Should I keep growing out my hair?


New Member
Oct 7, 2004
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My hair's in the intermediate stage, and I've just been ignoring it for awhile. I don't pay a whole lot of attention to it now. I part it on the side, and let it stay a little messy, and don't use much hair products. At this length, when I take a shower it gets puffy and bouncy and feathery.

What styles are best for long hair? Oh, and how would I get an decent opinion on whether long hair looks good on me? Some guys with long hair look stupid but it looks cool on other guys. Oh, and how do women generally perceive guys with long hair? A couple girls said it's hot on guys, but I don't know if they're in the minority or majority.

If I look young for my age, would long hair make me look younger?


Don Juan
Sep 28, 2004
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I've got long hair and I've scored with tons of chicks just because of it.

Here is what you need to do though:

Go to a male hairdresser, one of the expensive ones. Ask him for specific haircuts for long-haired males

Don't fall into the "flat hair and pony-tail" category. - Thats for geeks - Do something funky with your hair.

MOST important thing is: You need to care for it - Especially if you dye it. That means you gotta use the expensive conditioners, shampoos etc - ask your hairdresser.

As for your specific questions:

Depending on the colour of your hair it can make you look older or younger. If it's blond it will make you look younger.

You can have any style you want but saturday night you don't just let it hang down on the sides - do something funky - use alot of products that particular day.


Master Don Juan
Aug 26, 2004
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Originally posted by Straydog

Depending on the colour of your hair it can make you look older or younger. If it's blond it will make you look younger.

i don't think it's true, i think long hair make almost everyone look older. i know lots of guys that look far older than their age, because of their long blonde hair. tho, i'm referrin' to teenagers, maybe it's different for grown out people


Senior Don Juan
Nov 30, 2004
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the Netherlands
In general the rule is that dark hair makes you look older and light hair makes you look younger.
As people grow older, their hair becomes darker naturally.

I would have to suggest you to keep on growing your hair. However, go to an hairdresser right now and tell him you want a haircut that you can grow long.
Then let it grow for a month or two and go to a cheaper hairdresser and tell him to cut off the ends at an even length. Do this every now and then, keeping it in check so you can still put your hair in the right model.
This is what I'm doing right now and people are constantly complimenting me on my hair, even when I haven't done anything to it.

Also, get some good hairproduct and be sure to wash your hair every two to three days. If you want to keep your hairstyle fresh you should try to change it every other day. It's fun to mess around until you've found something that looks good, which hopefully shouldn't take more than a few minutes.


New Member
Oct 7, 2004
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Well I have red hair and look pretty young.
Incidently, where would a good place for men's haircuts be in the Los Angeles area? There are so many. Supercuts and Fantastic Sam's are the most prolific, and I don't got all day to call a bunch of numbers. Oh, and how do you go about finding a male hairdresser? Most are women.