Should I join a Fraternity/Frat life [Official thread]

Walking Anomaly

Senior Don Juan
Apr 10, 2003
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IMO, fraternities are for people who cannot make any friends...if you notice, people in college will come up to you, get to know you, and then ask if you want to join their frat....and as soon as you say no, they want nothing to do with you anymore.

And realistically, they aren't really your friends, you are just forced to act as friends because you are in the same fraternity...not healthy



Don Juan
Jul 9, 2006
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I suggest you try out the fraternity, go to some interest meetings first, meet some of the members first. Contrary to many people's beliefs, all frats are NOT the same. What Walking anomaly described has never happened to me (strangers walking up to me and asking me to join their frat...) uh, then again I'm usually not walking around alone so maybe I'm not a prime *target*... who knows... The only offers of joining a frat I've had have been friends of mine that I already had who were interests/members of different frats.

The worst mindset you can have is thinking all frats are the same... so check them out before you comit saying anything and Walking Anomaly... that is the weeeeirdest statement and obviously uneducated statement I've seen, people in frats aren't friends? It's even more than that especially with linebrothers, the type of stuff you go through together makes you extreeeemely tight, you're obviously just not in a frat so you wouldn't know...

The Forms

Senior Don Juan
Nov 12, 2005
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Really it all depends on what college you go to, and what the greek climate is there. I've been to 3 colleges now. The first one, if you were in a frat it was considered kinda gay. The greek system was pretty small, and those of us not in the greek system had plenty of friends and parties. The second college I went to it was impossible to have anyone SPEAK to you if you weren't greek. So, if I had've attended that school longer than one semester, I would have joined.

The college I'm going to now, we HAVE greek stuff, but you can make plenty of friends outside of it.

So, yea, if you're having THAT hard of a time making friends, and have exhausted every other option, then sure, join a frat (as long as the whole greek thing isn't a joke like it is at 2 of my colleges).

But why don't you just figure out why it is that you can't make friends? If you figured out WHY you can't make friends you'd probably be a lot better off than doing all that pledge crap.


Don Juan
Nov 25, 2002
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Im in a frat and to be honest it was really fun when I first joined and then it got real old fast . I get bored of shallow pepole and for the most part alot of the Greek sterioe types ring true ...well at least at my school , so just some advice don't join if your not 100% sure that's what you want to do.


Jul 14, 2005
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Monte Carlo, Monaco
If your trying to be a millioinaire, a professional in sports on tv, an actor or to do something extraordinary worldwide in life.. No.. except a few in the world.

If you want to be a regular person with a 9-5 job, sure go ahead and pleasure yourself.


Don Juan
Apr 13, 2005
Reaction score
Join the Frat. Frat parties are ridiculously awesome, and if you have those letters on its easy poon. Take it from the horses mouth.


Don Juan
Apr 13, 2005
Reaction score
sorry walking anomaly, frats are fun. you obviously havent had that much experience in college, and if you have, i feel bad for anyone who went to your university. Where i go to school, frats tend to be where the people WITH friends hang out.


Don Juan
Jun 8, 2006
Reaction score
Fraternities are different by school. They tend to be big at the Ivy League schools, MIT, and schools in small, out of the way places.

At my school, frat boys are complete tools. I had no problem meeting people through sports and other activites, and the parties were ten times better than anything thrown in a run-down house in a rat infested neighborhood. I considered rushing, but hated many of the people I met during the process.


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2001
Reaction score
Join a frat.

What alot of these dipsh!t here don't think about is that frats are an EXCELLENT way of getting a network. Assuming you go to a good college the people that were in your frat will probably end up in good positions a couple of years down the road. Use it for networking.


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
Reaction score
at our house
joining a frat can be really hard work.
can you handle the iniations?


Master Don Juan
Nov 26, 2005
Reaction score
Frat..those are the dodgy American things right?

As long as they don't go sticking anything in your ass, go for it.

It's an excuse to get drunk right?


Don Juan
Aug 26, 2006
Reaction score
Damn u guys are giving some pretty good arguments both ways. On the one hand, it would be pretty embarassing to go to a meeting and then they ask me who my friends are on campus and I can name like 2 people so they say "ok get out". But on the other hand it may be worth the risk to just go there and try it out. If I could get in and meet all kinds of cool people, go to parties, MEET GIRLS, etc. it would be well worth it. I mean, I don't look like a dork or anything. I could easily pull off the "fratboy" look. My big problem is my shyness. When I can shake it I can be the life of the party but when I can't, I seem like a pathetic kid. Another thing is the fact that I'm a sophomore. Could that make me look bad? Plus i have no clue how much it costs.


New Member
Jan 10, 2009
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Did you ever join a frat in school?

I recently was inducted into the Sigma Pi fraternity at my school. Were you guys ever into fraternities?


Don Juan
Nov 9, 2006
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I'm only in HS but can you tell me what a frat is, i hear about it a lot and the internet just says it helps you do community service (which is BS)

what is it for? u get invited to a lot of parties and live in a dirty ass house? thats what i thought it was but i never really known for sure.

if its just ****ing STD ridden sorority sluts then it doesnt seem like its worth all the hazing?

The Bat

Master Don Juan
Dec 12, 2007
Reaction score
Yes, I did join a frat. I actually held tons of positions including Vice President in my last year.

Most of the social intelligence, interacting with girls, and "alpha" behavior I now have was picked up during my frat years. The frat was filled with so many naturals that the idea of an existence of a seduction forum seemed ridiculous to me at the time. However, I realized that majority of guys aren't as lucky and never got the chance to be in the presence of so many naturally masculine and dominant personalities.

The hazing part wasn't that big of a deal actually. My big brother was THE Man so nobody really messed with me. I remember in one instance, in order to get to know the other brothers well, we had to go clean their house. My big brother told me, "There is no fvcking way you're doing that $hit. You aren't their fvcking maid. If you want to get to know those guys, you take them out for lunch and some beer." The other new guys had to go clean the house, and lot of them actually didn't mind. It wasn't that big of a deal for them.

Once you get past the "hazing"...which isn't nearly as bad as it used to be back in the 60s or 70s, then a whole new world is opened up to you. I wasn't one of those douchebag backward hat wearing frat guys that high fived every other douchebag in vicinity and threw beer cans at dorky kids. Neither was I the stylish pompous a-hole with a trust fund who measured everybody by the size of their wallets.

Me and most of my brothers were guys who were in control of themselves. If it was time to party hard, then you bet your ass that that's exactly what we did. But if it was time to sit up straight and act sensible, then majority of us managed to do just that. And if it was time to study hard and work on a career goal, then majority of us out-did ourselves.

Point I'm trying to make is that we weren't like the frat portrayed in Animal House or Van Wilder or any mainstream media outlet. In fact, at most colleges you go to these days, you will find frats like my frat. It's just a matter of scoping out the right one and doing a little bit of research about the frat before you decide to get involved.

The party scene...oh want to talk about social proof? The ugliest guy in our frat got laid like a rockstar mostly because he was part of a well known and well respected fraternity. Seems shallow? Maybe but think about the broader implications. You INSTANTLY lose desperation, one-itis, and chumpness SIMPLY because you face the FACTS that you have so many options EVEN if you have 0 game.

Now some folks will argue that the quality of women who are attracted to frat guys is low. To which I will refute that there is no such thing as a "quality woman". ESPECIALLY in college. Yes, you have your infected skanks who will bone a homeless guy but those are very "famous" and most of your brothers will steer you clear of them. As in, "Who, Sheri? Yeah dude she is a big skank...I wouldn't hit it unless you want some STDs.." Even as a joke, it was a no-no to let a new guy hook up with a known STD-infected skank. It just isn't worth it. I'd rather let a new guy hook up with some transvestite as a joke. Now THAT would be hilarious. :crackup:

And it goes without saying that you are invited to TONS of parties every weekend. And when you are in a frat, your definition of weekend is modifiable. You can consider the ENTIRE week a weekend...and you are guaranteed to find something (or someone lol) to do the whole week if you choose to. You not only have tons of options with amount of women you want to see, but also with amount of people that you just want to meet and network with.

Aside from living in a dorm on campus, joining a well-respected and well-known fraternity is the next best thing a college guy can do. Note that I said well-respected and don't want to join a shady or "loser" fraternity.

So make sure that if you decide to join a fraternity, you do your research of the fraternity ahead of time.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 4, 2008
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So, are the frats that are portrayed in movies and sh!t anything like the real thing? With crazy parties all the time? From what I have heard, it's not even like that. And just how much do Frat guys really get laid?

The Bat

Master Don Juan
Dec 12, 2007
Reaction score
Drewskie said:
So, are the frats that are portrayed in movies and sh!t anything like the real thing? With crazy parties all the time? From what I have heard, it's not even like that. And just how much do Frat guys really get laid?
The party scene really depends on the size of your campus and the type of your frat. If your campus is huge, then the parties will be wild and crazy. But if your frat is low-key, then their parties, even on a big campus, won't be THAT crazy and wild.

Now, if your campus is small, then the parties won't be crazy and wild UNLESS your frat is a popular frat. See what I mean?

There are so many variables that, as I mentioned in my last post, you have to really scope out and research the frat you want to join.

As far as frat guys getting laid...again that depends not only on the type of frat you are in, but also on the type of game you have and your "willingness" to get laid.

If you've been reading SS for awhile, you're bound to have *some* game unless you are a massive keyboard jockey. With this type of game and the right type of frat, you are bound to get laid almost every weekend.

Unless of course you were one of these "good guys" and didn't want to score random hot piece of ass and wanted to instead look for a "quality" woman or whatever...then you aren't getting laid like a rockstar.

I should also mention that frats like the one I was in just don't take *everybody*. Meaning if you look like a homeless guy who doesn't take care of himself, we wouldn't have let you in. But if you are a normal looking kid who has a good sense of basic hygiene and isn't TOO obnoxious or retarded, then you're game.