regardless of how GOOD you look. GOOD LUCK!
As Louis and Copeland state, as the man you must INITIATE EVERYTHING.
Most of us have been or are in these situations alot:
a.) You see a HB you would like to approach, but you are too damn shy to make a move or WRONGLY hope she will be turned on by your shy demeanor.
b.) There is a girl you like whom you have already chatted up, spoken to many times, or seem to be getting good vibes from her.
If you fail to initiate in any of the two situations;(whether it is initial approach, phone number close, or asking out on a date etc.)
the women is going to most likely think 1 of 3 things: All of them negative or basically not at all to your benefit.
1.) She WILL think you are too shy/lack the self confidence to make the move(phone #, date etc.) Any interest this girl may have had in you physically or emotionally, just plummeted. She will be thinking, "If this guy does have the balls to make the move, how is he going to take care of me?" He must be a passive man." I wouldn't feel comfortable or want to date/sleep with him!"
Readers Note: Confident girls (not many around) or girls who have a hint you like them will probably think like this.
2.) She WILL think you are not interested due to the fact you do not find her attractive enough or you already have a girlfriend. She will think, "Why hasn't he made a move on me yet? Hmmm, I wonder if I am not pretty enough, good enough, or maybe my boobs are too small? Oh well......NEXT."
Readers Note: Since I believe most girls are insecure, they will think this most of the time. How frustrating this would be heh?, you finding her very attractive and her thinking the opposite just because you were too shy!
3.) She thinks you are maybe a homosexual.
As I know from experience, male shyness and modesty does not ATTRACT women! If anything, it is a chick repellent.
Recently, I chatted up a cute 7.5 at the gym. I have not seen her since and sometimes I feel...."Hey, I already broke the ice, I will wait for her to come talk to me." I realize this mentality will not work and it is me who will AGAIN have to initiate another conversation. If I fail to initiate, she will think 1 of the 3 above.
Too many guys think just because they are tall, handsome, rich etc, that women will approch them and make a move. Nothing is further from the truth. I know I often here on this forum from many of you: "I get approached all the time or I have a friend who gets hit on all the time." To tell you the truth, I think you are lieing or YOU broke the ice non-verbally (I.E. gave her a big smile first). I can see it happening occasionally, but not on a regular basis. The only hope WE have in getting approached regularly by women, is if you are semi-famous or your face in on TV.
So remember, SHYNESS is a turnoff to most women and handicaps you in getting dates or laid. It still DOES NOT matter if you have the body of a GREEK GOD, chiseled facial features, MBA from Harvard or a $150,000 yr/job. Having any of these things will just get you more looks, smiles, audtions etc. YOU still have to initiate everything, regardless of how GOOD you look. GOOD LUCK!