should i tell her i love her?


Don Juan
Feb 9, 2005
Reaction score
I'm very much in love with this girl. I've met lots of girls, but none quite like this one- and yes, i am perfectly aware of how AFC that sounds.

I met her while travelling just before i left and we really hit it off- and i feel really strongly about her, but have never actually told her. The fact i didnt while we were still together really quite bites me.
I am certain she feels the same way about me, and i KNOW she knows how i feel anyway. Should i just go and confirm the obvious in words for her anyway? So for my own sanity- should i just tell her i love her?

I live in Sydney and she lives in Prague- and it is possible our paths in life may not cross again.

Should i???


Don Juan
Mar 20, 2005
Reaction score
since none of the experienced DJ experts will answer this post in the million years ill tell you exactly what they would've written.

This website isn't designed to lend advice to those who have one-itis and are obsessed enough to be in love with a single girl. You said it yourself you'll most likely never see her again.

Use this site as it was intended and learn how to turn the illogical courtship of multiple women against them or don't use it at all.

Thanks come again, or don't and for the love of god grow some balls.


Don Juan
Feb 17, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Mintyfresh
since none of the experienced DJ experts will answer this post in the million years ill tell you exactly what they would've written.

This website isn't designed to lend advice to those who have one-itis and are obsessed enough to be in love with a single girl. You said it yourself you'll most likely never see her again.

Use this site as it was intended and learn how to turn the illogical courtship of multiple women against them or don't use it at all.

Thanks come again, or don't and for the love of god grow some balls.
Who made you the master of all advice on here? Geez. With advice like that, people won't bother even changing.

Sanity_Cleaver, I understand you may think you are in love. She fits what you perceive of what you desire in a partner. She may be very womanly (mature) , She may be fun going, She may even be the one who thinks just like you do. Whatever it is, if you *really* wanted to go out with her, you would've had more courage to ask her out the first couple of times of seeing her.

Also, the long distance situation is very bleak and not to sound ultra negative, whatever you want to do may never pan out longer than a friendship. If you think that by telling her that you love her will bring closure even if she tells you that she likes you as a friend, be my guest.


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2003
Reaction score
Sanity, if it makes you feel better, then sure, do it. But think about it:

You probably will not see her again, so what are you trying to accomplish? It seems that you will only hurt yourself in the long run, and make her feel uncomfortable and guilty for moving away from you..

Have fun with her, by all means say you love her as long as you realize that this love might be over next week. Will you be hurt when it is, or will you move on? That is the question you must ask yourself.

Good Luck


Don Juan
Dec 27, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by dearsappho
Never EVER tell a woman how you really feel. If you do the challenge is over and they will leave.

Keep her guessing...
that won't work in a REAL LTR

Don Juanabbe

Master Don Juan
Jan 28, 2004
Reaction score
Eventually you will have to say it, if you want a LTR. However, I don't see the point in bothering, especially if this woman is on the other side of the planet.


Don Juan
Feb 15, 2005
Reaction score
San Jose, CA
Originally posted by dearsappho
Never EVER tell a woman how you really feel. If you do the challenge is over and they will leave.

Keep her guessing...
You sure about that? I lost this chick I knew a few years ago because I didn't say I love her. Found out she really did like me, but it was too late. Some num nut came up said he liked her a lot and bam. THey're screwing like bunnies while I sit on the toilet thinking why oh why I didnt do anything. haha


Master Don Juan
Dec 23, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by dearsappho
Never EVER tell a woman how you really feel. If you do the challenge is over and they will leave.

Keep her guessing...
Wrong. If you play your game where you're a constant challenge and have her chasing validation from you, this advice is right. But that's not strong game at all. Rather than forcing her to seek validation all the time, how about being an interesting and attractive guy?

To the threadstarter: do what you like, but have you had sex with this chick? It's oneitis if you haven't, but it might be cool if you have.


Don Juan
Feb 9, 2005
Reaction score
Thanks guys, ive taken to heart all the things youve said

Originally posted by DrSoSuave

Sanity_Cleaver, I understand you may think you are in love. She fits what you perceive of what you desire in a partner. She may be very womanly (mature) , She may be fun going, She may even be the one who thinks just like you do. Whatever it is, if you *really* wanted to go out with her, you would've had more courage to ask her out the first couple of times of seeing her.

Yeah she was all that, an absolute one in a million- but i did have the courage to ask her out and we did: but we never slept with each other, so yeah i guess i could have a nice dose of oneitis. We only met in the last couple days and i guess im still a bit lost in her. She is genuine LTR material- about the only I've ever met who falls into that category with me- and she sends me letters and cute little presents in the mail all the time.
We were friends originally but then it deepened, and im pretty sure she knows i love her anyway. There is a good chance i wont see her ever again, but theres also a good chance i will: im just as much in love with her city as well and i have family there anyway.

I just want to tell her to add a closure on it: its more for my sanity than anything else, so i can go out and look for some woman closer to home without being hung up on her the whole time. Trust me, its hard trying to bond with someone else when you dont actually want to.
So anyway, thanks for most of your comments, ive got mroe perspective now but im still undecided

As for Mintyfresh's reply, just confirms my views that more of this site is devoted to getting ***** than it is to finding love and happiness


Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2004
Reaction score
Down South. Between the Y junction.
As for Mintyfresh's reply, just confirms my views that more of this site is devoted to getting ***** than it is to finding love and happiness
It's about choice... most guys in the western world seem to find it more difficult in actually getting a chick to begin with let alone finding love and happiness...

I just want to tell her to add a closure on it: its more for my sanity than anything else, so i can go out and look for some woman closer to home without being hung up on her the whole time. Trust me, its hard trying to bond with someone else when you dont actually want to. So anyway, thanks for most of your comments, ive got mroe perspective now but im still undecided
Here is where you potential kill any chance of getting with her.... Showing your cards and calling hers.... If shes not on the same level as you then she'll blow you off... why not wait till your absolutely sure. In the mean time go out and chase other girls.... I know she not resting on her laurels!!!


Oct 25, 2001
Reaction score
I make it a habit of telling anyone I love how I feel as soon as I feel it...but I'm not one to feel it very takes time. The way I see never know when you or that person could die and it's always best to let those you love know that you love them so if something horrible does ever happen to one of you...they one left behind is not stuck with regrets over not saying it or wondering the rest of their lives if that person loved them.

If it's just lust or infatuation...nah...don't say it. But if it is REAL, genuine love...there's no reason not to say it if it's what you feel. And honestly...andyone who would ditch someone for loving them isn't someone you should want anyway.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 13, 2004
Reaction score
Happy Hunting Grounds
Originally posted by Wyldfire
And honestly...andyone who would ditch someone for loving them isn't someone you should want anyway.
Thats the conundrum, here, Wyldfire. You dont know they will leave until you tell them.

In my experience its better to keep quiet and enjoy the relationship than rock the boat by over-emphasising emotions verbally. If you believe you really love someone why risk it at the first opportunity?

Act as if...


Oct 25, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by dearsappho
Thats the conundrum, here, Wyldfire. You dont know they will leave until you tell them.

In my experience its better to keep quiet and enjoy the relationship than rock the boat by over-emphasising emotions verbally. If you believe you really love someone why risk it at the first opportunity?

Act as if...
Actually, the real conundrum is that if a man were to take the advice of the most popular positions on this site he would not only never tell her he loved her, but he wouldn't "act" like he loved her, either. Somehow I doubt she would truly "enjoy" that relationship much. It would be unfulfilling and feel, well, empty and vacant...and she would leave.

Witholding verbal "I love yous" from women is the equivalent of witholding sex from men. It's starving your partner of something they need to have met to truly be fulfilled and happy. (I'm talking LTR) And it doesn't matter how much you think you "act" or "show" it...if you never say it she won't feel it.


Don Juan
Mar 15, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Sanity_Cleaver
I'm very much in love with this girl. I've met lots of girls, but none quite like this one- and yes, i am perfectly aware of how AFC that sounds.

Should i???

Man why NOT...

go ahead and tell you love her, what could happen, screw what these guys say i think you SHOULD tell this girl that you dont really know and have never even been **alone** with that you LOVE her.

I mean sure she could have a bf, sure she could be in love with sumone else, but there is that ONE percent chance that she could not think your crazy and love you back.

Andddddddd you can spend the rest of you days making long distance calls to her and spent every penny you earn trying to go to prauge to see her. like you said shes ONE of a KIND and there NO girl that can EVER take her place.




Don Juan
Mar 22, 2005
Reaction score
I've never had a LTR, but it seems to me you shouldn't tell someone you love them until you've definately been with them for a while. But definately don't tell someone you haven't slept with you love them. Unless they're a virgin...:) Joking.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 3, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by Wyldfire
Actually, the real conundrum is that if a man were to take the advice of the most popular positions on this site he would not only never tell her he loved her, but he wouldn't "act" like he loved her, either. Somehow I doubt she would truly "enjoy" that relationship much. It would be unfulfilling and feel, well, empty and vacant...and she would leave.

Witholding verbal "I love yous" from women is the equivalent of witholding sex from men. It's starving your partner of something they need to have met to truly be fulfilled and happy. (I'm talking LTR) And it doesn't matter how much you think you "act" or "show" it...if you never say it she won't feel it.
This is what i've found recently ...Guys you don't need to be here to get advice on how to get girls's all inside , based on instincts and common sense . You just follow your nature , Express your emotions anytime with any girl but don't be gushy . This is why i challenge the core of sosuave now . yes i learned but i also used to philosophize , hide my emotions and make something that should be fun and enjoyable like work .

I've found that i feel relaxed and satisfied when i tell and show the girl what i feel (call her on her bull**** or express my feelings for her) and Coming from a culture that most of the girls are afraid of getting hurt or hide they true feelings untill it's very obvious and you tell them ...they like this shows that you are bold but my question for you Miss is :

When do you risk emotionally , throw your ego on the line and tell her exactley how do you feel ?? In cases of infatuation also ...

Have a guy that you had minimum interest once told you before that he likes you and tell you his genuine feelings and made his intentions clear then you were surprisingly shocked and get involved with him ?? talking LTR

Don't ya agree with me that expressing and telling your genuine feelings that you have inside ..not being gushy though but also not fearing whether the girl will reject you or not anytime is the right way (not so fast though when starting a relationship) ??

I think Having the gutts to show and tell the other person that you are interested is the key . after all we are human beings with feelings , desires that we can't divide ourselves from . let me hear your thoughts and i also wanted to discuss with you something but your pm wasn't available .


Oct 25, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by HB_Hunter
This is what i've found recently ...Guys you don't need to be here to get advice on how to get girls's all inside , based on instincts and common sense . You just follow your nature , Express your emotions anytime with any girl but don't be gushy . This is why i challenge the core of sosuave now . yes i learned but i also used to philosophize , hide my emotions and make something that should be fun and enjoyable like work .

I've found that i feel relaxed and satisfied when i tell and show the girl what i feel (call her on her bull**** or express my feelings for her) and Coming from a culture that most of the girls are afraid of getting hurt or hide they true feelings untill it's very obvious and you tell them ...they like this shows that you are bold but my question for you Miss is :

When do you risk emotionally , throw your ego on the line and tell her exactley how do you feel ?? In cases of infatuation also ...

Have a guy that you had minimum interest once told you before that he likes you and tell you his genuine feelings and made his intentions clear then you were surprisingly shocked and get involved with him ?? talking LTR

Don't ya agree with me that expressing and telling your genuine feelings that you have inside ..not being gushy though but also not fearing whether the girl will reject you or not anytime is the right way (not so fast though when starting a relationship) ??

I think Having the gutts to show and tell the other person that you are interested is the key . after all we are human beings with feelings , desires that we can't divide ourselves from . let me hear your thoughts and i also wanted to discuss with you something but your pm wasn't available .
I turned off PMs in reaction to being ordered by someone to use them for certain things. I don't like being told what to do and will do just the opposite. :D Besides...the stupid PM box is so small that if I use it I constantly have to delete stuff and it gets annoying.

In regards to guys and hiding their interest...I'm aware of this happening twice to me. The first was with a much younger guy who I liked as a friends but just wasn't at all attracted to. He would try to do favors for me, like babysitting. At the time he did that, I wasn't aware of his feelings and I was engaged at the time I met him. I thought he wanted extra money, so I let him babysit because the kids liked him and he treated them well. I never let him watch them for free, though. I never led him on in any way, either...and NEVER took advantage of him. In fact, I did more favors for him than he did for me. He never told me of his feelings. I learned of them from someone else. Once I knew I took extra special care NOT to do or say anything to make him think I liked him or was interested. Sadly, he died a few years ago in a fire. He thought there were children inside a house so he went in to try to save them. :(
I could not have had a relationship with him because I just wasn't attracted to him at all.

The second time was a guy who I WAS attracted to. I tried my best to show him I was interested and I DID want him to ask me out. Unfortunately, he was a bit of a mess and kept taking an ex back, breaking up again, taking her back, etc. I didn't feel it was a good time to jump into that kind of situation. He came close to saying something a couple of times, but never did. I'm very old fashioned and will NOT make the first move under ANY circumstances. I actually did offer him a free ticket to a concert I was going to AND a ride...and he wanted to go, but refused to borrow money from me to go. He was a bonehead for that, lol. Anyhow, if he had of actually made a move I would definitely have gotten involved with him. We were kinda friends and I really liked him a lot and his cousin was my best friend at the time. A couple of people told me that he liked me and I knew he did by his actions...but he must have been too afraid of rejection to make a move.

Did that answer your question? I really am not entirely sure what you were asking, but I tried to answer just the same, lol.