Should i go for this?


Don Juan
May 9, 2011
Reaction score
Hey guys so there's this flirty girl in my one class. I'm a sophomore and shes a junior, both hs. So she used to be more flirty with me and stuff, but I was so AFC that I didn't think anything of it and never acted on it. Well, class is all female but me, dont know why. And I had to help her write names and she read them to me. I decided I was try out some kino on her. I starting running my forearm on her thigh every time I wrote something down. She seemed to respond well and even turned her leg when I came back to where it would be easier to touch. Well, as time progressed I even just start resting my hand right on her upper thigh (she's in really short shorts). So I had to kinda conceal this hard on I was getting, but wasn't to big a deal. I kept this up for about half and hour and I think there was some sexual tension. I want to follow this up with more, but shes got a bf and stuff so what can I do to make her want to fvck me without worrying about him.


ps we've only got 5 days left in that class til schools out so I gotta act soon


Don Juan
May 9, 2011
Reaction score
Okay, so this is just a new chick.

I was on facebook, this chick had a status about "like status and I'll rate 1-10."

She responded to my like in 10 seconds no joke with an 8. So should I follow up on this with something?

She's a freshman slutty chick at my school that I'd tap, but I don't see her that often.

Advice for either or both chicks would be great, thank.


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2005
Reaction score
I read your second post and I thought it was some one else mocking you until I noticed that both of them were you.

on the internet women are like weird as crap , they play social networking like men play videogames , she knows if she rates you a 2 you wont like her comments again , and if she rates you a 10 you will bug her , so she gave a 8 , n her response don't mean anything , I respond instantly a lot of the time on websites , even tho i know i shouldn't i just have nothing to do lol