Should I make a move the first days of class?


Don Juan
Aug 7, 2007
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Should I make a move the first days of class or it really doesn't matter?

It's kinda awkward, though, to start talking to girls like halfway into the semester.. any thoughts on this?


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2006
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i've been wondering about this myself

Pook's solution is to avoid dating girls in class, if possible.


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2006
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he says that if you try to date lots of different girls that you will see often and who will see each other -- such as at school or work -- that you will be labeled a player (at best) or a desperate guy (at worst). Neither of those labels is good.

Also, if you're going to find the love of your life, as opposed to just a temporary hor, then you should be more creative and active in your search for a quality girl. For example, if you really like the environment, you might go find a girl at some hippie club or something. Just because there is close proximity between you and a girl doesn't mean she's the right one for you.

don't let me discourage you completely, tho. Just beware of asking out too many girls all at once in the same place. And look for quality girls, not just easy-to-find girls.

Of course, if you WERE to ask a girl out at school, I too am unsure of when the best time to do it is. Input from others would be nice.


Don Juan
Sep 11, 2006
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My Opinion...

You should be laying the groundwork with any potential girls you like in class as soon as possible. If you wait halfway through the semester to talk to a girl that you are interested in it may come off as a little odd...

This was always my strategy when I was in college...

1.) Don't arrive too early or too late on the first few days of class. You want to walk in and find some attractive girls to sit by. If you show up too early the class will be empty, and it will be up to fate if any hottie walks in a sits by you.... BUT, if you show up late there won't be many free seats left so your options may be limited on who you can sit by. That first class is important because most people sit in the same seats the whole semester that they picked on that first day - so you won't be able to switch seats throughout the semester without it being weird unless it is a big auditorium classroom.

2.) Establish the groundwork from day one that you are a friendly, talkative person (This is the first time these people have seen you, so you are free to establish your personality as you wish). So as soon as you sit down by a cute girl start chatting her up, as well as chatting up the other people around you. Approach as a friend, don't ask a girl out until you are sure there is attraction there, which could take weeks... There is no need to rush in asking a girl out you have class with.

3.) If you see a girl in class you like that you can't sit by you should try two things. First, try to "bump" into her and start small talk when leaving class, or on breaks, etc. Second, make sure you talk in class as much as possible (Ask intelligent questions, if you give speeches make sure they are captivating, offer thoughtful opinions) within reason ofcourse - you don't want to appear to be a knowitall - the goal if to show you are an alpha male and a person of passion and to also convey your personality indirectly to her.
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Master Don Juan
Oct 2, 2006
Reaction score
Bay Area, California, Currently in SoCal (UCR)
Ace_McGregor said:
You should be laying the groundwork with any potential girls you like in class as soon as possible. If you wait halfway through the semester to talk to a girl that you are interested in it may come off as a little odd...

This was always my strategy when I was in college...

1.) Don't arrive too early or too late on the first few days of class. You want to walk in and find some attractive girls to sit by. If you show up too early the class will be empty, and it will be up to fate if any hottie walks in a sits by you.... BUT, if you show up late there won't be many free seats left so your options may be limited on who you can sit by. That first class is important because most people sit in the same seats the whole semester that they picked on that first day - so you won't be able to switch seats throughout the semester without it being weird unless it is a big auditorium classroom.

2.) Establish the groundwork from day one that you are a friendly, talkative person (This is the first time these people have seen you, so you are free to establish your personality as you wish). So as soon as you sit down by a cute girl start chatting her up, as well as chatting up the other people around you. Approach as a friend, don't ask a girl out until you are sure there is attraction there, which could take weeks... There is no need to rush in asking a girl out you have class with.

3.) If you see a girl in class you like that you can't sit by you should try two things. First, try to "bump" into her and start small talk when leaving class, or on breaks, etc. Second, make sure you talk in class as much as possible (Ask intelligent questions, if you give speeches make sure they are captivating, offer thoughtful opinions) within reason ofcourse - you don't want to appear to be a noitall - the goal if to show you are an alpha male and a person of passion and to also convey your personality indirectly to her.
Good stuff here.

Let me add that if you get split into groups, immediately put yourself in a leadership position. Just start telling people what to do, lay everything out and they will follow.


New Member
Aug 26, 2007
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definatly wait and keep your eye on her. later when you get an oppurtunity you can say something really charming like, you seem pretty cool or some other **** like that. it sort of lets her know you've been interested for more than an hour. use the classic excuse of needing a "study buddy" or something tied to school (like lunch in the cafateria or coffee...). and if she's not into it, that's ok, just be friendly but give her space afterwards. no harm done.

but i think it's more impressive to wait instead of POUNCE

and all this "be the bossy leader" stuff...well, all i'm saying is some ppl aren't attracted to that. just be cool,sometimes the quiet "mysterious" guy has more appeal anyway.


Don Juan
Sep 11, 2006
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cosmo said:
and all this "be the bossy leader" stuff...well, all i'm saying is some ppl aren't attracted to that. just be cool,sometimes the quiet "mysterious" guy has more appeal anyway.
I don't think Kev07 means you should try to be "bossy", but you should try to be alpha.

Example: I had a class where we would split into groups for projects. At the end of each project we had to pick one person to speak in front of the class to present our findings. I liked speaking in front of people so I always volunteered to speak. I am naturally a good speaker so I always did great. Thing is I ran into a incredibly hot girl from that class at a bar (keep in mind we had never spoke before this) and we ended up making out there because she said she loved the persona I exuded when I spoke in class.

sidenote: If you want to test the waters with a girl you like in class ask her to grab a cup of coffee after class.


New Member
Aug 26, 2007
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Before i put my 2 cents in let me say whats up to everyone, seein as how i'm new: Now to the business.
When I start a new class, and I mean all of them, I come in and make it known that i'm a personable and very acccessible guy. This is where you gotta pay attention to what you do, as its hard to be personable without coming off as ****y. I try to participate in class discussions and ask other classmates questions to get everyone talking. This might sound nerdy but you are guaranteed to get her attention, showing you are confident and smart.The other advantage is that you will come off as a true leader and classmates will look to you to get the class discussions "poppin". I do this first so i come off as a cool dude before I try to get at her. The only reason I don't go straight for one in the beginning is because I might end up feeling another female after I get a feel for the class. If you know she's the only female that will ever have your eye in that class, be the guy that makes first contact. I don't know how long you've been in college but these other guys will tell you, freshmen will wait until someone who isn't shy talks to her to see if she's accessible, but by then it's to late, he already has her. Anybody feel me or disagree?
Mar 18, 2006
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If you find someone who you are attracted to then do it as soon as feasible -- before someone else does!! Try to relate to her on a familiar topic! Say, "Are you an out-of-state student?" "The reason I ask is that I don't see many girls from this state that are under 200 pounds" and then roll your eyes! If she is over 200 pounds then DON"T say this! :rolleyes:


Master Don Juan
Oct 2, 2006
Reaction score
Bay Area, California, Currently in SoCal (UCR)
Ace_McGregor said:
I don't think Kev07 means you should try to be "bossy", but you should try to be alpha.

Example: I had a class where we would split into groups for projects. At the end of each project we had to pick one person to speak in front of the class to present our findings. I liked speaking in front of people so I always volunteered to speak. I am naturally a good speaker so I always did great. Thing is I ran into a incredibly hot girl from that class at a bar (keep in mind we had never spoke before this) and we ended up making out there because she said she loved the persona I exuded when I spoke in class.

sidenote: If you want to test the waters with a girl you like in class ask her to grab a cup of coffee after class.


When I was an AFC in my groups, we would all just sit around and give the whole "okay what should we do..." bs.

Take control, you don't exactly have to BOSS them around, make suggestions, if they don't complain, go with it. Don't just sit around waiting for someone else to start making decisions.


May 22, 2007
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Wherever the Dong guides me, but mostly Hawaii
Kev07 said:

When I was an AFC in my groups, we would all just sit around and give the whole "okay what should we do..." bs.

Take control, you don't exactly have to BOSS them around, make suggestions, if they don't complain, go with it. Don't just sit around waiting for someone else to start making decisions.

You got it right.

Here's a funny thought. You could neg her by assigning her a menial task within the group.

"And you could be in charge of keeping the pencils sharp.":D

The Sperminator

Senior Don Juan
Jan 18, 2007
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The first day of class is the best time to make a move. I do this little trick well not really a trick but I find an attractive girl sit next to her and then talk to her about whatever make a few jokes here and there. Then at the end of class I'm like hey give me your number we should study together sometime. Yeah it sounds lame but it works. I've gotten many dates by this. I got 3 numbers on the first day of school this year.


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2004
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I was looking for a thread like this as I rather not make a new one but I just might.

Anyways, new semester new opportunities. I'm now coming up on the tail end of the second week of Jr. College and the hotties are plentiful this season.

In my first class Math, there is a girl that I actually attended summer school with. We have talked several times but nothing really major. I foolishly made the mistake of not sitting next to her the first day and now some random person (not her friend) sits next to her. I'm thinking about coming into class early next time and taking that persons spot so I can sit next to her. I just wish I had some interesting / funny reason to give her. Due to our seating distance we haven't been able to talk for a while. I am certain she has caught me checking her out as I can't help but look over to her and I think that she has been looking back towards me or maybe something else on separate occasions. When I walk into class she waves to me and today as class ended she walked by, gave me a big smile and said "bye" while she was on her cell. She's just probably being friendly but it's annoying that she hops on her cell as soon as class ends.

In the next class Critical Thinking, there is a cute girl who sits across from me and the only thing between us is an empty row. I could easily sit next to her next class and I probably will but I just don't have anything to say. Starting small talk is like brain surgery to me.

In my last class Interpersonal Communication, there is not one, not two but THREE really hot girls who sit within a few desks of me. I'm basically surrounded by cuties.

The first girl is a perfect 10. Long blonde hair, great body and nice rack. I've managed to say a few words to her. Surfer girl from Hawaii

The next girl is a 9.5 but she is part of a set. Always with her girlfriend so most likely very difficult divide and conquer. Said she works alot, 3 jobs!

The third girl is still cute but I would pick the other two over her. Wants to go into criminal justice

BTW the class and teacher are awesome. He makes us do name tags and go up in front of class and talk a little about ourselves, the whole point of the assignment is to have everybody know everybody's name. So now I know these cuties names and a little about them. My name tag was designed to be very rememberable and so was my talk. All the girls should know my name but not know anything about me except that I have a little dog.

Of course all of these girls may be taken but it could still be fun talking to these chicks.

Anyways I"m not really sure why I posted this, guess I just wanted to get my thoughts out. Any thoughts and advice is great.


Don Juan
Sep 11, 2006
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Maxtro said:
In my first class Math, there is a girl that I actually attended summer school with. We have talked several times but nothing really major. I foolishly made the mistake of not sitting next to her the first day and now some random person (not her friend) sits next to her. I'm thinking about coming into class early next time and taking that persons spot so I can sit next to her. I just wish I had some interesting / funny reason to give her. Due to our seating distance we haven't been able to talk for a while. I am certain she has caught me checking her out as I can't help but look over to her and I think that she has been looking back towards me or maybe something else on separate occasions. When I walk into class she waves to me and today as class ended she walked by, gave me a big smile and said "bye" while she was on her cell. She's just probably being friendly but it's annoying that she hops on her cell as soon as class ends.
This would be my strategy in your math class: Don't try to snag the seat next to her yet - it conveys way too much interest and could come off as weird. You should have gotten that seat from day 1. Instead catch her on the way out and start walking with her. Start small talk with her (you should have tons of questions you can ask her about class, etc.) Do this a few times and build some rapport with her. Then after this snag that seat next to her one day in class to ask her a question, then keep talking and act like you don't feel like moving once class starts. Then as long as you got a connection you should be able to sit by her for the rest of the semester and work your mojo.