should I call her out on her behavior or let it pass?


Master Don Juan
Aug 1, 2013
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So I recently started dating this chick... seems like a good girl.. so far no major red flags popping up with her, and she is no attention *****.. and the sex is fuking crazy! !

Problem is.. on a few occasions she has called me 'small'

I am 5ft7.. not a very tall guy, but I workout alot and have got a pretty solid build...

I have big arms, shoulders, and chest.. but I lack some hieght.. have a somewhat baby face too lol

She has called me small on atleast 3 or 4 occasions and its starting to pizz me off!

She does it in a jokey manner, so I have held back from pulling her on it..

How do i deal with this?

Do I call her something back.. seems pointless tic for tac

Or call her out.. and let her know, that I dont appreciate her calling me that?

I don't want to come across as bieng insecure about my size tho... I, m not actually insecure, i am quite happy with my build.. but her saying it, feels disrespectful

Also i dont want to go down the beta route with this chick.. I want her to realise I wont be taken for a ride.. and will not put up with disrespect or bad behaviour. .

Advice needed guys


Don Juan
Feb 1, 2015
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As in a small **** or a small guy? If small guy just let it go...women don't understand that **** like that can get to us (I am 5'10 and been called that) I think they think anything under 6'1 is "small" dumb *****es.

Anyway, don't let it get to you as it could be used against you when you least expect it


Master Don Juan
Aug 1, 2013
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This is the thing.. if I get all angry or pizzed off, she will see me as bieng butt hurt or insecure?

Then again, I dont want her to get the impression she can say what she wants and get away with it..

Something along the lines off.. yes I am.. and your a big girl?. We make a good match

This might shut her ass up

El Payaso

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2014
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My girlfriend used to always neg me about not being tall. I would always ignore it until one day, I looked her dead in the eye and responded with "Well, you're fat so we even it out".

She just stood there in shook like she couldn't believe I said that. She knew she couldn't accuse me of being mean or anything because she knew she was in the wrong.

She never called me short again.

Try doing the same. Even if she's not fat, point out something else on her that you know she's very insecure about.

If she gets angry, don't go beta or scared.

Part of the reason why you're confused is you're scared of how she will perceive you or if she will get upset at you. You have to be willing and ready to throw her curb side at any time.


Master Don Juan
Dec 31, 2011
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some replies are a bit silly in my opinion.

Considering that you banged her already, if she says, or does, something that annoys you, YOU TELL HER.
What is that sh-it about 'oh no...if I do x she will think I am insecure!!'?

If she messes with you, you mess with her, or you tell her: "stop that crap you silly". Nothing insecure about it.
She is just acting like a retarded b-itch so you call her out. Just say it ONCE, and if she is interested in you, she will stop it. If she gets offended or keeps doing it...well, she is not that into you and she is a disrespectful b-itch.

I really do not understand why so many guys here are afraid to act like a man: direct, strong, congruent etc. If a woman disrespects you, or anyone, you do something about it.

If you're with a girl you haven't banged yet and you call her out on her sh-it, well, she may get offended and she may stop seing you, but hey, she was a stupid b-itch anyway. However, if you want to accept some disrespect and get the sex...up to you.


Don Juan
Feb 3, 2015
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Parts unkown.
She's dissing you. Don't let her diss you. Just because she has a p***y, don't reduce yourself to one. It's actually bullying, what she's doing. Put a stop to it in the same manner that it is delivered.

How she reacts to a dose of her own medicine determines whether or not you FG her through the uprights.

Dem s*** tests....


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2013
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Disrespect is a slippery slope.. call that b1tch on it.. and leave her if you have to. You don't need some puzzy making you feel bad..

Respect > All


Don Juan
Feb 2, 2015
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Planet Earth
soulforge said:
This is the thing.. if I get all angry or pizzed off, she will see me as bieng butt hurt or insecure?

Then again, I dont want her to get the impression she can say what she wants and get away with it..

Something along the lines off.. yes I am.. and your a big girl?. We make a good match

This might shut her ass up
She is just **** testing you to see if YOU are ok with being short (I call my wing short all the time and tell him he is a hobbit. He knows I am just ****ing with him so he doesn't care.)

She is not telling you that to SHOW DISRESPECT. Don't be the guy that is like "put the ***** in her place". Fck no. Turn the situation into a joke. I get called skinny all the time. Would I like to be more buff? Ofc but I am not. Don't let little things like that get to you.

As other said, you can jokingly say that she is fat or smth back to her. Make it fun, don't take it personally and understand that when you don't react to her **** test she will be MORE attracted to you.


Don Juan
Jan 28, 2015
Reaction score
Best response is to laugh about it, just embrace it that you're short. My response would be something like "Atleast I am not the one with a midget fetish" <- It being a joke. When you learn to not take stuff like that seriously, no one will be able to tip you over the edge. And that is what women try to do all the time, they want to know your triggers. When they've figured it out, they'll be able to control your emotions like a remote control.


Master Don Juan
Jul 2, 2012
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If you have the guts which you probably won't ..Tell her if she don't like it find another bf. I guarantee she won't call you small again


Master Don Juan
Sep 4, 2014
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"It's hard to fcuk somebody on a pedestal" - Chris Rock, TOP 5

Boy oh boy does that make sense to a DJ.

ok back to op.

I am 5'7 too, you know what else I am? 5'7 and AWWWESOMME!!

I've accepted my height, I love it!

You not addressing it immediately or like right now is you accepting her disrespect you. She did not forget she said it and neither have you so she's still disrespecting you till you address it.

It's better to be perceived as maybe insecure than for you to eat sheet.

If a girl says something disrespectful regardless of what it is, how would I respond?

I'll address it right away with "what did you say to me?" with a serious look.

It works every time, they see the look on my face and they get scared. I really do not fcuk with people that do not respect me and I respect me too much to accept disrespect.

I stop messing with a plate because she might have said something disrespectful to someone standing next to me though I didnt catch her exact words.

Next time I'm tearing that ass up, I'd make her do something really submissive then I'll bring it up, next time you talk to me like that, you wont be getting this dikc. Plain and Simple.


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2013
Reaction score
soulforge said:
I don't want to come across as bieng insecure about my size tho... I, m not actually insecure, i am quite happy with my build.. but her saying it, feels disrespectful
You're essentially saying "I'm insecure about my height, but HEY MAN, I'm REALLY NOT INSECURE!!!! DON'T YOU BELIEVE ME MAN??? I SWEAR!!!"

Little over dramatic, but you should get the point. You obviously don't like being called short and are super defensive about it. There is nothing to be defensive about though pal. You're 5'7....big fvcking deal. Quit being so butthurt and letting some woman's words hurt you.

It feels "disrespectful", because you don't like it. There is nothing "disrespectful" about it. That's why you say "it FEELS disrespectful".

My advice is don't play the tic for tac game. Trying to "shut her up" doesn't solve YOUR issue of being butthurt over comments dissing your height. Learn to TRULY not give a fvck. You are not there yet.....but actually I think you are headed in the right direction by attempting to claim it doesn't bother you.

HB: You're short.

TheException: Good thing I have a big d1ck then isn't it?

This^ is how to handle it.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 14, 2014
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United Kingdom
Funny to read Wgat some people have put

It's just a **** test
Means nothing

I'm only two inches taller Abd girls say I'm short

I couldn't give a fvck