Dude are you for real? You're going to actually try and claim that you're not being AFC and rip on Warrior's advice, which was right on? Your head is in the clouds man, and I'm still trying to clean off the AFC you upchucked all over me with your first post.
"Sex complicates things?" Who told you that, your little sister? That may be the single most womany line I've ever seen posted on this site. She likes your friends? Who gives a sh*t, she's lucky to even have met your friends, especially since it's only been a month. And you're considering going to Hawaii, after knowing this chick for 1 freaking month? Who's paying? Is she? If so by all means go. If you're footing the bill, AFC.
Did you ever think that maybe, just maybe since you're IN the situation and obviously already waaaaaaaaaay more into this girl than you should be after only a month, we can see things you can't? And some of those things we can see that you're oblivious to may be stuff you don't wanna hear. So don't come in here, get solid advice from a top poster, and rip him and everyone else because they tell you something you don't want to hear.
Yahoo! relationship advice thataway------------->