Men are typically as overweight as women or more so in most of the world, they don't take care of their appearance either with dermatologic treatments (like microneedling etc) and routine, good diet, not smoking or drinking (drinking will fvck your male hormones up), exercise, anti-balding treatment, good posture, decent clothes and whatever else. I don't buy the "gender war" dynamic, because the average man is about as attractive as the average woman in these regards. This to me means his "point" is for naught, unless we are talking about areas where the gender ratio or whatever is so awful that there is an observable difference in each genders' average attractiveness comparing by traits like I just listed (but you would have to make certain adjustments, like anti-balding treatment could be compared to women who keep their hair long).
Also, the stupid HB 1-10 rating "system" makes me want to quit the internet every time I see it used consistently and unreservedly - probably by the same guys who would resolutely assert they are geniuses. You can't compare one man's 5 to another man's 5 or whatever, because the scale is both subjective to each man and what the criteria for that subjective rating is is nearly always undefined. You would be kicked out faster than you can say "HB" if you used the HB 1-10 scale as a professional statistical method, F on your thesis. Why should we use it here? If that's not bad enough, there is also the phenomenon of illusory superiority which has been measured in how people rate themselves, and that's why everyone on the internet will say they are at least a 7 and so are the girls they claim to be having sex with. Of course, like I just said, what a 7 actually is is undefined anyway.
There is a risk that the same guys who will be agreeing with that guy, are the ones who themselves are out of shape, not doing anything about balding, don't treat their skin, dress in a grey tshirt and jeans, don't floss or clean their tongue, sit on their @ss all day chugging beer with a poor posture, and have neurotic feelings about women. All the while considering themselves a "7". I don't want to risk sorting myself into the same category as those kinds of people.
/"Angry hater"