well the one from the other thread i made out with hasn't responded to me so i suspect she's not interested anymore, deleted her number.
i caved in with this one and replied to her
text from monday:
'soz for late reply i been in france the past couple days.. im busy this weekend so no can do, tonight is my only free night. i can do 8.30pm if you're free but meet me at x place'
her replying 1 min later: tonight is a bit tricky, how about next week weekdays? i promise i did fix my phone lol'
what should i reply that with?
i know you guys say i shouldn't bother with her as she might just flake, but that's strike 1, so i should at least give her one more chance then forget it.
should i just say 'yeah maybe, i'll let you know'
i sense she senses that i didn't reply to her on monday because i didn't believe her reason.. whether it's true or not doesn't matter, i reck now it might have been true to an extent but felt she should have made more of an effort to say sorry or make it up to me (then again she doesn't know me that well why would she)
i guess i won't get much help on here from you pyros because you said to leave that and i accept that.
man im really desperate..
im just sitting waiting, i think the slower responses is giving me more edge and her more urgency.. let her stow on it a bit longer.