step 1:
read the DJ Bible:
step 2:
shut up, and go for it.
step 2 alt. :
If your a newbie to the whole "getting girls" thing, go and have fun and don't bother trying if you are not confident enough. You will only embarrass yourself.
Because from what you just told me:
-you havent seen her for a long time
-she never liked you before
-your a newbie and only has one goal: to kiss her
im not the greatest at math, but this adds up to a failure and a follow up post titled:
step 3
after what ever happened that night, do yourself a favor and print off/save a copy of the DJ bootcamp (located on same page as DJ bible) and try it out.
so that one day, you will look back and laugh at how unconfident you were, that you needed to ask if you should go in for a kiss.