should i next this one?


Don Juan
May 27, 2005
Reaction score
I probably will next her regardless of your advice but just gonna ask anyway.

i might as well give the whole story to save any questions:

basically met this girl at the start of the school year, shes in my french class but goes to another school. didnt really 'notice' her until a couple months ago and i asked her out. we went out and it was ok, shes not that fun but i figured she might be more interesting when she gets more comfortable around me. then i saw her at the school social and we were both a bit tipsy and we ended up kissin a couple times, she was a bit too keen and it wasnt the best kiss ive had because of that. i didnt make a big deal out of the kiss and next time i spoke to her on msn i didnt really talk about it, i then started thinkin about her (dont know why) and decided to give her another chance but its really confusing because i dont realy like this girl that much, but something in me tells me i should give her a chance. i said some stuff to test her, AFTER asking her out..which worked quite well and then she sent me a text saying:

'i dont see why i should bother, im blatantly of higher calibre than the hair flicking ****s that you seem to think could replace me'

this was in response to me asking 'tell me why i should pick you out of all the other girls'

ive been testing her with that stuff a few times and she gives brief uninspiring answers. i dunno what her problem is really, shes really weird...

so basically we're meant to be going out tomorrow but it depends on me coz shes too shy to text me saying something like: 'are we still going out tomorrow?'

what do you lot think should happen?


Senior Don Juan
Nov 13, 2005
Reaction score
San Diego, CA
Hahaha. I have to say, you're playing wonderfully. Keep it up.

My advice? I think you should choose now. Do you want a relationship with her or not? Then follow that track. I suggest for you to just go for it and see how far you get. She obviously likes you, but from that one text quote that you gave us, I'd say she also has a strong frame. Be careful of her and don't let her manipulate you. If anything, indulge yourself.



Don Juan
May 27, 2005
Reaction score
yeh Im not sure if i want a relationship, but things were left kind of up in the air, and even though we are supposed to be going out probably wont happen unless i 'remind' her about it. shes basically waiting for me to do so because she is:

a) too shy to propose that we go out
b) waiting for me to ask her out again
c) she might just not like me but i seriously dont believe this at the moment

to be honest the negative outweigh the positives and im only really giving this girl a chance because there are no other alternatives at the moment to keep me busy...i doubt shed wanna do the whole '**** buddy' thing which is the only sort of relationship id want to pursue with her really. probably too young for all of that (17)

anyway, anymore advice or comments are welcome...