Should I try again?


Don Juan
May 15, 2007
Reaction score
Hey everyone, i'm a sophmore in high school right now.

So beginning of last year, there was a girl that got really interested in me(so many IOI's...if only i knew!). like for a couple weeks she was crazy for me. i was probably taken completely by surprise, honestly this was completely new to me. also, now that i think of it, we probably could've gotten together really well, but back then, i admit i was basically clueless about how to conduct myself and acted afc. about halfway through the year we quietly and suddenly broke contact. after that although she was in one of my classes second semester we basically ignored each other. i was at a loss and made some wimpy tries to get back in contact that were not effective at all.

this summer i decided that i had a oneitis, and i'm pretty sure i still do. i promised to myself that when school started, i would focus my attention on other girls and meeting new people. this has worked and i've met alot of new and interesting faces. this year's going good so far.

now back to that girl. i have a class with her (swimming class, lucky me :rockon: btw shes a 7.5-8), and even then we don't pay too much attention to each other. however recently i have been having dreams about her, not even kidding. it's like they made me see how much i wanted her. think something is messing with me or something. anyways, what do you think i should do, still try to ignore her, or try to initiate contact again?

and if i try to initiate contact, how would i do it after such an awkward cutoff?

also, we basically haven't had a conversation in almost a year. i know i've changed a lot, half because of this website and half because of my kickass summer. for all i know, she could be a completely different person just like me. i know the likely answer(go for others), but suggestions please. plus i want to know how i would go about approaching her just in case.

Grand Wizzard Alamar

Master Don Juan
Jan 7, 2007
Reaction score
My bed, your girl.
If you're having dreams about her you shouldn't go for her.
But if you must, just say hey to her and start talking and doing your stuff, even go for a #close if you can.

You should stay away from her though because you really don't want oneitis for anybody.


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2005
Reaction score
florida baby
Don't. You. Dare.

You're killing off your highschool career, literally the freest time of your life, on this one pretty good looking girl. You are so much better than that, mate, and there are so many girls that are much much more beautiful.

Breaks Danno's heart to see kids throwing away highschool like this.