Should I take a shot ?


Don Juan
Aug 16, 2008
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I'm curious as to why nobody has pointed out the OP's calling her the next day after she gave him her #. From what I've read here and my experience, it seldomly proves to be a good thing unless her interest is very high. That alone can be a deal breaker so early on. Another thing, age is a huge issue for girls in their early/mid twenties. A twenty year difference is nearly impossible to overcome, she is keenly aware that you are old enough to be her dad, and probably as old as he is. I'm not bashing on the OP. Props for thinking big and not limiting yourself in what you desire. I agree with the other posters, she sounds like an AW. I recently learned a hard lesson from a fifteen year age gap... Guru's advice back then could have spared me a world of hurt. Although I am starting to think having learned the hard way benefits me the most. Anyhow, it seems like once a woman hits her thirties, age differences such as these become less of an issue for them.
Apr 13, 2008
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Thanks for the rest of the comments and thoughts.

bam bam said:
Franky Four Fingers, I don't think that the issue here is age I think there is an underlying problem. You speak of having a strong inner game what not. But you refer to your age almost every post. (not a solid inner game)
I appreciate your thoughts on that. The reason I was referring to age at different points was because age became an issue with her because ... well... she asked and thats why I came here to get comments on it. From my perspective though she is missing out on the value that a mature man confident man can give her. Like I mentioned before I was confident enough to talk to her as if I were talking to joe the barber. I got that way from a ton of 'school of hard knocks' experiences which led me to the simplist yet most powerful fact of life for all of us; life is only temporary, a hundred years from now it's all moot.

Also giving us a link to her picture is another way that shows you’re seeking approval of others. Might not be in the largest ways but you’re inner game defiantly needs plenty of more work done to it.
Honestly the soul reason I gave out the link was to give people who read the thread a matter of perspective on what I was dealing with. I honestly wasn't trying to toot my own horn or anything or ask for approval.

You're talking about looks when you're referring to outer game I’m assuming also? If you’re insecure about you're looks then you have to change that.
Oh no, what I was referring to when I said outer game I was referring to a mans planned action during a social interaction. Some guys with great outer and inner game can get a HB10 because they have the necessary action skills, talking into account their inner game as well.

Make sure you're getting the results you want to the gym. It's not enough to just go to the gym four times a week and do a decent workout.
The results for my age are pretty good. The workouts intense and multiple body parts using free weights completed in about 1 hour and a half to 2 hours on average.

One more thing I'd like to leave you with Franky Four Fingers if your posting about a interaction it's a good idea to mention how you guys meet and how the initial conversation went. It's true you're out of luck with this one but it's because you did something wrong in the begging. She pulled the breaks on you because you where sending mixed signals to her.
My guess at this point is she was a plain and simple AW. She started to attempt planting thoughts of top 10 Maxim mag / lingerie contest etc etc from the get go, trying what she's done on many others I'm sure with some level of success at pulling their strings.

How you build your foundation is how your house will stand.

p.s are you humble or ****y? You mentioned you where ****y funny with her but you’re humble here. You can be ****y/funny in person but humble online?
Sure. A humble guy can be ****y/funny. Various negs and loose swagger were flowing naturally during every interaction. Like a man at a business meeting, he's serious there, then he hits a club/bar etc. and he becomes ****y/funny. In essence I am humble but ****y/funny is an attitude from everything I've learned so far and ... well ... it's working, humbly speaking of course :)

p.s.s you read to much of this junk. Apply it into your life learn it breath it become it. Don’t just be a bank of knowledge. It has to be you not a fake projection of you.
Not to sound inflammatory but any action except taking a p*ss and a cr*p was learned to us from childhood from some outer source. This stuff isn't as simple as learning a second language where it's memorized. It needs to become a part of you which I'm trying to practice it one step at a time.

Thanks again for everyone's comments and thoughts.


New Member
Jul 6, 2008
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Phyzzle said:
Your thoughts are wrong. There's nothing about a hockey game that says "more than friends". A date would something more like having lunch. Her looks are totally warping your mind. I would say that she deserves a top 10 ranking indeed.

She's inviting you to pay for her ticket, that's all. And how do non-playoff tickets cost that much?
On, tickets for the Leafs average $259 each. $70 seats come with a free nosebleed.

You don't want to know what playoff seats go for. Of course, Leafs' playoffs is an oxymoron but that's another story for another year.

Having said all that, let her buy you a ticket. They're cheap enough. Unless you're a big fan, what would the point be in you buying? Is this your hobby?
Apr 13, 2008
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ogre170 said:
On, tickets for the Leafs average $259 each. $70 seats come with a free nosebleed.

You don't want to know what playoff seats go for. Of course, Leafs' playoffs is an oxymoron but that's another story for another year.

Having said all that, let her buy you a ticket. They're cheap enough. Unless you're a big fan, what would the point be in you buying? Is this your hobby?
This isn't my hobby, this was her suggestion (implied). I wouldn't mind going to a hockey game if the seats were more reasonably priced for the only purpose of trying something different but as you pointed out they are not cheap and it's not my hobby interest.

Besides she LJBF'd me. That gets her lunch as friends for a few laughs IF she were more mature instead of trying to play the Maxim mag / lingerie contest head games.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 25, 2005
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I've had girls half my age show interest before and believe some just like to string a guy along - because of the age difference they would never consider anything long term or traditional dating. Better to isolate them early on and make a move, if they're interested in just ****ing they will go with it. But ask them out on a "date" and they will shut down fast.
Apr 13, 2008
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rhodey said:
The reason you didn't get with here had nothing to do with age. Don't take this personal but your game was lacking.

This right here says alot. In my book the whole dinner date thing is reserved until after I have hooked up with a chick. For someone you barely know it come off as a form of supplication or in her case (she's 22?), plain old fashioned. It sounds like to me, all this chick wanted to do is F.. but you missed her signals. You did not escalate. In additon it sounds like you did not LEAD. Instead you allow her to make the suggestions , initiate the flirting, play patty cake over email instead of INSTRUCTING her on your intentions directly. You are the MAN, allow her to be the WOMAN. In essence failed her tests, you LJBF'd yourself.

There no shame in making mistakes, as long as you acknowledge them for what they truly are and learn from them. Don't blame age (or height, weight, or race ) that's a crock. Your GAME was lacking.
I find your perspective fascinating. If you are accurate (and it is convincing) then I lost on an HB9 F-close.

If thats the case then, (how should I say this?) I hate Hate HATE signals from women. They are the damnedest thing to read.

The signals can possibly interpreted (as some suggested) as shes an AW. The other side is my lack of game (signal interpertation/escalation?). If its the second then clearly I would escalate if I would have known.

Theres one thing though while she was sending out these signals I tried a little kino escalation a couple times when she was leaving at different times. Because it was a coffee shop and she was always sitting at a bit of distance kino was challenging at best. I simply tried a simple handshake to test the waters. I know a handshake is lame but at least it was small step. She purposely put a vice grip on my hand both times.

If she's looking to Fcck you'd think it would be more of a light touch. My interpretation (which obviously needs improvement) at the time was her saying to herself "I will make contact but not in a flirting way".

Oh yeah did I say I hate Hate HATE having to interpret signals from women. :) How about "lets go back my place/your place". I know the signals are the anti-sl*t defense. Rats.